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Posts posted by Bartimaeus

  1. What? Did I not just confirm Wyrd's bug report that some helmets (erroneously) do not correctly avert critical hits even if that subcomponent is not installed? So that if you installed IRR without this subcomponent, some helms would not grant critical hit protection OR bonus AC. Did you check IRR's helmxx.itms to see if that was the case? Because I did, and I saw that some were incorrectly set (most likely my fault - second paragraph). I don't know for sure how it works with the EEs, but if you install ToBEx on a non-EE game (and I think most everybody does these days), Configurable Critical Hit Aversion=1 in TobExCore.ini is always defaulted to on. So...some helms would not be working correctly.

    My previous post was actually somewhat incorrect, though: I decided to take a look at ToBEx's explanation of its configurable critical hit aversion setting, and I was actually getting it backwards. Helms should not have the flag set if they give protection against critical hits, while all other types of items should if they do. So it was actually the opposite for IRR: most non-magical helms were giving protection against critical hits, while most magical helms were not. Whoops. V1.15b will be coming out shortly to rectify this issue.

  2. Seems to be a bug with the original IR that I never spotted, and seems to mostly (but not exclusively) affect non-magical helmets. Thanks. ...Although non-magical helmets don't grant AC without that component, so hilariously, most non-magical helmets were doing literally nothing this entire time if you weren't using that component. :p

    Interestingly, even though I do have that component installed, something has nevertheless re-enabled the "toggle critical protection" flag on all of my helms. I'll have to discover what.

  3. The current version of SR rather fubars the scroll allocation of some spells. I believe I mentioned this in my big "list of bugs/problems" for the current SR. The basic problem is that SR has too many spells and not enough vanilla scrolls, and it does not introduce new scrolls to make up for the difference. SRR restores a number of spells that were soft-disabled by making slightly better use of vanilla's scrolls, as well as introducing some new ones. I would not disable the use of spells based on whether or not they have a scroll (such as in Gate's or Summon Nishruu's cases), since SR actually still modifies/revises those spells...it's just that there is the temporary problem of them not properly having scrolls.

  4. Shapechange and Polymorph Self are such a pain - feel like I've tested them a billion times, and yet problems somehow keep cropping up with them. Can't do anything about the paperdoll, but I'll fix the others.


    (e): 1.00e released:

    1. Fixes Shapeshifts Natural Form not always changing back to...well, your natural form.

    2. Correctly enables all forms for Shapechange Self (note: the Alpha Wolfwere form is a little preliminary in terms of design - not my intent to upstage Shapeshifter's Greater Wolfwere form, and I was thinking of eventually creating a "Revised Shapeshifting" subcomponent for those of us who don't particularly like any of the various "fixed"/revised Shapeshifting components currently out there in terms of dealing with the actual powers granted by druids' shapeshifting abilities).

    3. The updated innate versions of Symbol of Fear/Death/Pain are now correctly installed (the files were previously in the wrong folder).

  5. Also, unless something is changed in Bartimaeus' versions , SR should always go after IR.

    The recommended install order, as far as I know, has always been to install SR before IR (and it's what the BWP/S does as well). That's why IR, Revised or not, has SR-specific stuff that's installed if it detects SR is installed (both in the main component and Store Revisions), and not the other way around. I've fixed (via patching) those sorts of sectype problems (petrification, slow, haste...) AFAIK. So non-Revised IR has some problems with those sectypes if you install it after SR, but it would have other inconsistencies if you install it afterwards, too. IRR, on the other hand, should definitely be installed after SR.

  6. >powerful but short duration


    That's an...interesting analysis. A few different effects here: 1. Frees imprisoned/mazed characters; 2. Temporarily protects against imprisonment/maze; 3. Free Action. The second effect, one person being immune to imprisonment/maze for a handful of rounds, sounds like it should be a level 1 spell a la Protection from Petrification, not a level 9 spell. Free Action is a level 4 cleric spell that has a duration of 1 turn/level - a few rounds of that is...pretty bad (I mean, if the protection against Imprisonment even does its job for your one character, you're probably not going to be concerned about other movement-limiting effects within the same timeframe anyways, right?), and also does not a level 9 spell make. If it were me, I would probably opt for 1 turn and affect the entire party (a sort of mass vocalize, except against imprisonment/maze instead of silence), or even everyone within the entire area if you want to make the concept of freeing all imprisoned characters - even hostile ones - consistent. Basically, would be a 1 turn freeze on imprisonment/maze effects. The reason it should be at least 30' party is spellcasters would just target non-Freedom-ed characters just as easily, which makes a single target protection against it rather useless...and it's a level 9 spell.


    @DavidW: Outside of a handful of exceptions, yes. SR definitely overwrites spin788, which it calls "Demilich Soul Trap", and I presume that's the same. I'm not sure HOW it modifies it, though - never looked at it.

