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Posts posted by Angel

  1. I would like to suggest two component proposals (i already mentioned one of them in the other thread). Over the years, i have read them being mentioned on several fora so i guess they are not possible because the engine does not permit it(in ee maybe they are possible):


    1) For "light" weapons like daggers, clubs, short swords, etc, use dexterity for THAC0 and Damage IF it would give a greater bonus than strength.


    2) Limit the number of attacks based on the Weapon's Speed Factor. A combat round is split into 10 segments. When a weapon has a SF of 7, supposedly you need a time of 7/10 of a round in order to swing it because it is heavy. How is it possible to swing it 4 times in that time ? I would love to limit the APR based on the weapon's SF. That way, you need a weapon with a SF <= 5 in order to have 2 APR, a SF <= 3 to have 3APR, etc.


    Don't know about EE, but in non-EE these are definitely not possible within the engine (at least, not without engine hacks).

  2. Oh, this is great! Any chance for a 'shawdowed' option (i.e. like shades or shadow monsters in iwdee)?

    Eh, didn't expect such a response to a relatively simple function. Is nobody interested in my erase-journal-o-matic for BGT? :-)


    And yeah, writing variants should not be too hard, if I'd know what makes a monster a shade or shadow. Here's a variant that makes the monster illusionary.




    DEFINE_PATCH_FUNCTION make_illusion
      INT_VAR   power_level   = "-1"
      WRITE_LONG 0x0010 THIS | BIT1      // No corpse
      WRITE_LONG 0x0014 0                // XP
      WRITE_LONG 0x001c 0                // Gold
      WRITE_BYTE 0x0270 IDS_OF_SYMBOL("ea" "neutral")
      WRITE_BYTE 0x0275 IDS_OF_SYMBOL("gender" "illusionary")
      // Add unstealable&undroppable flags to carried items
      GET_OFFSET_ARRAY itm_array CRE_V10_ITEMS
      PHP_EACH itm_array AS int => itm_offset
        WRITE_LONG (itm_offset + 0x0010) (THIS | (BIT1 | BIT3))
      // Handle power level if specified
      PATCH_IF (power_level >= 0)
        WRITE_LONG  0x0018 power_level



  3. Okay, this one is the result of my first, very careful prodding into the inner workings of Baldur's Gate Trilogy. Unlike EET, BGT resets the chapter count and empties the journal on transition to BG2. If you want your BG1 quest to do the same, this function can help you.


    This function is called on a .dlg file, that is, a dialog that has already been compiled. If called on a game that is not BGT, it will do exactly nothing.


    But if the game is BGT, it will loop through the transitions defined in the dialog, extract all the journal entries, then edit aram00.bcs (the transition script BGT uses to get the party into BG2) and tack on EraseJournalEntry instructions for all the journal entries found.




    DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION erase_journal_entries_on_bg2_transition
      dialog    = "dummy"
      ACTION_IF GAME_IS "bgt" AND FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME "aram00.bcs"
        COPY_EXISTING - "%dialog%.dlg" "%MOD_FOLDER%/work"
          GET_OFFSET_ARRAY trans_array 0x0014 4 0x0010 4 0 0 0x0020
          PHP_EACH trans_array AS int => trans_offset
            PATCH_IF (LONG_AT (trans_offset) & BIT4)
          READ_SLONG (trans_offset + 0x0008) strref
          PATCH_IF strref > 0
            DEFINE_ASSOCIATIVE_ARRAY journal_entries
              "%strref%" => "1"
        COPY_EXISTING "aram00.bcs" "override"
          PHP_EACH journal_entries AS strref => int




    An example of how it is used, from one of my own mods:

    COMPILE "%MOD_FOLDER%/bg1/caths_peril/dialog/mh#cath.d"
    LAUNCH_ACTION_FUNCTION erase_journal_entries_on_bg2_transition
      dialog        = "mh#cath"

    Note, this is as yet untested (although I see no reason why it won't work) as my test game has not reached the point of transition to BG2 yet. (Getting there, party is currently raiding Durlag's Tower.) EDIT: It's no longer untested; it works!


    The function will only work on compiled dialog files (.dlg) that already exist in the game. It will not work on dialog files that haven't been compiled (.d). Neither does it work on scripts, compiled (.bcs) or not (.baf).


    Another small one, turn a creature into a summoned creature

    Could you update that to include the limitless summon feature, so it can detect if the added gender exists and then set the gender to that instead in case it does.



