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Gibberling Poobah
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Posts posted by Mike1072

  1. I'll get back to you about the 1PP stuff, but I don't recommend installing 1PP after IR

    It probably is a stupid idea but if item_rev is changed not to copy any items (and only copy the relevant bams if 1pp is not already installed) but patch the items to create the necessary effects, would this problem with 1pp go away ?


    That's not going to happen, but if it did, it would only solve part of the problem and it would take more time than fixing things the regular way.


    The basic issue is this: 1PP changes lots of item icons and colours. IR was built on top of 1PPv2 (and the WIP v3, which added new shield and helmet animations). IR customized some of its items so that they have different icons, colours, and animations (to match IR changes to the items, to create matching armors sets, and to take advantage of new animations). 1PPv4 changes a lot of the things from 1PPv2, and it includes different shield and helmet animations than the WIP v3, plus some other new animations as well. So, to update IR to truly take advantage of 1PPv4, we basically have to do a comparison between 1PPv2->1PPv4 and 1PPv2->IR, and port over any changes from the v2->v4 update that supersede or don't conflict with the changes from the v2->IR update. Then maybe see if any of the new animations for weapons could be used in some way, or check if the 1PP components that assign them to items would work okay with IR.


    To do the comparison, I'm probably going to have to write a WeiDU mod to extract the item colours, animations, and icons for all of the IR items and get the output from each scenario (1PPv2, 1PPv4, IR). That's probably faster than attempting a manual comparison. But it's still a bunch of work which is why it hasn't been done yet.

  2. As an aside, here is my amended English item_descriptions.tra for Item Revisions' NORMAL (not my edited) stats. I kept copies of both for comparison. You can use a tool like WinMerge to see the differences quickly. I don't expect anybody to really use this, but it might be worth a gander if you're curious. There aren't really any major changes - it's mostly just about consistency and brevity of the special Equipped, Combat, and Special Abilities text in all of the items, and re-arranging and re-writing them to match an internal order.

    This sort of thing is always welcome. We'd love it if more people would provide description fixes or report typos. Nowadays, it's possible to contribute them directly through GitHub, too.


    I went through it all in WinMerge and incorporated a lot of the changes. I left out some of the style changes I wasn't keen on (swapping the Immune lines with Protects Against, adding unnecessary prefixes like Spell Memorization, conflating some specific spells with the more general effects, renaming the flavourful abilities) and some of the stuff I didn't want to touch without discussing with Demi (the ordering of abilities, summoned creature statistics).


    I did include these changes:

    • standardizing saving throw blocks
    • moving "(x per day)" from abilities row to the individual abilities for versatility
    • prioritizing "THAC0" and "AC" abbreviations over "attack rolls" and "armor class"
    • capitalizing dice info and spacing out bonuses (e.g. 1D4 + 1 not 1d4+1)
    • removing "points of damage" in favour of "damage"
    • removing "additional" qualifier on abilities providing bonus damage/THAC0 where obvious (note: there were many cases where it was not obvious how these interacted with regular THAC0 and damage, so those instances continue to use "additional")
    • two linebreaks between paragraphs in flavour text
    • Oxford comma for lists
    • more commas added to clarify messy sentences

    There were some numerical fixes included in the changes, which I added, but there were also some errors (since I suspect this was developed for an earlier version of the mod), which I left out.


    I incorporated a lot of the changes that served to fix some of the weird sentences in flavour text and ability descriptions, but I also tweaked a lot of them and fixed some other things that weren't included in your changes.


    I'll get back to you about the 1PP stuff, but I don't recommend installing 1PP after IR: you will definitely get some cases where your icons no longer match the item (e.g. bucklers that look like some other type of shield).

  3. It's a complicated issue. IR's changes are based on 1PPv2 (and v3), and a lot changed between 1PPv2 and 1PPv4. We've incorporated the 1PPv4 shields, but I don't think we are using the v4 helmets or paperdolls yet. That is probably the cause of any alignment issues. I think the new paperdolls can be included without any problems, but we'll have to analyze the helmet issue more carefully because not all of the WIP v3 helmets were included in 1PPv4. We haven't included any changes to icons or .itm files (colours and animations), because those need to be evaluated on an item-by-item basis.


    Right now, the installation instructions attempt to guide users so they get the IR changes (based on 1PPv2 and v3), plus the non-core content from 1PPv4.


    Bartimaeus, what you posted is a little worrisome - I don't know why you would be getting animations for bucklers when dealing with large shields. Can you confirm which 1PP components you installed and in what order relative to IR's main component?


