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Posts posted by subtledoctor


    EDIT - Hmm, that may make this component incompatible with my sphere system...

    I don't see why?

    I have to see what you guys did, to be sure. But my system clones spells, the runs DELETE_EFFECT to remove all effects from the clone spell, and ADD_SPELL_EFFECT a new effect that casts the original spell via 146 or 148 - depending on whether the original is an AoE spell. Off the top of my head, it seems like that process might be imperfect of the original has been changed from AoE to some kind of multiple-single-target.


    But I haven't tested.


    Deflections can't protect you against your own spells. Globes will.

    Doesn't make any sense to me. It's inconsistent why?

    Probably because that's the only reasonable way to make something like this work?


    EDIT - Hmm, that may make this component incompatible with my sphere system...

  3. Pff, I know exactly nothing about Linux.


    As for helping the community, I do know about Macs. I use to convert inconsiderate Windows-only mods to run on Macs back when the game came on discs, for the benefit of the community. And I've given advice to tons of people on how to mod these games on Macs without having to shell out ~$300 for a Windows license. And I've developed and published a tool to allow Mac users to easily run Weidu to install mods that don't ship with Mac support built-in.


    As for non-platform-specific community service... I rather think calling out people for acting like jerks - I mean, for acting in a way that is contrary to the best interest of BG players - is *good* for the community. :p

  4. Idk, forcing that ad on people, having a hard-to-find button to click through where you wanted to go, having a shitty countdown timer so people CAN'T click through until they watched 15 seconds of boring "gameplay" even if you've already seen it a thousand times...


    I think that has rather a lot to do with being an asshole.

  5. I'm not sure how active things are anyway as I still haven't had an email confirmation of my forum registration yet.

    This is the bigger issue. Fact is:

    - the EEs are a thing, they aren't going away

    - a lot of players are buying the EEs instead of the original game

    - a bunch of people are starting to make mods and make them specifically for the EEs (because they don't own the original game)*


    ...Is it a good idea to put Vlad between them and getting a modder prefix?


    *and we won't even get into the issue of whether the EE engine is actually better for modders

  6. The links can be a bit confusing, since every link to BWL automatically redirects to an annoying ad for some Unity-Engine-looking Baldur's Gate Wannabe game.


    It's not immediately obvious, but there is a counter above the ad, and after ~10 seconds you can click a hyperlink to go where you were originally supposed to go.


    The whole thing is very user-unfriendly. Doesn't give me a lot of confidence in the quality of that game...

  7. Necroing a very old discussion, but I had a thought on how to make Charm Person act more like PnP, not letting the charmed victim attack his friends etc.


    Using EE effects: the spell puts them in a state like SR Emotion: Hopelessness, just standing still. Almost like, "lulled" or hypnotized, instead of controlled. Because it is weak 1st-level magic, you use opcode 232 to set a contingency on the victim, where if they are attacked, a spell is cast with opcode 321 to cancel the Charm Person spell. I.e. if you Charm someone and then stab them, they snap out of it and fight to defend themselves.


    In the old engine, you can accomplish the same thing: apply the Charm/lull effect by "apply .eff as curse" and then set a contingency where, if they are attacked, they are affected by Remove Curse.


    Dire Charm could basically be the same thing, but without the contingency. So you can beat a Dire Charmed person to death and they won't fight back. (Basically it would be a single-target Emotion: Hopelessness.)


    And Domination will give you full control over the person, to the extent that they will actually attack their buddies.

  8. it will still buy you one round of time

    This is the whole point. Although I must say, toxin's not far off in thinking a spell that only buys you one extra round might be more appropriate at ~3rd level.


    But the AI would still be wasting 5th-level slots for it. That kind of change might be better off in a post-SR meta-tweak mod. Maybe I'll look into adding it to TnB.

  9. Changing spell levels is hard. Very hard. I don't think SR does it at all, ever. My spell tweaks (meant as a meta-mod after SR... you might like them) change the level of some spells, but it took me months and months to figure out how to do it without messing up SCS AI.


    I highly doubt Demi is about to start doing this kind of thing now.


    That said, I could give you the code to make this change yourself.


    Demi does SR intentionally remove NRD from the spell selection list?


    Demi needs to ad 1 special Wild Mage spell on level 1 to replace the NRD ...

    I'm pretty sure that's not necessary. Look at level 2: there are no wild mage spells at that level, but it doesn't stop you from rolling a wild mage for SoA.


    So in this case I think Demi just needs to remove NRD from the wild mage school (set primary type to "none (0)") and when the game sees there are no possible wild magic spells available, it should let you move on.


    I think.

  11. The EEs make you take one spell from your specialty school, which is the actual rule for non-generalist mages and it's a good change by Beamdog IMHO. It works perfectly fine if you don't mod your game so it's not their fault if you change things and it borks wild mages. Mods just need to adjust, is all. With wild magic it's slightly tricky because it's sort of set up as a specialty school, but also sort of not.


