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Posts posted by lynx

  1. GemRB has to support eight different engines, so don't worry about some warnings and errors in the log, they are to be expected just from the game differences.

    But it would be interesting to see your tooltip.2da, just as an example. Looks like one mod was lazy when rewriting a lot of your tables.

    For the helmet and banter timer thing (sounds like you are getting bg1-style, that is random, banters), please file a bug.


    [EffectQueue/WARNING]: Couldn't assign effect: stat:setstat
    [EffectQueue/WARNING]: Couldn't assign effect: usability:itemusability

    This is the only truly interesting thing from the log. These two are tobex opcodes and we only implement the first one now, so I'd expect only the second warning. But upon looking at the code, I see we weren't registering the first, which I'll fix promptly. Maybe I'll go implement the other as well, it's early in the day. What you need to know is that this is just the engine talking to itself, the warning is not saying any one item is actually using these effects.

  2. I never tried, but I imagine it would error out immediately due to the different dialog.tlk location. If you solve that, probably no gui will be displayed, as I doubt the old assets were preserved, including their code. And we don't support the new file formats yet any way.

    How hard is it to contribute? That depends on your skill, what you want to work on, how well it is understood and sometimes how well you know the games. Some of the needed work does not require programming.

    On the opposite front: some of the effects just need to be moved from the iwd-specific list, some effects, triggers and actions are missing (all relatively well self-contained and in that sense easier) and there are a few flag bit differences here and there still to implement, which is also potentially simple. More advanced, but also much more consequential would be things like adding PVRZ support, which is also a nicely self-contained task, as we have "importer" plugins for each file type. All the existing implementations make the task even easier.

  3. This was added 17 years ago, so the info is unrelated to ToBEx. :) Could be a reverse-engineering mistake.

    What I think it refers to is the scripted modal actions, not the GUI triggered ones (though internally I'm pretty sure they share the code). The example given does not make much sense though, since all these actions are blocking and I don't know of any other way to set a modal state. So you'd have to use ActionOverride which then kills the previous action anyway.

      RESPONSE #100


  4. Did you try with plain EquipItem?

    Anyway, did we just find some bugs in the original — two original scripts still use SLOT_WEAPON0, so unless they added an internal translation, these shouldn't work properly:


      HasItem("00swdL02",Myself)  // ~Masterwork Longsword~
      RESPONSE #100




  5. Since none of the regular contributors have any relevant hardware, I'm afraid it's up to other, yet unknown contributors. The stuff in the screenshot makes it look like GLES3 has changes in its shader API/language, so perhaps the fix is easier than it seems. But I'm not a graphics guy at all.

  6. I can confirm most of that. Our code also says:

    - LeaderOf returns the actor others are following, so I guess the party formation is important

    - GroupOf supposedly returns everyone with the same specifics stat

    - I think LastSeen can also be set by some movement actions (MoveToObjectUntilSee)

    - LastMarked also by AttackedBy, trap triggering and travel regions, CreateCreature actions (easily testable with mounted goblins in iwd2)


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