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Gibberling Poobah
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Posts posted by Mike1072

  1. Hi I can not get my validation email to get sent to me


    I am "Mac" allprolawn1975@yahoo.com Apparently something is going wrong can you help me I am unable to download mods from permission issue

    I check spam folder and everything

    I've manually validated you now.


    Might be easier to just fix the outliers.

    Hold on for a second. To *fix* something implies that it is broken. (just like in a recent discussion about *missing/broken* 10th colums for kits, this again may not be the case.)


    If there's a version of Garric that's missing his bio, that sounds like it might be broken. And if there are some non-joinable NPCs that have a bio, they don't need it. It could be removed from them before patching or they could be specifically excluded from the patch.


    My point was that fixing the few false positives/negatives that occur with this detection scheme may be simpler than combining it with some new criteria like leader sound (and having to deal with any false positives/negatives that it may have).

  3. You've obviously put a lot of work into this, but with all the changes jumbled together, it's an everything-or-nothing package, and we can't accept everything.

    You can release this instead of integrating the changes into IR, but I won't be recommending it, and development on IR will continue without these changes.

  4. I'd be much happier if you could contribute those changes to the main mod repository on GitHub via pull request, so they can be evaluated and accepted easier.


    Stuff like bugfixes can easily be approved. Tweaks and new additions may be approved if they sound good (Demi usually discusses those things in the forum in an attempt to arrive at a consensus). The 1PP changes you propose probably won't be approved - I'd rather fix the problems with 1PP customization than abandon it.

  5. It's not intentional, but it's unavoidable.


    Due to engine limitations, innate abilities and divine spells cast by arcane casters while wearing armor will also be affected by this change.

    At one point, to eliminate the unfairness, there was a version of this component that affected all classes, so the behaviour for divine casters would at least be consistent.

  6. The text in the .tra files hasn't changed between v3 and v6.


    The stuff in the .tp2 file dealing with languages has changed slightly (see details). If you had added a LANGUAGE block to the v3 .tp2 file and want to copy it over to the v6 .tp2 file, just make sure to modify it to match the other languages (removing the "wheels/tra/" prefix from the first line).


    BWS is using the Fixpack which, when it sees that you have also selected Spell Revisions, applies the most recent published revisions by kreso. The patches from the Fixpack also add EET compatibility which is missing from the package published by kreso on this thread, but will be included next time kreso updates the link here as I gave him the combined package.


    Basically: if you use BWS, you're getting exactly the same revisions as in this thread, automatically.


    The latest uploaded version is linked here - I can't edit Demi's posts.


    I added you as a moderator to this forum so you should be able to update the original post now.

  8. For your mods you should change the Linux installation notes in the readme. Using tolower in BGEE and BGEE2 breaks the game. This is because Beamdog unfortunately didn't lowercase their code on a case sensitive OS release and WEIDU only works with all lower case.

    There are 2 solutions i know of: use restoration scripts or mount the game to a special file system.


    http://askubuntu.com/questions/535999/lowercase-to-all-files-in-a-directory-expecting-to-undo-it-at-some-point/536012 (recursive option)

    If you'd be willing to write up clear and concise directions for Linux that address both original and EE games, we could update the template used for all G3 mods.


    A Markdown-formatted version of our current template is available here if you want to view and edit it directly.

  9. Thanks.


    The spoiler tags are still useful if people want to include text that isn't quite so big. They make it easier to read posts and they seem to provide better browser performance when scrolling through the page. They don't actually stop the data from being transmitted along with the rest of the page, though.

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