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Posts posted by Ankhesenpaaten

  1. I have the Edwin Romance installed. Does anyone else? It shut down as it should since I am playing Ajantis betrothed and now married, but Ajantis' talks outweighed Edwin's almost every time. I would hear Eddie's romance music and but never get the LT. This is now to the point that all I have left really is the Elven City and Edwin never did ask for the Nether Scroll. I know this isn't a game breaker but it was meant to be in there per Bioware (but of course Bioware did not anticipate a romance being made for him). Just a heads up. But I do have a larger install than I had anticipated so if others got the Nether Scroll Quest than just disregard my post, Jastey. And I have been to the cemetery with him several times and still he doesn't mention it at all.

  2. Jastey I have a nasty cold and don't feel good. So that means that I don't enjoy my games as much but today you made me laugh so hard I cried. I have to admit that I needed a good laugh so maybe the moment was just right. I won't spoil people who don't know but what happened to Ajantis in the Drow City just cracked me up. I felt bad for him later but when it first happened the idea was just too much and I just couldn't help but laugh and laugh until I cried and was almost choking.


    So thanks for a great mod and romance and for making this sick gal laugh. And laugh again later with the resolution of that particular problem. :crazyeyes:


    People please don't flame me. I'm not in my right mind at the moment.

  3. Senka: I don't figure Ajantis as the stay silent type. Especially not after he just suffered from a Wyrm's illusion.




    Definately. As the paladin he is and is continuously striving to be I think it would not be in his character to just let it drop. He'll beat himself up for awhile. It seemed quite realistic for me as I encountered those talks with him.

  4. Ankhesenpaaten: Why didn't you get the choice? Did you start with a save game in the Dungeon? If you started a new game, the choice should have been there, or your PC doesn't fulfill the romance criteria?

    If you install into a running game, there should be Squire Roman in the Order, in the Prelate's office. Walk straight in and talk to him before talking to anybody else, and you can trigger the romance path. Glad you enjoy it, btw.


    Gah! You're right. I didn't roll her before but after when I changed my mind and decided to play as a sorcerer. :crazyeyes:


    She was CN and that's why it didn't work. Oh well I guess that one's just screwed and I'll reroll another fighter. Sorry to bother.

  5. This is just for fun but I have a question. I have another character I had created just before I installed Ajantis and so did not get the choice in the Dungeon about choosing a path for him. Is there a way I can set the variable to get his romance even tho I don't have his ring and I am outside in the Promenade just after the cut scene?


    (Blushes) I'm enjoying him so much I want to "play" with him again and I had rolled a cool fighter. :crazyeyes:

  6. I am on the road to marriage at last! Thanks all. I only used the advance real time thing once and now all is well. I am letting things take their own course. This is a wonderful romance, Jastey so thanks! I cannot wait to see how it progresses from here.

  7. Shadowkeeper says Lovetalk 19 if I am looking at the right variable. I chose 30 min between talks and got him practically first thing but I am running out of things to do. I guess I can go to UD but don't know how many LT's I have left so don't want to miss any!

  8. Also I searched but came up with nothing but are you (Jastey) willing to say how to speed up the LT's once in awhile? I'm starting to run out of things to do and someone else said her Charname and Ajantis were married before going to the Underdark and that's about all I have left and I'm at a point where I haven't had his parents' news or a ring or anything.

  9. I'm currently playing Tutu again and romancing Ajantis. If you sleep with him for the first time, you get a morning after talk. I miss those talks in BG2. I know it's more difficult than in BG1, as there are several different occasions that could be the first time, but I'd really love to get some "feedback". It needn't be so specific, I just wish he would say something. I also think the wedding night should have a morning after talk, no matter what happens - it's a very special night after all (and maybe just this once, <Charname> could persuade Ajantis to rest a little longer? :crazyeyes:).



    I'm not that far yet but I agree. I would expect a morning after talk for them and a "rest" a little longer. It only makes sense. It is the culmination of a dream for them and to just seem like it was no big deal and "let's just march on" doesn't make sense to me.

  10. I've had this happen to me too. I just went to the Mithrist Inn to buy some dyes (Rupert the Dye Merchant) and Kivan used the Harper guy's line dimension doored out. I thought it was weird. Why couldn't he just wait outside the door of wherever you are? Anyway it isn't too bad as you can just reload the autosave after leaving Irenicus' dungeon.

  11. Ankhesenpaaten - well, she can go through the portal, just not everywhere.



    No, I cannot. It opens, has the description and closes before I can take any action whatsoever.


    However, if no-one else is having this trouble than it is likely my mods installation so no biggie.

  12. Spoiler -















    It struck me as strange that when the PC drops the golden globe for the first time the portal opens and then closes. That part is fine, but it is odd that when she tells the priest that she says she "doesn't WANT to go thru the portal" and wants what is on the other side brought out. Well, really, she CAN'T go thru the portal. Why doesn't she say "I cannot enter that portal for some reason, so could you try to bring what is on the other side out?"


    It just seemed weird. But it is so great to have Ajantis back!

  13. Can someone please tell me which dialog option wiith Immy to choose for a new romance? Either of the two that don't mention engaged seem like they could be rejecting the new and I don't want to pick the wrong one. Please! I'm desperate to play with him. : )


    Edit - sorry. I was able to find the readme (I'm no good at files and such in my pc) and got the choice I need.)

  14. A "knock" spell opens the safe and you don't even need to do Edwin's quests at all. As for the Talos necklace I usually have a thief who steal everything he can (Yoshi) and how about if HE steals the necklace while the priestess is asleep and you don't have Ajantis in your party at the time? Or if he is outside? Or sometimes, if Charname sees Mae Var alone and leaves her/his party upstairs the others act as if they don't know what's up. Others do. Does Ajantis?


    I haven't installed him yet because I'm hoping to be able to install Faren beta but have received no reply from Miss Sakaki. I want my new install as stable as possible.

  15. Hooray for more progress! Thanks for the update BigRob. Off the top of your head how many more NPC banters (or should that be NPC's banters?) are there for you to do? I will CERTAINLY be here for Aklon and I have zero doubt that the wait will be well worth it.

  16. Yes long is good especially as Amber is always worth listening and talking to. I've almost finished with her romance and am loving every bit of it. But I hope Tob isn't TOO dark. I hope she can see the light at the end of the tunnel with each of the Five who fall. But we'll have to wait and see!

  17. I don't recall much of BG1 to be honest because I had played it again a few months ago after years and I played it for the Xan and Ajantis romance and especially for Gavin. I don't recall those points that you all do but I'm sure you are right.

    As for Angelo I am just enjoying the mod romance for what it is. I really like it a LOT and he is loads of fun. He makes me laugh as much as Eddie does at times and his romance is touching. I just reached his "temporary leave" in Saradush and the surprise is soooo sweet and amazing.

    I guess I play mainly for the romance and fun and leave the details to all you smarter players out there. Kudos to you all!

    I'll be keeping Angelo around for quite some time to come methinks. :p

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