    If you mean the one from d0tweak, it doesn't actually get added to gender.ids (something I intend to addres sometime). The one from Tweaks Anthology does things differently and only works on EE games.


    EDIT: Okay, done.

  5. Another small one, turn a creature into a summoned creature. This sets the XP- and gold stats to zero, sets the flag to leave no corpse, sets affinity to "neutral", sets the creature's gender to "summoned" (or to the unlisted value 20 if Remove Summoning Cap from D0Tweaks is installed), and sets the unstealable and undroppable flags on all of the creature's items.

    There is one parameter, power_level. This should only be set if this creature will be used with opcode #127, it is used to determine how many instances of this creature will be summoned. The number here will be written to 0x0018 in the creature file. For more details of this, check the description of opcode #127 on IESDP, but basically the higher this number is, the fewer instances of this monster will be created. Default is -1, which means no change.


      INT_VAR power_level = "-1"
      WRITE_LONG 0x0010 THIS | BIT1      // No corpse
      WRITE_LONG 0x0014 0                // XP
      WRITE_LONG 0x001c 0                // Gold
      WRITE_BYTE 0x0270 IDS_OF_SYMBOL("ea" "neutral")
      // Play nice with Remove Summoning Cap from D0Tweak
      PATCH_IF FILE_EXISTS "override/no_summoning_cap.d0"
        WRITE_BYTE  0x0275 20       // D0Tweak alt. value
        WRITE_BYTE  0x0275 IDS_OF_SYMBOL("gender" "summoned")
      // Add unstealable&undroppable flags to carried items
      GET_OFFSET_ARRAY itm_array CRE_V10_ITEMS
      PHP_EACH itm_array AS int => itm_offset
        WRITE_LONG (itm_offset + 0x0010) (THIS | (BIT1 | BIT3))
      // Handle power level if specified
      PATCH_IF (power_level >= 0)
        WRITE_LONG  0x0018 power_level


    Example of use, to make a summonable version of an ochre jelly:

    COPY_EXISTING "jeloch01.cre" "override/jelochsu.cre"
  6. Nobody is talking about bows (for the reason from Wiki - bows require skills). We are talking about crossbows only as a universal weapon. And speaking of balance - NWN2 is doing just fine with mages and crossbows. I see no reason not to add every class in the game ability to use it in BG either.

    Mm, perhaps it would be best to only make light crossbows universal, and leave the more specialized heavy crossbows restricted. That is what my original mod did if I recall correctly. It should not be hard to recreate, just check if it's a crossbow or bolt, and if a thief can use it. If yes to both, allow a mage to use it as well. Clerics should probably still be restricted due to the ban on edged and piercing weapons, and IMHO such a mechanical weapon designed for hunting game doesn't quite fit druids very well either.


    Oh what the hell, I'll write it up. :-)


    EDIT: And done! Here is my version.



    (If you want to try my 'Made in Heaven' mod, please feel free. But do keep in mind that it's still in full development and probably has lots of bugs still.)

  7. Weapons (and I assume Equipment) are still restricted to Druid.


    The mod does what it is supposed to do, loosen up restrictions for "multi-class druids", that is fighter/druids. Normal, single-class druids are still restricted at always.


    If you're looking for a mod that allows druids (and other classes) to use all weapons and equipment, try Ashes of Embers.

  8. Problem with spells and spell books is that unlike with items, the name of a new spell is not fixed - ADD_SPELL will pick the first appropriate SPXX123.spl name that is free at the time of installation. (The spell must be named like this or the engine won't pick it up on spell selection screens.) However, once a spell has been added to a spell book, the file name it has at that time is recorded in the caster's .cre file which is part of your save game.


    If you uninstall a mod that adds spells and reinstall it, it's possible that the spells will be assigned different filenames for this install, but the old filenames still remain in the spell book in your save game, this is why you then see the spells in your spell book changed.


    It's better not to uninstall and reinstall spell mods on an active game. If it does happen, you can fix it by editing your save game with DLTCEP or ShadowKeeper.


    Abilities are supposed to precede effects in item files, so the ability offset at 0x64 should be 0x72 (and the same for any item without abilities).

    Ah, I didn't know this. Do you want me to fix it or shouldn't I bother?



    If you are going to bother to fix it, you might also want to check alignments. I noticed a lot of creatures with no valid alignment set. (Probably copied from BG1 creatures with the same issue.)

  10. There is a need for one more universal weapon - crossbows. After all, that weapon was created to be as idiot-proof as clubs.


