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Posts posted by BigRob

  1. I haven't actually answered this anywhere before, but I'm intending seperate SoA and ToB releases. I know it would be better overall to release them both at the same time, but if I do that you could be waiting a long time. Also, as this is my first mod, I'd like to get a basic version tested and out there so I can learn to start dealing with bugfixes.


    However, I'm thinking about Aklon's ToB content as I write, so with luck I should be able to get ToB out very fast.



    On another note, my real life commitments have been dealt with, I'm getting back into the writing now.

  2. Thanks for the interest everyone. :D To borrow a phrase, I'll try to make sure you're not disapointed. Real life commitments are eating into my writing time at the moment, but that should be more or less done in a couple of weeks, so progress should be picking up again shortly.



    Ok, I have to type this because I am a glutton for punishment and am extremely curious..... How far past the half mark would you estimate you are?  Or is this one of those questions you never ask a modder on pain of death? :D

    You ask this question on pain of me being wildly innaccurate. At this time, I'd say that text writing is about 70% done. So that's the Lovetalks, Flirts and Force-talk options. Banters, NPC Romance and quests to take up the other half, not counting interjections.


    Bear in mind though that I said 60% when I'd finished the Lovetalks...


    BigRob I am new to all these mods, but I must say from what I read on this guy he sounds GREAT, I just finished Kelsey and am now patiently waiting your monk. Keep up the good work. Remind me to send you my world famous fudge cookies when you finish a my thanks to you.

    Ooo, fudge... wait, after I've finished? Awww. *scribbles furiously* :D

  3. Well, it could also mean that I'm a very slow writer. But you needn't have too much more patence.. I think we're well past the half-way mark now.


    I'm now just doing the two special versions for characters with high/low stats.


    That sounds interesting :D Wow, Rob, you are really thorough.


    Thanks. But you know, there are certain things a lady with 6 Dex just can't do... :D

  4. Aw, I almost had cheerleaders. :D Thanks for the kind words, I'll try to keep things somewhere close to expectations. Unfortunately you're going to have to keep your head strapped up tightly, becuase there's still a little ways to go.


    Real life has still been eating up my time and it's only going to get more hectic over the next couple of weeks, but things should get better after that. In the last week and a half I've basically finished the current flirt and I'm now just doing the two special versions for characters with high/low stats.

  5. Okay, there's been a bit of a delay since the last progress report, mostly because real life work has kept me from doing much in the way of writing over the last month and a half.


    That said, I've got two more flirts done in that time, as well as finishing off the "Tag, You're it" flirt. Just two more flirts to go now, before getting onto the Underdark versions.

  6. It's true that Aklon's written as a pretty intellectual character and it makes sense that his INT score should reflect his. 13 is above average, but the original 15 may be the more accurate score after all. :party:


    I've penciled him back up to 15, which brings his total stats to 89. Once testing starts I'll get some more opinions form the testers and somemmore fine-tuning might happen. :)

  7. Thanks for the interest in Aklon. Beta testing should start sometime early next year and I'll give a shout on the forums when I'm ready to start. Keep an eye out for it. :p



    And ten days is near to two weeks, so some progress. We're two more flirts down, so that leaves us with five to go, including the one I'm currently writing, which was the very first flirt I put on my list "Tag, you're it!"

  8. Thanks Domi, I'm beginning to see the end in the distance. :D


    And it's been two weeks, so I'll preempt everyone and report some progress. I've got four more flirts done this fortnight and I'm just into the last part of a fifth, the "Pinch Aklon's bottom" flirt. With just seven flirts to go, I should be onto the Underdark options in a couple of weeks. More info as it happens. :)

  9. Timeframe wise, I still really can't give an answer. Every time I try, it always ends up being wrong. When I finished the romance, I thought I was at 60% of writing. And now it looks more like 20%.