  7. I'm not sure which approach I would favor, or possibly even both. Freedom is currently a pretty bad spell, very similar to Stone to Flesh, so it probably makes some sense to change it. Do you only provide protection against Imprisonment, though, or everything it currently breaks? For how long? One character or the entire party? And unfortunately, it's a level 9 spell, which means you can't really use it (unless you cast it from scroll?) in SoA against Imprisonment's most notable user, Kangaxx. So it might make sense to provide a saving throw anyways...which would probably be like -6?

  8. No saving throw allowed for Imprisonment, either, I'm pretty sure. I've always hated this spell. One of those rare cases where its use isn't that great for the player (with some exception), but is ridiculously punishing when the AI uses it.

  9. I don't think so...? (Nor should it be IMHO.)


    Freedom has a duration now, I believe it can prevent Imprisonment.


    What's that? Pretty sure it doesn't. Unless you just changed it, b15's Freedom works pretty much the same way it always has (mass instant enchantment and imprisonment breaker, but no protections offered).

  10. From a game system point of view where combat is occupying a majority of your playtime, having to rest to regain spells may not be ideal. The system is based on P&P, however, and it makes a lot more sense since combat is not really the end-all focus of the gameplay. ...Also, spellcasters are already crazy strong - can you imagine a game universe where they're constantly able to cast again? Yikes.

  11. 3) afaik they're inteded to be different spells. I even had a rather cute custom animation for SoZA - the spell was supposed to give immunity to cloud-based spells to the caster. Gust of Wind was supposed to be able to clear insects instead.


    4) idea was to keep the spell name ("Dispel magic") but make it work as vanilla "Remove" (affecting only enemies). Both cleric and mage version should affect enemies only.


    7) I fixed this locally, but never uploaded the thing since my internet connection sucks beyond measure.


    12) I'm rather sure this doesn't happen. The only spell immunities used by SCS are Divination, Abjuration, and very rarely Conjuration (afaik, only very high level fighter-mages have a chance to use this).

    I don't know vanilla game.


    14) the spell should definitely be replaced. I had an idea; I'll check my PMs with Demi about it.


    21) The spell is OP; very OP. It should probably work as a "disabling fireshield" with random effects like stun, feeblemind, confusion, hold etc rather than being a virtual instagib. Demi's idea was to make this spell like it's PnP counterpart...but the result is kinda crazy in BG.


    Glaring Problems



    1) No, they shouldn't. You need to remove invisibility first or cast True seeing to make imp.invisible enemies a valid target.

    Also, Spell Thrust doesn't require a target so---


    4) yes, they're weak. Refinements mod had a neat implementation for a druid HLA (cure x HP/round for y rounds to everyone around the caster, slows druid on use). Maybe tone down duration, but buff regen rate.


    6) the spells are useless, it doesn't matter if MR affects them or not....7th level should do massive damage to Liches/vampires to make it worth, but even so , with things such as Sunray etc using anti-undead spells is pretty pointless.



    3. I like the sound of that.


    4. Yep, but the spells were never consistently made like that.


    14. I think I actually vaguely remember reading about this idea, but like you, I don't remember what it was.


    21. Yeah, even 50% is probably still too much. Combined with stoneskin against melee AI fighters, that's just going to be a meat grinder.


    #1. Right. Subtledoctor explained this to me a couple of pages ago.


    #4. I like my implementation of them, which is basically what you said. Shorter duration for all of them (5 rounds), but a lot of regen in that short duration.


    My Cure Light Wounds vs. Regenerate Light Wounds:


    When casting this spell and laying their hand upon a creature, the priest heals the wounds and injuries of the target. The priest can restore 10 + 1/two levels hit points, up to a maximum of 20 at 20th level.~


    This spell enables the caster to mend the wounds and injuries of the target by granting them temporary regeneration. The affected creature will regenerate 15 + 1.5/two levels hit points over the duration of the spell, up to a maximum of 30 at 20th level.~


    ...Only issue is that the math is a little more complicated than it ideally should be, :p.


    #6. Yeah, they're pretty much the worst spells in the game.

  12. Skin of the Forest: SR's Barkskin AC bonus is determined by level. For characters that are actually restricted to Leather Armor (e.g. Thieves), I'm pretty Leather Armor +6 that you can get pretty close to the start of the game is still pretty good, especially if you don't want to immediately fight the shadow dragon. I personally think the Shadow Dragon is pretty darned easy even without using summonables and using SCS's mega-HP dragons, so I can see the problem for you there, but that's more the fault of the game than IR's for stupidly putting two great leather (well, leather and hide) armors right on top of each other.


    Shadow Armor: I really do not like that Shadow Armor concept. I actually meant to write you, not subtledoctor there. Somehow, I kept getting the two of you confused. I personally do not use damage resistance (settings.ini) to begin with, so that may be part of why I don't like this concept. That, and changing a classic item into just a permanent copy of an SR spell is...kind of not ideal to me.


