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Posts posted by argent77

  1. Spellhold Studios

    Skip Chateau Irenicus

    This is a mod for classic BG2, BG2:EE and EET that allows you skip all the boring details of Chateau Irenicus without losing potential equipment and items.

    Version 3.1 provides Russian translation and fixes several bugs. You can grab the latest release from the download links below.


  2. For animations that are already defined by INI file stubs all you have to do is to provide the missing BAM and WAV files. The INI filenames are identical to their hexadecimal slot numbers listed in ANIMATE.IDS, e.g. BEETLE_BORING animation with slot number 0xE200 is defined in E200.INI.

    The WAV files are all referenced verbatim in the INI files, so you can look for them directly in IWD:EE. The BAM files are referenced by their respective animation prefix, which usually includes some 20 files. For example E200.INI (Boring Beetle) refers to "MBET" which includes MBETA1, MBETA1E, MBETCA, MBETCAE, MBETDE, MBETDEE, MBETGH, MBETGHE, MBETGU, MBETGUE, MBETSC, MBETSCE, MBETSD, MBETSDE, MBETSL, MBETSLE, MBETSP, MBETSPE, MBETTW, MBETTWE, MBETWK and MBETWKE.

    The suffix for type E000 animations indicates the various creature actions (A1=Attack variant 1, CA: spellcasting-related, DE: dead, GH: get hurt, GU: get up, SC: stance, SD: stand, SL: sleep, SP: spellcasting-related, TW: twitch, WK: walk, and their respective eastern directions specified by the 'E' suffix).


  3. Yes, replace MY_ITEM by the resref (filename without extension) of your item.

    Installation order is irrelevant, since tooltip.2da doesn't really depend on any other resources. Entry position within the table is irrelevant, too.

    Each column of tooltip.2da corresponds to their respective ability entry in the ITM resource (first column references first ability entry, and so on). And it doesn't matter whether the ability defines a combat mode (e.g. ranged, melee) or a charged ability via "Use Item" button. Up to three ability entries can be named. More named abilities are possible, but require additional effort.

  4. These labels can be defined in tooltip.2da.

    The WeiDU code could look like this:

    COPY_EXISTING ~tooltip.2da~ ~override~
      COUNT_2DA_COLS num_cols
      COUNT_2DA_ROWS num_cols num_rows
      INSERT_2DA_ROW num_rows num_cols ~MY_ITEM  15527  15529  -1~

    This code snippet will apply the existing game strings "Thrown" and "Melee" to the item "MY_ITEM".

    Alternatively, if you want to provide your own strings for "Thrown" and "Melee":

    COPY_EXISTING ~tooltip.2da~ ~override~
      COUNT_2DA_COLS num_cols
      COUNT_2DA_ROWS num_cols num_rows
      SET thrown_strref = RESOLVE_STR_REF(~Ranged~)
      SET melee_strref = RESOLVE_STR_REF(~Close-combat~)
      INSERT_2DA_ROW num_rows num_cols ~MY_ITEM  %thrown_strref%  %melee_strref%  -1~

    This code snippet will apply the custom strings "Ranged" and "Close-combat" to the item's thrown and melee abilities.

  5. 48 minutes ago, Ulb said:


    I can't really find any options that would suggest there is additional content with questpack/ub/golems? What exactly am I missing here?

    Regarding the improved AI for spell casters in Golem Construction, do you foresee any issues when installing it together with SCS?

    I haven't included Golem Construction compatibility in the Djinni Companion readme yet (will do soon). The other mods are mentioned in the compatibility section of the readme.

    I rarely play with SCS, so I can't say for certain what issues may occur. But it's likely that SCS simply overwrites the original combat scripts.

  6. I like the idea of having a choice. However, instead of an artificial dialog option or setting a game variable, maybe the protagonist him/herself should be a deciding factor how the situation plays out. It would feel more naturally to me. I thought of something like this:


    Imoen is taken by the Cowled just like in the unmodded game. The cutscene about the Cowled's trial is played similar like in the unmodded game, but with a slight change in wording that suggests Imoen's involvement is reviewed more thoroughly in a later trial (plus adapted journal entry).

    After the party meets Gaelen they must make their way to the Government District and negotiate a deal with the Cowled representative to arrange the release of Imoen. The conditions of the deal are open for discussion, although it shouldn't involve money (at least not paying up front), since the party starts out pretty much buck-naked.

    The opportunity to have Imoen released should vanish when the party decides to leave Athkatla or by taking too much time to visit the Cowleds. Maybe another short cutscene is triggered when Imoen is finally sent to Spellhold. If the player pays Gaelen or Bodhi before the time is up, both cutscenes (Imoen being sent to Spellhold and the official cutscene where Irenicus takes control of Spellhold) could be played in sequence.

    I don't know how feasible it would be to implement this idea though, as it would involve quite a bit of work.


  7. @Ulb I'd recommend to install the Djinni Companion after QuestPack, Unfinished Business and Golem Construction, so the mod can take advantage of the additional content. (Although the current order works fine in your specific case, since you leave out the relevant mod components.)

  8. Spellhold Studios

    Convenient Enhanced Edition NPCs

    Formerly known as "Disable Enhanced Edition NPCs", this mod has been greatly expanded to allow you to tweak many more aspects of the new Beamdog NPCs for BG:EE, SoD and BG2:EE.

    In addition to making NPCs passive or removing them completely, it is now possible to improve their portraits as well as customize their classes and/or kits to whatever you desire.

    You can grab the latest release from the download links below.


