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Posts posted by BigRob

  1. This is something we might look into as time and coding restrictions permit, but we feel that Minsc's inherent dislike of evil wizards (Red Wizards and Irenicus in particular) really do point Boo in the direction of Wizard Slayer.


    Alternatively, we could make some customizations to Boo's kit, making him a sort of Monk/Wizard Slayer hybrid, which is kind of appropriate really.

  2. Will Boo be written using WeiDU?





    Will Boo be available for both PC and Mac users?


    As we often do, the PC release will be first, but conversion will be quick, so both PC and Mac users will be able to enjoy the Boo NPC mod.



    But I can already summon Boo with that cheat thing. Why download this Mod?


    Using the cheat enables you to get Boo alright, but he's still silent. With the Boo NPC mod, your favourite hamster becomes a fully fledged member of the party.



    How does Boo become a full member of the party?


    This is partially explained in Boo's Bio thread. For the whole story, you'll have to wait and see...



    Will Boo have any banters?


    Of course. Though when alone, Boo is in great company, he does get lonely from time to time.



    Who will he banter with?


    Boo is envisaged to banter several times with all vanilla SoA NPCs in his first release. But not dead ones. He's not Hamlet, after all.



    Will he be Romancable?

    Oh yes. Yes Indeed.


    When will he be out?


    Depends. Progress is actually moving along at a quick pace. In a few days, we will actually have a big announcement to that effect...Minsc, might have a few words otherwise...

  3. Another bit of progress. I've now completed all the early and mid stage flirting (you know, the stuff I said I'd finish last week :) ) and I'm now getting started on the high-end and underdark stuff.


    More updates as soon as I get things done. ;)

  4. Aklon: (Aklon turns towards you, a stern look on his face) Hey, did you just poke me?



    Yep, Aklon's still alive and well. Unfortunately, I've lost count of how many flirts I'm up on the last update, but I've only got three to go before I move onto final stage flirting and from there onto quests, banters and interjects.


    With luck (and a little inspiration) I might get onto late stage flirting some time this weekend. But all I can say is: be patient a while longer, I'll get there! :)

  5. What was that line from that author? "I'll try to make it worth the wait."


    The number of flirts from low-level romance to mid-level romance has almost doubled, so it will take me a bit longer to do them. Progress has been pretty swift of late and I've got nine done in the last two weeks or so. I might have a look through some of them and post a couple of examples as appetizers.


    Hang in there, I'm still writing!

  6. I'm about four more flirts onward from where I was on the 31st of December. A bout of real-life caught up with me for a while there, but I think I've shaken it off now. Flirting proceeds apace. :)


    Plus, it's not easy saying "Aklon has blue eyes" in new and interesting ways. :)





    *lays a trail of donuts into the Coding Room*

  7. Okie dokie, another progress report on the verge of the new year. I've completed first stage flirting (20 in all) and have made a start on later flirts. More as it happens. :)



    Oh, and the helper monkey is the first person I can lure into the coding room.... :)

  8. I'm still writing away. Not as fast as I'd like, but there you are. I've got five more flirts done now and I'm hoping to get several more done in the next couple of days. I wouldn't hold your breath for a 2004 release, but I'm getting there. :thumbsup:

  9. After nearly a month, time for another report. Currently, I've written eight PC initiated flirts (some short, some long), examples of which can be found in the "Flirts, flirts, flirts, spam and flirts" topic.


    I'll also be away next week, so appearences on the boards may be a bit spotty. :rolleyes:

  10. Thanks for the kind words everyone, I'll try my damndest not to disappoint. Also, screenshots will be available when I manage to coerce my helper monkey into coding for me. Or when I start doing it myself, whichever comes first. :blush:


    Now for some progress. The last two forcetalk options are complete. Now I'll begin to gather my thoughts and start writing flirts.

  11. Thanks for the kind words everyone, and sorry for the delay in replies, but I like to post in here only when I've actually got progress to report. :blush:


    mmm i wonder what kind of lover Aklon will be?
    The Lawful Neutral monk sort. :cry: You'll see how that differs from the Lawful Neutral Fighter-Cleric sort in due course.


    Anyways, sorry if this has already been asked in a previous post, but when can we expect to get the luuuuurvly Aklon to grace Bg2?? In short, is it to be a 2004 or 2005 release?
    Unless I fall into a time warp, it'll be 2005. Writing is... continuing and I'll continue to update as I go. The heaviest writing is behind me though, so I should get onto coding sometime soon*.


    And Now for actual progress: The advanced romance love-life forcetalk is done. Onto the last two.











    * Note: My definition of soon varies wildly.

  12. Yes indeedy, Aklon will be voiced, and extensively too. A seperate voice pack may hold the bulk of the voicing though, to cut down on the initial download, but we'll see about that later.



    And now a small progress report: Real life issues have slowed work down the last couple of days. The current dialogue is waiting forlornly in a half-finished wreck on my hard drive. Work will progress today, however, as soon as I get my taxes done. :D

  13. I originally had his intelligence up at 15. In order to drop his statline and stop him looking like a super character, I made it 13. It's probably a little silly considering the number of languages he knows, so it could be raised to the 14/15 zone (it could even be raised to 25 since the stat has no effect on his abilities). I'll mull it over.

  14. That's good to know. :)


    Things are coming along at a steady pace. At the moment I'm typing out one of Aklon's bigger dialogues to get it on computer. After that it'll be edited for the changes that happen after CHARNAME and Aklon have gotten serious about things. I'm about half-way through that now, and it's the biggest dialogue I'll need to reedit, so things should go swifter after I get this done.



    I know I say that a lot, but I do mean it. :)

  15. Having rocked on for almost a month now, I've done another one. Part of this time was taken transcribing several original dialogues from paper to computer (Yes, I am crazy enough to write an NPC on paper).


    Also, the dialogue about Aklon's family was only supposed to be a minor rewrite, but it turned into a whole new dialogue. OK, on I go!



    *takes a flying leap into the next pile of text*

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