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Everything posted by Delior

  1. @Graion Dilach: Out of curiosity, do you use EET master for your own personal builds? I'm still new at this and so I'm generally hesitant to use anything but official releases, but I couldn't help but notice that it has been a long time since the last EET official release and a lot of commits since then.
  2. Note that the mod called Skitia's NPCs is a BG2 mod that installs all of Skitia's current NPCs into BG2. It is EET compatible, but I've been told that it does not put those NPCs into BG1/SOD. If you want them there, you have to install each NPC's mod for BG1 (e.g., Emily for BG1, Recorder for BG1, etc.). I believe that Skitia is working on an all-in-one mod for BG1 similar to her BG2 mod, but it is not available yet. I also do not know how smooth or not the transition is for her NPCs between BG1/SOD and BG2 as I haven't used those NPCs yet myself.
  3. A few notes on this as I've been working on setting up a stable megamod EET installation myself the past few weeks: - I don't believe Revised Magic Battles and Enhanced Powergaming Scripts are fully compatible, at least not at the moment. My EPGS installation had errors when I tried installing it with RMB, and the EPGS readme notes compatibility with most of SD's mods, but not RMB. - My SCS installation threw out an error relating to attempting to modify the CRE file for Eldoth. I tried an installation with The Vanishing of Skie Silvershield removed and that time SCS installed without the Edloth CRE error, and so that mod may have compatibility issues with SCS, but I have no idea whether they cause significant issues in the game. - Lastly, I keep getting the error below every time I try to install the revised archer component from MIght and Guile. I have tried to figure out which other mod is causing the issue, but I haven't been albe to pinpoint it yet: ERROR: cannot convert slinger_code or %slinger_code% to an integer ERROR: [QD_MCT01.spl] -> [override/QD_MCT01.spl] Patching Failed (COPY) (Not_found) Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. ERROR Installing [Revised Archers], rolling back to previous state Will uninstall 84 files for [might_and_guile\might_and_guile.tp2] component 225. Uninstalled 84 files for [might_and_guile\might_and_guile.tp2] component 225. ERROR: Not_found Please make a backup of the file: Setup-might_and_guile.debug and look for support at: SubtleD Automatically Skipping [Revised Archers] because of error. Using Language [English] [.\lang\en_us\dialog.tlk] created, 487369 string entries NOT INSTALLED DUE TO ERRORS Revised Archers
  4. Perhaps it FEELS more OP than it actually is since that spell is only available to mages via a single scroll after the bandit camp boss fight, and IIRC even that was only added in the enhanced edition. It does alter the balance of early game battles with SCS installed, particularly against the many parties of assassins, although even in that case it doesn't make those fights easy per se since they still often have stoneskin and mirror image, for which spell thrust does nothing. Since it doesn't change the balance drastically, I did like the idea of moving it level 1 so that those of us who use SCS but refuse to do basilisk or other leveling cheese at least have something to throw at those pesky assassins instead of waiting for protections to expire, but having infinite uses of it still seems a bit OP to me.
  5. Hello, I installed the latest version of this mod from Github, and I selected the innate cantrips component and the component to move Spell Thrust to level one. I rolled a sorceror and upon preparing my first cantrip I was surprised to see Spell Thrust show up in the list. I am not sure if that was intentional or not (that seems OP to me FWIW), but in any event it did not work. If I selected to prepare spell thrust, it would just bring up the selection menu again until I picked something else. Drowse did work when I selected it.
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