    Trollhide Armor & other Regeneration items: Maybe. I'm a little wary of letting regeneration stacking getting out of control.


    Deep Guardian Plate: I really don't like this item concept in general, to be completely honest. If you're going to have spell level immunity, you should really do it how other spell level immunity spells work. On the other hand, that means you're probably only ever going to put this on straight fighters, and yeah, you're probably gonna take it off for any pre-buffing. A re-design of some sort would be ideal.


    Shuruppak's Plate: This was supposed to be Splint Mail? ...Okay, I just checked the latest version of IR - still definitely plate. That's a neat idea, though, but the Splint Mail category already has White Dragon Scale, while making Shuruppak's Splint Mail would mean there's no +5 Plate Mail.


    Robe of the Apprenti: Hm? There's no luck involved in this quest if you go safe all the way, and these robes are the "safe" option. I think I'd rather have the original version of this cloak with bonus spells than the Staff of the Magi that kills all of your apprentices, to be completely honest, and that makes no sense to me.


    Sensate Amulet: Sort of. Personally, I hate that Free Action protects against stun (it really should not do so, IMO - being stunned has absolutely nothing to do with your "freedom of movement", and now that I think about it, I think I will mass remove that property from Free Action for just myself, and maybe make it an ini tweak for those who want it), which is why this protection is already around in a few other places. If it did not, it would work much better.


    Pearly White Ioun Stone: Disagree. It's pretty decent to convert your mage into a basic fighter without having to memorize a Polymorph Self.


    Gauntlets of Healing: Definitely an item I struggled with to find a balance with. I never cheat with items like that, personally, so it's not an issue for me, but I can see other people doing exactly that.


    Bands of Focus: I already actually sort of do that for all of my Bracers of AC, but it's for myself only. Depending on whether people want it, I could add it to IRR. Basically, how it works is that Bracers of AC 6-8 set your AC to just that like normal, bracers of AC 3-5 set your AC to one less than what they say AND add one AC on top of it (i.e. Bracers of AC 3 set your AC to 4 but then add +1 bonus AC), and Bands of Focus set your AC to 4 but add a +2 bonus to AC. I write it like this: "Armor Class: 2 (+2 bonus)".


    Boots of Speed: Yep, I hate using these for their purported function, which is essentially to break and exploit the AI, and I hate wearing them out of combat because they just make moving around for the rest of the party painful. So...at least they do SOMETHING in combat now that's not just breaking the game.


    Arbane's Sword: Thank you for reminding me about this. This is something I need to actually change back to its original concept and had planned to at one point, but forgot.


    Suryri's Blade: Ah. Well, KR is kind of defunct for the time being...


    Erinne Sling: With the nerf to Energy Burst (which was ridiculous), I kind of disagree, especially given that slings are such a bad weapon category to begin with.


    No +5 Single-Handed Weapons: Short Sword of Mask? Angurvadal? Foebane? Flail of the Ages? Dagger of the Star?


    +40% Resistance Items: More of an SCS problem than an IR problem, really. Even if you go that route, at the very least you could make it consistent. IR right now is just about evenly split between items and effects that grant 40% vs. 50% resistances.

  13. I assume you're referencing the post from the "Future tweaks thread"? I'm not sure that it really belongs in IR, per se. Also, I only coded something to remove random treasures, not non-magical weapons and armors and the such. Should probably be asking Endurium for his mod that you can just install after IR if you want.

  14. Non-magical equipment is not as big of a deal to me, since they're virtually worthless and the game eventually culls them anyways. Dealing with 1-2 gold drops off of a couple of enemies is easy to do...but the overall amount of wasted time doing it throughout a playthrough, combined with all the worthless gems and level 1 scrolls that I'm endlessly sticking into gem and scroll bags...it adds up and you eventually gotta realize it's not worth it, :p.

  15. Disable random treasures. I hate picking them up, and the vast majority of them are worthless. I also hate seeing them left on the ground. Ergo:


    COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP GLOB ~^.+\.cre$~ ~override~
    REMOVE_CRE_ITEM ~rndtre01~
    REMOVE_CRE_ITEM ~rndtre02~
    REMOVE_CRE_ITEM ~rndtre03~
    REMOVE_CRE_ITEM ~rndtre04~
    REMOVE_CRE_ITEM ~rndtre05~
    REMOVE_CRE_ITEM ~rndtre06~
    REMOVE_CRE_ITEM ~rndtre07~
    REMOVE_CRE_ITEM ~rndtre08~
    REMOVE_CRE_ITEM ~rndtre09~

  16. The beauty of modding is that you can do what you please. If you don't like the kobolds having the daggers, you can easily patch the item to not be droppable and then add DAGG01 to their inventories...or replace the dagger entirely with DAGG01, or etc. Start your own private little mini-mod that's just a conglomeration of fixes for how you want to play the game, whether it's vanilla stuff or other people's mods, ;).

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