    Salk, your reports are appreciated, but as I mentioned, it's complicated. Regarding your bg1looksfix mini-mod, there's a lot of code there that looks like it's from some version of 1PP, a bunch of icon changes (including items like belts and bracers), and some stuff that doesn't look like it has to do with appearance at all. It's hard to incorporate any of that into IR without a readme describing what exactly is being fixed.

  4. Please use my fork for downloading Tweaks Anthology vBeta 4 mod (previously known as BG2 Tweak Pack) instead of official repository for now.



    There were few changes needed in that mod and they still awaits for CamDawg to push them and release new version. No point in adding separate patch since the commits will be accepted for sure, considering the mod already supports EET natively.


    I've accepted your pull requests and released Tweaks Anthology Beta 5 with your changes and another bugfix. I don't think CamDawg will mind.

  5. On BGT, component 2150 of Tweaks Anthology still corrupts the dw#melri copies (C!PP29.ITM / CDPP29.ITM). I am not sure if it corrupts dw#melri.itm itself.


    This is using the latest v5 of Wheels of Prophecy, which modified the dw#melri.itm in an attempt to avoid this problem.

    I took a look, and this was a result of the Tweaks component not being able to handle items that had effects listed before abilities. I included a reindexing function and used it in this component so any items it encounters will have their abilities moved before their effects, hopefully negating the problem (in this component, at least).


    Feel free to include these changes in the BiG World Fixpack until a new version of the Tweaks Anthology is released.

  6. Bug report from SHS:

    IWDEE 1.4 (GOG)

    Component Enforce PnP Proficiency Rules on Dual-Classed Characters does not install.

    It chokes on kit 'dwarven_defender', probably because '25stweap.2da' does not have a matching entry.

    If I change entry 'default' to 'dwarven_defender' in '25stweap.2da', the component installs.

    There might be an issue with kit 'beastmaster' as well, because in 'clastext.2da' there is only rows called 'beast_master'/'fallen_beast_master'.

    Sorry, for posting here, gibberlings do not allow guest posting...


  7. This (old) macro is used by Divine Remix to alter a priest spell to an innate spell.


    // change regular spell to innate
    DEFINE_PATCH_MACRO ~spell_to_innate~ BEGIN
      READ_LONG  0x64 "abil_off" ELSE 0
      READ_SHORT 0x68 "abil_num" ELSE 0
      READ_ASCII ("%abil_off%" + 0x04) "bam" (8) // reads the bam filename from ability
      WRITE_SHORT 0x1C 4                         // sets spell type to innate (4)
      WRITE_LONG  0x34 1                         // sets spell level to 1 to avoid scripting issues
      WRITE_EVALUATED_ASCII 0x3A "%bam%" #8      // writes the bam filename from abilities to spell icon
      FOR ( index = 0 ; index < abil_num ; index = index + 1 ) BEGIN
        WRITE_SHORT ("%abil_off%" + 0x02 + (0x28 * "%index%")) 4 // changes ability icon location to innate (4)
        READ_SHORT  ("%abil_off%" + 0x12 + (0x28 * "%index%")) "speed" // reads casting speed
        PATCH_IF ("%speed%" > 3) BEGIN
          WRITE_SHORT  ("%abil_off%" + 0x12 + (0x28 * "%index%")) ("%speed%" - 2) // reduces casting speed
          WRITE_SHORT  ("%abil_off%" + 0x12 + (0x28 * "%index%")) 0 // makes instant

    You could use the macro in your mod or just follow the same steps when creating a custom spell using Near Infinity.



    EDIT: Step 2 achieved A note for everyone apparently BG2EE does NOT like "Û" in the kit name. i suspect it won't like other symbols and accents either

    Yes, your .tra files need to be converted to UTF-8 for BGEE. Download RealMod and follow what it does to automatically convert character sets for EE games. This is accomplished with the iconv folder (inside the languages directory) and the code listed in the ALWAYS block of the .tp2.

  8. The reason to prefer new mods ( not every mod but Tweaks from Cam deserves to be preferred without a blink of an eye) instead of old mods which was coded years ago is to encourage new moders to find better ways to achieve something (EET_Tweaks XP adjustment!) and actually for testing purposes - without selecting new mods as default, nobody would actually test anything. Now we identified a bug and the solution will come soon - I prefer this way instead of suddenly discover such bug after half year. Feedback is welcome and I'm open to suggestion about this matter.

    Apparently, some BWS users don't want to be playtesters.


    As the old saying almost goes, players want to play play play play play.

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