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About sorbet

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  1. Based on a recent run (multiplayer including new BG players): it would be good if "Weapon Styles for All" revised class descriptions to remove the mention of x slots in y style(s). While not rendered technically incorrect by this component, the descriptions become misleading if relying on in-game documentation only.
  2. Firstly: I greatly appreciate the ideas introduced in this mod, and the time and effort spent putting it together! Mod context: EET + LeUI core ToF 404470 (rebalanced traps at low level) ToF 41000 (revised vanilla kits): only shapeshifter, jester, and assassin are set to 1 in dw_talents.ini Other mods were installed, but none that should affect this report. I can test further on a clean install if need be (and time allows). Issues noted: 1. Not all clastext.2da equivalents are updated in an EET context (details already covered in another thread). 2. The Set Snare descriptions were incorrect in my game. I was able to hotfix by changing these lines in rebalance_trap.2da: REPLACE_TEXTUALLY "^\(.*\)%level_one%.*" "\1%level_one_desc%%WNL%\1%level_six_desc%" to this: REPLACE_TEXTUALLY "^\(.*\)\b%level_one%.*" "%WNL%\1%level_one_desc%%WNL%\1%level_six_desc%" 3. Jester song does not seem to preserve immunity while deaf or the original song spellstate. Hotfix in kit_rebalance.tpa: m.ab_fx.delete{!(s_opcode=321 OR s_opcode=324)} to m.ab_fx.delete{!(s_opcode=324 OR s_opcode=321 OR s_opcode=318 OR s_opcode=328)} 4. Jester song description and readme say 'distracted' opponents suffer -2 to damage rolls, but the actual effect seems to be an undocumented -2 to saving throws (see line 769 in kit_rebalance.tpa). Hotfix: amend the description*. * I prefer the ST penalty. A simple -1 to Luck could be a flavorful, interesting alternative ("jinxed"?). 5. Shapeshifter werewolf forms don't have intended set AC. Hotfix in lib_shapeshift.tph (NB: this file exists in \shared_som and \lib; kit_rebalance.tpa reads from the former): PATCH_IF !ac=999 BEGIN to PATCH_IF !(ac=999) BEGIN Also applies to two patch blocks below. As an aside, I noted the opcode here appears to be incorrect (should be 54), but I did not test this. PATCH_IF !thac0=999 BEGIN LPF ADD_ITEM_EQEFFECT INT_VAR opcode=0 target=1 timing=2 parameter1=thac0 parameter2=1 END END 6. Shapeshifter greater+ werewolf forms lose regeneration. Not sure whether intended; as a hotfix I restored it by adding regeneration as a function parameter and the following block, following the same logic as the other effects (plus updated descriptions): LPF DELETE_EFFECT INT_VAR match_opcode=98 END PATCH_IF regeneration BEGIN LPF ADD_ITEM_EQEFFECT INT_VAR opcode=98 target=1 timing=2 parameter1=2 parameter2=3 END END
  3. Can confirm: tested on EET with LeUI core component. I noticed in-game (BG1 start) that some, but not all, class description strings had been updated by ToF. I found three relevant .2da in that context: bgclatxt.2da, sodcltxt.2da, and clastext.2da. Adding some (hotfix) code to ensure the string references were updated across them corrected the issue.
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