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Posts posted by argent77

  1. Removing READLN completely and using .ini files or a similar approach might be acceptable for a mod manager. But at the same time it will pose an unacceptable obstacle for players who want to install mods manually (which I usually do). Moreover, WeiDU can be used for all kinds of applications. I'm using it a lot internally, e.g. as debugging tool or to get something done quickly. READLN is a good (and currently only) method to add some kind of interaction to the installation procedure.

    Apart from that, I'm using READLN sparingly in my mods, and only in situations where it doesn't make sense to provide any kind of presets or default values. None of these components are crucial parts of the mod, and may be omitted in a mod manager.

  2. We are happy to announce that NPC Interaction Expansion Project (IEP), a grand endeavour to uplift non-romancing relationships with Bioware NPCs to the high quality standards set by modern mods in regard of depth and complexity, has been expanded once again now adding Valygar to its fold.

    An old La'Valygar project got revived, enhanced, edited and renamed by fluke13, Lava Del'Vortel and Jastey, turning into a full-fledged Valygar Friendship.

    With this mod installed, you should be able to experience up to 12 dialogues in SoA and up to 5 dialogues in ToB. Note that the mod has changed greatly when compared to its previous incarnation. The most prominent changes from La'Valygar project are additional proofreading and editing, new talks, and improvements to the old ones.


  3. 2) It seems the "protagonist can die" component of EET Tweaks doesn´t work since the 2.5 patch (or maybe i´m doing something wrong with my bws installation). Is there another mod that lets you continue playing while at least one party member is alive?

    That appears to be a bug in the latest BG:EE 2.5 patch. The same tweak seems to work correctly in BG2:EE though, so you could install EET to play the BG1 part with this tweak.

  4. Pure 32-bit Windows installations are rare, but still available (even for Windows 10). Except for specific mods (such as SCS) it is safe to ship mods only with 32-bit WeiDU binaries for Windows.

    Btw, DLC Merger doesn't require a 64-bit binary to merge SoD. It is only recommended if multiple user-created DLCs (e.g. made by the DLC Builder) have to be merged with the game.

  5. Any clue about the weapprofs.2da problem? This is the tp2 snippet

    /////                                                  \\\\\
    ///// IWD Weapon profs without weapon styles           \\\\\
    /////                                                  \\\\\
    BEGIN @216400 DESIGNATED 2164
    GROUP @9
    REQUIRE_PREDICATE NOT GAME_IS ~bg1 totsc iwd how totlm iwd2 pst pstee~ @25
    SUBCOMPONENT @216006
    OUTER_SET "tb#tutu_realloc_style" = 1
    INCLUDE ~cdtweaks/lib/profs_common.tpa~
    INCLUDE ~cdtweaks/lib/iwd_style_profs.tpa~
    I've attached the two referenced tpa files. Maybe the code in them doesn't play well with Win1251 encoding?


    I can see nothing out of the ordinary with that component in my game. Maybe it's triggered only in combination with other mods?

  6. I think I can solve that mystery. NUMWSLOT.2DA in IWD:EE uses Windows-style line breaks, which WeiDU's regexp interpreter doesn't cover when checking for line endings ($).

    To fix it, open setup-cdtweaks.tp2, go to the component's script section (around line 12290 in v5) and replace the line

    REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~\([ %TAB%]+\)[123][ %TAB%]*$~ ~\14~


    REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~\([ %TAB%]+\)[123][ %TAB%%MNL%]*$~ ~\14~
  7. Thank you, that's very insightful. And it also explains why the effect doesn't work as expected. I'm trying to apply opcode 187 (Set local variable) via 177. No matter how I set up parameters, the effect is always applied directly with fixed timing mode 9 and all parent resource info cleared. Looks like I have no choice but to add another opcode 187 instance to the removal spell to reset the global.

  8. Enhanced Edition games provide the very useful effect opcode 321 (Remove effects by resource) to remove selected spell effects from a creature. Sadly, the original BG2 engine doesn't provide such a feature.

    However, it is possible to exploit opcodes 220 (Remove effects by school) or 221 (Remove effects by secondary type) to accomplish a similar effect if you use a custom school (via mschool.2da) or secondary type (via msectype.2da) for the spell effects. These two opcodes are available to both BG2 and EE engine, but have the ugly side effect of printing a message to the game log, regardless of whether a message is defined or not.

    Is it possible to suppress this feedback somehow? Or are there other/better options available to accomplish the same effect as the methods above?

    Bonus question: Is it possible to preserve the secondary type of an EFF resource (or inherit it from parent spell) applied via opcode 177?

  9. Order of parameter types for both DEFINE_(ACTION|PATCH)_FUNCTION and LAUNCH_(ACTION|PATCH)_FUNCTION is fixed at INT_VAR -> STR_VAR -> RET -> RET_ARRAY. Changing order will trigger a syntax error. See WeiDU Documentation for more details.


    Edit: You can specify the parameters themselves within a section in any order though.

  10. I've noticed these and other issues as well.

    The installation process complains about string @14 not being available, but still installs successfully.