  9. Spellhold Studios

    Afaaq, the Djinni Companion

    Afaaq, the Djinni Companion is a mod for BG2, BGT, BG2:EE, EET and IWD:EE. It features the djinni Afaaq, a unique travelling companion who joins the party as your "seventh party member" and provides interesting dialogs, lots of quests and several new areas or area expansions.

    Version 2.7 adds a number of quest improvements, fixes several bugs and adds compatibility with jastey's mod "Imoen 4 Ever".

    You can grab the latest release from the download links below.


  10. Improved Archer Kit

    This mod makes an attempt to rebalance the Archer kit. It adjusts overall power and adds several unique skills and abilities to the kit.

    Version 3.0 provides Archer-like kits for the fighter, paladin and thief classes with their own strengths and weaknesses and fixes a couple of bugs. The full changelog can be found in the Readme.

    You can grab the latest release from the download links below.


  11. Spellhold Studios

    Reveal Hidden Gameplay Options

    This is a mod for all Enhanced Edition games that adds a great number of useful options directly to the game's options menu. These options include the (in)famous debug console, various convenience and graphics options and many more.

    Version 2.3 provides Russian translation and adds several new options to the game. You can grab the latest release from the download links below.


  12. Spellhold Studios

    Golem Construction for Spellcasters

    Golem Construction for Spellcasters is a mod for BG:EE, SoD, BG2:EE, EET and IWD:EE. It allows you to build a great variety of different kinds of golems and provides several more golem-related improvements.

    Version 6.0 adds the feature to upgrade your golems to a higher rank when they gained enough experience, as well as corresponding Wish options. Moreover it can now be installed on pure SoD installations on mobile devices and fixes a great number of bugs. The full changelog can be found in the Readme.

    You can grab the latest release from the download links below.


  13. Shader Pack: Lighting Adjustments for the Enhanced Editions

    The original games included options to set brightness and contrast. Sadly these options were removed from the Enhanced Editions (except for PST:EE).

    This mod provides a way to bring back the means to adjust brightness, contrast and gamma. Version 3.0 greatly expands the possibility to alter lighting and colorization by adding options to adjust color temperature as well as hue, saturation and lightness.

    You can grab the latest release from the download links below. Previews of all individual settings can be found in the readme linked below.


  14. @K4thos This EET function may fail on non-64-bit Windows systems:

      win32 BEGIN
    <<<<<<<< .../arch_var.bat
    @echo off
    if /i "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%"=="AMD64" goto AMD64
    if /i "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432%"=="AMD64" goto AMD64
    SET arch_var=x86
    goto OUT
    SET arch_var=amd64
    echo %arch_var% >arch_var.txt
        COPY ~.../arch_var.bat~ ~arch_var.bat~
        AT_NOW ~call arch_var.bat~
        ACTION_IF (FILE_CONTAINS_EVALUATED (~arch_var.txt~ ~amd64~)) BEGIN
          OUTER_SPRINT SYSTEM_ARCH ~amd64~
        DELETE + ~arch_var.txt~
      osx unix BEGIN
        AT_NOW ~echo $(uname -m) >arch_var.txt~
        ACTION_IF (FILE_CONTAINS_EVALUATED (~arch_var.txt~ ~x86_64~)) BEGIN
          OUTER_SPRINT SYSTEM_ARCH ~amd64~
        DELETE + ~arch_var.txt~


    Within the "win32" branch SYSTEM_ARCH is only set if an AMD64 system is detected. After the switch-case operation you're testing content of SYSTEM_ARCH for empty string, but that'll work only for initialized variables. Uninitialized variables will be treated as literal string content by WeiDU - %SYSTEM_ARCH% in this case. Use this code to check whether SYSTEM_ARCH is still uninitialized: ACTION_IF (NOT VARIABLE_IS_SET ~SYSTEM_ARCH~) BEGIN

    Btw, I'd suggest to delete arch_var.bat after the function call as well.

  15. Not quite.
    1. The "/czech" part from the tra_path parameter is not needed, since it's derived from the LANGUAGE directive.
    2. The "noconvert_array" parameter expects the array name, which is "noconvert" (just as outlined in my code snippet above).

    But from what I see you're trying to add or update a language for Ascension. In that case there is already a HANDLE_CHARSETS call defined somewhere in the script.

    Since HANDLE_CHARSETS treats tra files for every language equally you might have no choice but to follow the text encoding conventions defined for that mod. I'd suggest to contact the mod author or maintainer directly if you have trouble adding your translations to the mod.

  16. WeiDU's HANDLE_CHARSETS function allows you to exclude tra files from the conversion process. It's commonly used to exclude setup.tra, which contains only strings for the WeiDU installer. The code can be found in the mod's .tp2 script file.

    Let's take this code snippet as an example:

    ACTION_DEFINE_ARRAY noconvert BEGIN ~setup~ ~lines-ee~ END
        infer_charset = 1
        tra_path        = ~MyModFolder/languages~
        noconvert_array = ~noconvert~
        reload_array    = ~reload~

    The "noconvert" array contains all tra filenames (without .tra extension) which should be excluded from the conversion process. In this example the files setup.tra and lines-ee.tra will be excluded. You can add your own tra files to this array to have them excluded as well.

  17. Converting the files with Notepad++ may be complicated, since it converts from UTF-8 into the default ANSI codepage (whatever that is on your system). I'd suggest to use the command line tool 'iconv' instead (the same tool WeiDU calls internally).

    iconv binary can be found here: http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/libiconv.htm

    The syntax is:

    iconv -c -f utf-8 -t cp1250 sourcefile-in-utf8.tra >newfile-in-cp1250.tra


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