    A GM friend of mine had that as a house rule (yes, the same one who had mages using bucklers). I had it as a mod of my own for a while but I lost the code. Never had any problems with it though.

  11. I don't know if it's something that I'm doing wrong, or if it's just vanilla behavior, but one thing that's always irked me in BG1 (BGEE) is when meeting Shar-Teel. She challenges you to a duel, saying she'll only fight men and only warriors. But my Fighter/Druid doesn't seem to qualify, and I always have to send Khalid in. Is there a way to make Fighter/X multi-classes qualify to fight her? Minor thing, I know, but thought I'd throw it out there.


    Shar-Teel's script uses the StrongestOfMale() identifier, so this is hard coded. Not sure what it actually uses to determine who is the strongest, but if it's a simple level check, single-class Khalid is probably going to have a higher fighter level than your multi-class fighter-druid.


    Perhaps she could be given an alternative dialog/script that lets the player pick who gets to fight her, similar to the arena battles in the drow city in BG2.

  12. Another one from my own "Made in Heaven" modding project that might be interesting: Cap the number of charges that items with charges have to a value specified by the user.

    (I found that setting a cap of 10 or 12 makes for an interesting challenge, especially in BG1.)


    Here is my code for it (the chosen maximum is supposed to be in charge_cap):


  13. Found a couple of issues when installing on non-EE games:


    - BG1

    Both Increase Gem and Jewelry Stacking and Increase Scroll Stacking install with warnings, because in my version of the game (GoG latest) TakePartyItemNum is not in action.ids.


    IESDP says that BG1 should have this action, but I have not yet gotten around to testing if this is actually true. (In my experience when it comes to BG1, IESDP is often incomplete or just plain wrong). Since this is also an issue in one of my own mods (in my item pack, to be specific), I'll go test it as soon as I have some spare time, probably this weekend.

    - BG2

    Commoners Use Drab Colors fails with an error, apparently the mod tries to access a cell in randcolr.2da that does not exist. Could be that BG2 without 1PP has less colors to choose from?



    I also noticed that a wizard casting Lightning Bolt with the non-bouncing mod can occasionally hurt party members around them, even if they are nowhere near the path of the bolt. Is this the "Small fix for bouncing lightning bolts" I see in the git log?


    Also, version number is wrong in setup-cdtweaks.tp2, but I see you already addressed that. ^^



    BG1/BG2 - Give winter wolves their proper P&P ice breath. (Icewind Dale already has this correct.)


    BG1/BG2 - Give mustard jellies their proper P&P vapor cloud.(Icewind Dale already has this correct.)


    BG1 - Tone down the unrealistically large number of Large Shields +1 for sale in several shops. (Several shops have stacks of five or more.)


    IWD1 - Make Potions of Extra Healing work like in BG2 (27 HP in BG2, 16 HP in IWD1)


    BG1/BG2 - Give paladins a Smite Evil as in IWD: Heart of Winter, and 3.5E rules. (Smite Undead for the Undead Hunter as it seems more fitting.)

    Similarly, I'm not sure Tweaks is the natural home for these either.


    Fair enough. I wasn't sure they were either, but I can't think of another place to put them. Except for my personal mod that probably nobody else will ever install. :-)



    An extra option for wearing protection items together: Allow protection items to be combined with magical armor but not with each other. (I think Item Revisions also has something like this.)


    Force fighter/druids to follow strict druid item restrictions. (No iron plate mail and shields.)


    BG2 - Level-locked spell scrolls: Restrict the scrolls wizards and priests can use by level. No 7th level wizard casting Chain Lightning from scrolls. (Does not work in BG1/IWD1.)


    Allow wizards to use bucklers, and thieves to use small shields (house rule of a GM friend of mine).


    Extended HP rolls - allow characters to roll for HP up to level 20 instead of level 9, as in 3.5E rules.


    Non-bouncing Lightning Bolts - Change the Lightning Bolt projectile so it doesn't crazily bounce off of the scenery and kill the caster.


    No "Resist Fire/Cold" icon. The Resist Fire/Cold icon is hard to distinguish from the Protection of Fire icon. Change items and spells to only use Protection from Fire and Protection from Ice icons as appropriate.



    Like I said, feel free to grab my code for them if you want.



    Alternative druid XP table - Give druids their normal XP table, minus the ridiculous speed bump that keeps them stuck at level 14 while the rest of the party gathers epic levels.

    Tweaks already has a variant where druids get the same level progression as clerics. I'm not sure another slightly different variant adds much.