    Demi does SR intentionally remove NRD from the spell selection list? I think the only ways to do that are to add it to hidespl.2da, or applying something to its exclusion flag at offset 0x1e.


    On the assumption that you did not do that, then the issue probably lies in its setting for school/primary type, at offset 0x25.


    Long story short, if the spell is not in hidespl.2da and doesn't have any extra exclusion flags and has its primary type set to "generalist (9)" then it should be available for selection in character creation.


    Alternatively, if you set the spell's primary type to "none (0)" then maybe the game will see that there are no level 1 spells in the wild magic school, and won't try to make you choose one.


    Play around a bit, it shouldn't be hard to overcome this.

  12. @Greenhorn oh right, you can't find those files in your override folder because the BWS did another thing you didn't expect or understand it even need. No knock on you, but BWS should not be biffing the EE games! Not unless there is a truly nutty number of files in /override, like over 100,000. @ALIENquake!


    Okay, here's probably the easiest thing to do. I hope and assume you have BG2EE and/or IWDEE. Install BG2Tweaks v16 onto an unmodded version of one of those games - the "NWN-style hit points" only. Copy everything in that game's override folder. Paste it in your BGEE override folder. Now everything should be fine. Do *not* biff anything.

  13. It's still possible to do something like this, by putting the static modifier in hpconbon.2da instead of in hpwar.2da et al. The difficult there is in the fact that there's only one static modifier column that governs wizards, rogues, and priests. But you could have this system:

    - Barbarians: 2d4+4

    - Warriors: 2d3+4

    - Priests: 3d2+2

    - Rogues: 2d2+2

    - Wizards: 1d2+2


    That would pretty much meet the "low variance" definition...

  14. Just find the "hpxxx.2da" files (one for each class plus multiclasses) in your override folder and delete them.


    As for testing: this is why BWS is a bad idea. People click a bunch of boxes, install a hundred mod without doing any research or reading any readmes, and expect everything to just be peachy-keen. And when BWS itself does something idiotic (like make a brand new component of a mod that states up-front it is a beta) people complain here instead of to BWS itself.


    You haven't posted a weidu.log, or a BWS log, you haven't even mention which *game* you are using this with. I'm sure this WAS tested, but almost certainly not with some kind of BWS mega install. Different test installation = different results of testing.


    Sorry to sound harsh, but this was all done out of people's free time, for no pay. If you pay for software with bugs, by all means howl to the high heavens about it. But with something voluntarily donated, and advertised as beta, the appropriate response is to *help,* not complain.

  15. So, I have delved into the classic Refinements mod, hacked it up, and made separate components for each class. In the hopes that it will be easier to combine with other mods that change HLAs, like Rogue Rebalancing and Faiths & Powers.


    I have massaged the code until it installs on BG2EE, and it seems to install fine. I have NOT extensively playtested it. So, I will give you guys the link and you can do the playtesting! ;)




    UPDATE: I've been through a few more versions, and this is now pretty feature-complete:


    - HLAs can be installed on a class-by-class basis

    - patches HLA tables rather than overwriting them

    - specific compatibility code for RR HLAs (NOTE: with this version, RR should be installed before Refinements.)

    - the Sword Angel kit works on EE games


    All that really remains is to find and fix bugs.

  16. This is because the "static modifier" part of the hpxxx.2da files is broken. I mentioned this to @CamDawg over on the Beamdog forums, not sure if he noticed it.


    To be honest, I only tested on BGEE. It might not be broken on BG2EE/IWDEE. It might work fine in 2.0... which would explain why CamDawg would see it working, as I assume he is running 2.0/SoD on his end.


    But yeah at least for now, the "low variance rolls" component does not work.

  17. 4. Mods that have partial compatybility with EET but should not be installed before author resolves remaining issues:


    k4thos, I believe everything is update on my end with these mods. Specifically you might try

    - NPC_EE v2.3:


    - Might & Guile v2.1:


    - Scales of Balance v5.1:



    Just note, anyone reading this, that 5.1 update to SoB is a *pre-release* ... one of the components assumes the EE 2.0 patch is present and might not install properly with EE v1.3. Until the 2.0 update, keep using SoB v5.0.1:


  18. Giving those to Charname is a whole different proposition, coding-wise. The ability would have to be inserted into CLAB files, and there would have to be effects protecting from it in other CLAB files, and there would have to be class-targeting .effs... and all of that would end up adding duplicate abilities to NPCs. Since this mod is specifically geared toward modifying NPCs, I'm going to keep this as an NPC-only thing, for now.


    Any player who wants to can give themselves the innate ability appropriate for their class by opening the console and typing



    Or, depending on your class:

    ...d5_rakt (rangers)

    ...d5_pakt (paladins)

    ...d5_clkt (clerics)

    ...d5_drkt (druids)

    ...d5_mokt (monks)

    ...d5_bakt (bards)

    ...d5_thkt (thieves)

    ...d5_makt (mages)

    ...d5_sokt (sorcerers)


    Btw those .spl names are good for v2.2. I fixed a bug that was letting the kit-switch ability come back after resting. v2.2 is here:



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