    Progress has been pretty good of late, I've done four flirts over the last couple of weeks, two large, two small and I'm partially into a fifth, a sort of general "Invite Aklon to pamper you" kind of thing. There are roughly ten more flirts to go for this stage, before I move onto the Underdark flirts (which I'm putting provisionally at six). After that it's banters and NPC romance, Quests and Interjects.


    Because I won't have to make random repeatable content for the quests, banters and so on, these should go much faster than the flirting has. I will be trying my hardest to get all principle writing done by the end of the year, if not sooner. *crosses fingers*

  10. And in a further burst of progress reporting, I might as well mention that I'm past the kissing flirt and into the "Seductive gaze with finger nibbling" one.


    *Bev fans self* Hopefully this won't lead to another fire... :)


    Sand bucket on standby. :)


    When you start testing this bad boy, PLEASE let me know :)


    Don't worry, when he's ready for testing, there'll be many an announcement.

  11. Thanks for the encouragement. Quality and quantity aren't the same thing, but hopefully I've shoehorned in enough of both for the flirts to be good. :)


    And in a further burst of progress reporting, I might as well mention that I'm past the kissing flirt and into the "Seductive gaze with finger nibbling" one.

  12. Not counting some lost time as I wrote for something else, this fortnight hasn't been too bad and I'm on the last of the "Kiss Aklon" options now.


    That may not sound like much, but the kiss flirt currently makes up a quarter of all the space in the high-level flirts I've written and it's not finished just yet. :)

  13. Oh, you really think that should be an option? *scribbles notes*



    (It occurs to me some weeks later that that looks like heavy sarcasm... it was a joke about the drool being an option. :) )

  14. Things have been still pretty busy for me still this last couple of weeks, but I have got a little writing done. On the upside I've got all that extra work behind me and I should be getting back into things now.


    I'm still somewhere in the "Kiss Aklon" flirt, which is giong to take me a little while to finish, since it's going to be one of the bigger ones. :)

  15. I think Valygar is a ranger because he spent some time as a scout for the Amnish army, so he was trained in wilderness survival, tracking, hiding, that kind of thing. He may not be the traditional ranger, but then, neither is Minsc really.

  16. Thanks for the vote of confidence and the compliment on the portrait, I'll pass it along to my artist. :)


    And yes, though I wouldn't mind adding some more subtle hints of age on Aklon's features, he's alright for a man in his mid-late thirties. He's led a more adventurous life than most monks, but not one so chock-full of fighting as say Keldorn, who is probably in his mid-late forties and has aged quite a lot in comparison.

  17. Very well, nagging accepted. :)



    All up, not very much to report, unfortunately. I've had a mixed couple of weeks with a hell of a lot of work shoved in front of me, but I did get one small flirt finished, and just yesterday I completed the "Kiss Aklon's hand" option in the "Kiss Aklon" flirt.



    Onward and Upwards. :)

  18. Thanks, I'll pass on the portrait compliment to my artist. :)



    This week's been very slow writing-wise, real life stuck the boot in and all my time vanished. But I did finish off the "Walk Close to Aklon" flirt.



    And I can probably manage some flirting spoilers too.

  19. Thanks for the compliments. :thumbsup:



    I don't know exactly when I'll be done, so a solid release date is still a ways off, but I'd guess there's still a few months to go.


    I'm currently about a third of they way through Aklon's last level of flirting, then after that we have quests, banters, interjects, editing and coding. Progress is being made as swiftly as I can do it. Interruptions from new Terry Pratchett books notwithstanding. :)




    And, since it's been about a month since my last update, I've done seven flirts in the meantime and am currently part way through the last choice in the "Play with Aklon's hair" flirt.

  20. Mmm, cookies... hey!


    *strains for cookies*


    Awww. Can I have just one if I do a progress report?



    I should start doing these more regularly.


    I've been going pretty good recently (in bursts anyway) and I've done two flirts. One of those flirts is pretty big, consisting of 8 subflirts, some with secondary choices as well.


    For my own notes (because I've started to forget where the last update was), I've just started the "Hug Aklon" flirt.

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