    True, but I like the unique feel of the druid XP table, it would be nice to have the option. But if not, oh well, I can still use my own. :-)


    By the way, the option to alter druids will currently be skipped entirely on vanilla BG1 and IWD1. I guess it doesn't matter much there for BG1 as druids are unlikely to even get to level 14 without extensive modding, but for IWD1 it is a bummer. :-(



    Extended HP rolls - allow characters to roll for HP up to level 20 instead of level 9, as in 3.5E rules.


    Sure sure... is it even possible in the BG2:ToB ? As the level cap is there forced(, in the nonEE games). As it just happens to coexist with the fact that the chars get no benefit from their CON after the "random HP level" cap is reached.

    Also the BGT has a HP check that sometimes screws the HPs badly at level 1. Meaning that if for some reason the char should have 20 HPs, they will revert to having x<15 HPs.


    I have not done any major testing, but the basic concept, which is extending the existing HPxxx.2da tables up to level 20, does seem to work (at least with ToBEx, I haven't tested without). I even wrote it in such a way that it plays nice with the existing options for altering the HP tables in cdtweaks. (Basically I copy the level 8 line for even levels and the level 9 line for odd ones.)


    You may be right about the engine quirks and if that is so there's not much I can do about it, I'm unfortunately not an assemby hacker. (Yet...)


    As for BGT, I have "take a look at it and see if I can do some maintenance" on my to-do list somewhere, I'll make a note about this check.

  15. Here's a bunch from my personal "Made in Heaven" project that you might be interested in. I already implemented all of these in my own mod for BGT, you're free to grab my code if you like.



    BG1/BG2 - Give winter wolves their proper P&P ice breath. (Icewind Dale already has this correct.)


    BG1/BG2 - Give mustard jellies their proper P&P vapor cloud.(Icewind Dale already has this correct.)


    BG1 - Tone down the unrealistically large number of Large Shields +1 for sale in several shops. (Several shops have stacks of five or more.)


    IWD1 - Make Potions of Extra Healing work like in BG2 (27 HP in BG2, 16 HP in IWD1)


    An extra option for wearing protection items together: Allow protection items to be combined with magical armor but not with each other. (I think Item Revisions also has something like this.)


    Force fighter/druids to follow strict druid item restrictions. (No iron plate mail and shields.)


    Alternative druid XP table - Give druids their normal XP table, minus the ridiculous speed bump that keeps them stuck at level 14 while the rest of the party gathers epic levels.


    BG2 - Level-locked spell scrolls: Restrict the scrolls wizards and priests can use by level. No 7th level wizard casting Chain Lightning from scrolls. (Does not work in BG1/IWD1.)


    Allow wizards to use bucklers, and thieves to use small shields (house rule of a GM friend of mine).


    Extended HP rolls - allow characters to roll for HP up to level 20 instead of level 9, as in 3.5E rules.


    Non-bouncing Lightning Bolts - Change the Lightning Bolt projectile so it doesn't crazily bounce off of the scenery and kill the caster.


    BG1/BG2 - Give paladins a Smite Evil as in IWD: Heart of Winter, and 3.5E rules. (Smite Undead for the Undead Hunter as it seems more fitting.)


    No "Resist Fire/Cold" icon. The Resist Fire/Cold icon is hard to distinguish from the Protection of Fire icon. Change items and spells to only use Protection from Fire and Protection from Ice icons as appropriate.



    I have others, but they are more suited for UB or other mods.



    My personal "Made in Heaven" mod is here: https://github.com/AngelGryph/MadeInHeaven/tree/development




    This function attempts to find a free creature animation slot in a given range, so that it can be used to install custom creature animations. I'm using it quite extensively in my Golem Construction mod (example code). This function requires EE games patched to v1.4 or higher. It also makes use of the function TO_HEX_NUMBER mentioned above.

    Ah, if only I knew how to create new animations and add them to the game. It's been a long-time wish of mine to add griffins, (black) unicorns and nightmares, to name but a few. :-)



    Sorry for the off-topic, but you won't have to wait too long, at least for unicorns (regular and black ones) and nightmares. ;)



    Interesting, I will certainly keep an eye on that. Please tell me they will work with non-EE games as well! And I'd pay you to make a griffin animation. (Seriously, I would.)


    This function attempts to find a free creature animation slot in a given range, so that it can be used to install custom creature animations. I'm using it quite extensively in my Golem Construction mod (example code). This function requires EE games patched to v1.4 or higher. It also makes use of the function TO_HEX_NUMBER mentioned above.