    When choosing the Geomantic Sorcerer kit at character creation, the game crashes when you accept the kit selection in IWD:EE (v2.5). In BG:EE and BG2:EE (both v2.5) the game crashes when you proceed to spell selection during character creation (at different spell levels though).

  11. The override folder of the Steam version contains the fixed STATES.BAM and STATES2.BAM (probably a last minute fix that didn't find its way into the Beamdog version) as well as a WAV file.

    MOS is indeed mainly area minimaps. The BMP section contains additional item description images. But since Beamdog reverted from description BMPs back to BAMs a long time ago, this shouldn't matter either.

    All in all it seems to be mainly leftover files in the Steam version.

  12. Hope it doesn't mean that there are now differences between different versions of BG:EE+SoD in different stores :( Latest EET version is based on Beamdog store distribution.


    I can't say if there are functional differences between the distribution versions, but there are definitely content-related differences. According to NI, my Beamdog version of BG:EE+SoD contains 54637 files and my Steam version contains 55877 files. That's a difference of 1240 files. I don't have access to the GOG version.


    I have attached screenshots of the resource tree overview from NI of both distribution versions for comparison:


    Beamdog / Steam

    post-3876-0-32469800-1535319990_thumb.png post-3876-0-33430600-1535319994_thumb.png




  13. Test Your Mettle! is a mod for BG2:EE and EET that provides you with a unique dungeon crawling experience.

    The mod starts in the Planar Sphere in Athkatla's Slums and allows you to take part in an adventure that has been tailor-made for the intrepid adventurer. You have the opportunity to meet exotic races, uncover a devious plot, or simply enjoy battle with an endless stream of monsters.

    Download: SHS, GitHub


    IIRC the tool itself has also some issues on macOS (unless they have fixed it by now).

    I'd like to report this issue on their forum -----> What do you think I should include in the bug report (Will your WeiDU wrapper be enough)?


    I wouldn't include the WeiDU wrapper at all. It is just a convenience option to save you from running the tool at the command line directly. It's more likely they reject your bug report outright because it involves a second layer of execution.


    You should prepare a simple repro case which involves a direct call of the tool. The general syntax as used by the WeiDU wrapper is this:

    /path/to/PVRTexToolCLI -i "input_file.PVR" -o "output_file.PVR" -f PVRTC1_4,UBN,lRGB -potcanvas + -squarecanvas +

    Replace "input_file.PVR" by the PVR file you have prepared to be converted. "output_file.PVR" is produced by the conversion process. The -f parameter defines the output format. The remaining parameters ensure that the resulting texture is always squared and a power of 2.


    You can export PVRZ to a PVR file with NI (Export -> as PVR (uncompressed). You can also convert a PVR back into PVRZ with NI: Tools -> Convert -> Image to PVRZ. These steps are not needed for the repro case though.

  15. I'd like to try it on a Linux VM. Could you provide me with instructions on how to install WeiDU mods on that system? If I am not mistaken, it's a real PITA :( ......

    It's even more than that.


    My experience with WeiDU on Linux is limited though. Afaik, you need to lowercase the whole game installation to make WeiDU usable. But that may cause trouble with EE games. To work around this limitation you can install the game on a case-insensitive filesystem. Many Linux users seem to use ciopfs for that. I have only tested it with games installed on a partition formatted by JFS with OS/2 compatibility mode (which disables case-sensitivity). Both options should work as long as the mod doesn't use paths that point to files in your case-sensitive filesystem.

  16. Afaaq, the Djinni Companion is a mod for BG2, BGT, BG2:EE, EET and IWD:EE. It features the djinni Afaaq, a unique travelling companion who joins the party as your "seventh party member" and provides interesting dialogs, lots of quests and several new areas or area expansions.


    Changes in v2.6:

    • Added banters for Imoen.
    • Added banters for Viconia.
    • Added banters and an 'event' for Edwin.
    • Added crossmod content with Golem Construction: New Wish options.
    • Fixed conditions to improve triggering Afaaq's Underdark quest.
    • Fixed "Converse" button label in IWD:EE.
    • Fixed installation errors under specific conditions.
    • Fixed various minor bugs.
    • Fixed spelling errors.



    'Radius' most likely scales to search units, which roughly translates to 16 pixels horizontally and 12 pixels vertically per unit.


    just to be sure that I understand this correctly - the range in the example I've shown would be 8 (8.333 rounded down), is that right? (radius calculated like in the above mentioned formula but using rectangle length divided by 16 and rectangle height divided by 12)


    Radius would be 4.1666 (rounded down to 4). You forgot to divide by 2.

  18. I've tried a test installation of EET 10.3 on a Linux VM. It worked, but I found one EET-specific issue in EET_end:

    /bin/sh: 1: ./eet/weidu_unix: not found

    It's printed pretty much at the end of the installation procedure.

    Another issue is probably WeiDU-specific, but I have to test it further to be certain. You cannot specify an absolute path to the BGEE+SoD installation. Using relative paths works though.

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