    Ah, if only I knew how to create new animations and add them to the game. It's been a long-time wish of mine to add griffins, (black) unicorns and nightmares, to name but a few. :-)
  18. Heh, interesting story, CamDawg. BGT is my preferred install these days (although I do still occasionally enjoy playing the original BG) and I have played it from Candlekeep all the way to the Throne of Bhaal more often than I can remember. So I guess I really owe you and the others that worked on it there.


    So wish I had gained my skill and confidence at modding fifteen years ago... :-)

  19. Well, the BGT-weidu is a second version of the original Baldur's Gate Trilogy mod, as if you are unaware, the -weidu addition to the mods name, should suggest ... so try not to get you panties twisted, there's nothing to copyright, except the fact that this is all in the gray zone, meaning that you can do what ever the <insert various curse words not suited on this site to publish> you wish with it.

    Yeah, well aware of it. I know I haven't contributed that much, but I have been around the community ever since BG1 was first released and I wanted an XP cap remover. :-)


    You know, the weidu version was made to remove the original sorta copyright issue of including the copyrighted BG1 material that made the largest part of the 600MB data in the original mod, as it today amounts to 20-30 MBs of install files.

    Oh, it's more of a moral issue than a legal one to me. Modding is a very gray area to start with (though Bioware/Beamdog seem very cool with it), I doubt any modder starting legal actions over it would come very far. If I was worried about legal I wouldn't have touched D0Tweak or UB with an eleven foot pole. :-)


    It's just that I'd feel bad about meddling with a mod without some sort of go-ahead from an author or previous maintainer. (Kulyok gave me that over at PPG for D0Tweak and UB.) I really respect the awesome work that all of you have done over the years.


    And Ascension64 has retired, meaning that he left the project to SHSforum to maintain.


    Which is what I meant to say when I referred to CamDawg to get to maintain the mod there.

    Trust me, if I felt confident enough to meddle with BGT, I'd have applied on SHS (I'm MadeInHeaven there) months ago. ^^ I actually have studied all the documentation and some of the modding code. If it was just a matter of copying the BG1 content over and changing the starting point I could write "bgt-ng" in an afternoon or so with modern WeiDU, but from what I have seen there is much, much more to it. :-)



    There is one install order issue, you must install bg2fixpack after BGT, see earlier in this thread.

    Why the F ?

    It's just a WARNING... NOT a, OF CHE¤ESE WE BROKE THE WHOLE THING; BETTER REINSTALL WINDOWS, before the terminators come pick us all up.



    Yes, but the warning is because BGT failed to make a required change to a script, which probably will give issues. From what I understand of it, it does something that has to do with Imoen being transferred to Spellhold correctly. Just because it's a warning doesn't automatically mean its harmless and can be ignored.


    I feel very good about the v11 betas...


    Thanks for the feedback CamDawg, that sounds reassuring enough. Sounds like I'll give it a go when I manage to get it all together. The main reason for me being so cautious about it was the mention of it being something of a re-write, which has many implications, good and bad.


    Will probably be a while before I get dug in, gathered the mods I want but still need to find out about install order/compatibility.


    I'm currently playing BGT with this fixpack, ToBEx, UB, cdtweaks and a few dozen other mods. There was a bit of a rocky start with beta 1, but with beta 2 I have so far not hit anything game breaking (yet). I'm currently about two-thirds into the BG1 portion, having just arrived in the city proper after Cloakwood.


    There is one install order issue, you must install bg2fixpack after BGT, see earlier in this thread. I'd totally volunteer to fix this (and several other things, I think BWP has quite the list) in BGT if I could, but I barely understand how that thing even works, not to mention the copyright issues...

  22. Small one to quickly flag an item as magical. Written mostly because I keep forgetting what the offsets in the item file are. :-)




    DEFINE_PATCH_FUNCTION make_magical
      enchantment   = "-1"
      lore          = "-1"
      WRITE_LONG    0x0018 (THIS | BIT6)
      PATCH_IF enchantment >= 0
        WRITE_LONG  0x0060 enchantment
      PATCH_IF lore >= 0
        WRITE_SHORT 0x0042 lore




    Used like this, to make a magical version of the generic b1-4 "paw" that counts as a +1 weapon for things to hit:

    COPY_EXISTING "b1-4.itm" "override/b1-4m1.itm"
      LAUNCH_PATCH_FUNCTION make_magical
        enchantment = 1

    Note that this by itself does not set to-hit and damage bonuses, use the built-in ALTER_ITEM_HEADER for that.

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