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Posts posted by CrevsDaak

  1. Breach was bugged back then, yes, but why are you using such old versions of SCS? v35 works fairly well on BG2:ToB, I would suggest you install the latest one, as it should have most if not all bugs on that platform fixed. If you do run into any issues using v35.15, do post about them here, so they can get fixed. As for the fixpack/tweaks, use the latest ones as well, no good reason not to, particularly since the BG2 fixpack is aimed at it and nothing else.

  2. I was under the impression scripting Objects remained valid for the entire block once it's already running, in particular when they still are present in the game. Not sure why I think so, as I've never actually tested it, but I think I came to this conclusion when looking into how Objects were selected during the targeting process triggers perform when evaluated, I think I was trying to find out why SCS scripts use Continue() as much as they do (I remember seeing DavidW mention, that it was to hasten how a spellcasting block would be triggered, as the objects remained identical. However, I thought it some complex inner working of the engine instead of understanding that it just entails an immediate sequence of triggers being checked under the same game state).

  3. On 4/4/2024 at 4:52 AM, DavidW said:

    It's slightly more complicated than this, unfortunately - there's an engine bug that means setting a creature's allegiance to ALLY prevents active control of it.

    IESDP mentions the bug as occuring only when param2 is set to 5, which is the Mode that makes the creature be aligned with the opposite alleigance of the caster. A quick test (on BG2EE) done by setting param2 to Mode 3 (creature becomes ALLY if cast by party, ENEMY if cast by an enemy) on spgate.eff and dw#hlba.eff shows that summoned fiends can be controlled just fine (however they will still try to attack the party if you're not protected from evil, which I think is just fiends working as intended). The fiend will move around and do its own thing (akin to Planetars) due to its script, so if that's actually what the bug is then I'm out of ideas (though then it could just de-script itself via ChangeAIScript() to avoid that). I also tested Mode 5 and it is most likely bugged, as it just always summons the creature as hostile to the party, but I can vouch for Mode 3 working in regards to both the creature being actually controllable when the spell is cast by the party and in making it an Enemy when necessary.

  4. I should've posted it sooner but forgot, so apologies for the delay. I've not delved into what modifies the fiend summoning spells themselves so I was reluctant of assuming how they worked, but it seems like they are fairly straightforward.

    The issue consists of summoned fiends all being given the CONTROLLED — 5 alleigance which causes them to be controllable by the party when summoned by enemies. This is done by explicit writes to field 0x270 to their creature files on dw_talents/fiend/friendly_fiends_core.tpa on the friendly_fiends_resources function. Note that this isn't necessary, though let me explain why first.

    Opcode 67, in this case as it is used by the secondary effect file triggered by the alignment mask checks on the Gate et al spells, has an option (parameter2) that allows for the caster's alleigance to be considered when adding the summoned creature file to the active game, however the Gate spell has it set to 2, "EA from CRE file" as a leftover from vanilla functionality of the spell. Changing this would fix the issue however it would mark them as ALLY — 4 rather than the desired CONTROLLED — 5 however the achieved overall goal would be similar enough and it'd fix this bug. Mind that opcode 67 has to be set to either 0, 1 or 3 to preserve the targetting on where (position) the fiend is summoned (on target vs. on caster).

    I thought this issue was ridiculously complex and thus hadn't mustered up the courage to look at it yet, big mistake as it doesn't seem to be that complicated, and you would've found it pretty fast either way.

  5. 16 hours ago, polytope said:

    Worth mentioning that in un-modded BG2 (not EE) Foebane inflicts a flat +4 magic damage, +4 hp bonus to the wielder, no shell spells involved. And it was already the best sword in the game (better than Blackrazor in most cases).

    Hmm, I assumed it used spin104a as well but it appears that that's a BG2Fixpack change, what changes is that SCS patches spin104.spl instead on BG2 for it's spell tweaks so it isn't even bugged—it does in fact deal 4 flat damage and heal/give extra HP for the same static amount.

  6. I think creating a new spell for the sword to use (by copying the old LMD it was using prior to it being modified) is the most sensible thing to do, since if other mods decide to modify LMD they would also be editing the sword's spell (though it's going to be a bit late by the time SCS is installed to prevent that). Also doesn't require any engine specific code and works if Foebane has been changed to apply LMD in some other way (you just alter all the effects to change only the resource name to the new copy of the spell).

  7. 11 hours ago, DavidW said:

    You can look in stratagems/[genai|mage|priest]/hla_choices/tof to see which ones are supposed to be used. If you're seeing that little, it might be a bug.

    Cross-checking on a bunch of liches and the tables, and it's definitely working fine, seems like I just had protections against just about everything, forgot Ultroloths/Energy Blades are HLAs and have been rather unforgiving on mages (they are dangerous!). Thinking about it, I've almost died to Demilich Kangaxx casting Air Elemental Swarm back when I fought him (he got me cornered due to the huge animation circles on the elementals, and they were smacking the shit out of me. Thankfully a rather buffed Jaheira statchecked them pretty hard), and Lich Kangaxx used Greater Boneguard, so it's just some pretty tall confirmation bias on my part (saw Abyssal Fury once but remembered it well because the slash animation was looping, and IA is used quite often).

    11 hours ago, DavidW said:

    The HLA allocations probably prioritize flavor over balance - one of SCS's goals is to make sure different sorts of wizards fight differently, rather than just max/min ing.

    What I meant was that they shouldn't need to spend an HLA pick on the different schools' Arcane Knowledge abilities (I do think they should get the bonus either way, it is unfair but they have fewer HLAs otherwise, though it's a fantastic system for limiting players) and that they should get access to a few more other schools. Not that vanilla has a big amount of usable Wizard HLAs but there's many ToF ones that enemies would largely benefit from using any number of them (Foresight, Aegis, Reveal, Pierce the Veil, Mirrored Clones, Shadowcloak, Rune of Immunity), even if enemies just have two or three more of them, and have been picked to match the caster's kit flavour, it should do plenty to shift the balance against the player.

    11 hours ago, DavidW said:

    One issue is just that I don't necessarily have a good enough sense myself as to how the various things play together - I have done a practice run with ToF before release but it was mostly to test stability rather than balance (it was TPB, so only up to level 8ish). I would appreciate feedback on this (though, again, balance for now takes a back seat to bugsquashing).

    I do plan on writing about IWD spells and SCS balance, so this will probably get added on top of that, and I do have a lot to say about it but I need to collect my thoughts and produce good feedback (you already saw the issues twisted perception causes with my last post regarding HLAs usage, so unless I think things out stuff like that can happen, and it's not good enough feedback), while also checking if it's possible to code certain things (been wondering this in relation to making casters focus on having party-wide buffs if they are in a group, since that's something that SCS could do more often to make encounters much harder) or if it's even a balance issue and not an issue of party composition/playstyle (I do most encounters in a rather streamlined fashion but it's because of how successful it is that I bother with it at all. This leads to an extremely efficient anti-Mage pattern and they usually die too fast due to it).

  8. 4 hours ago, DumbTheBad said:

    whether adding ToF is a net increase or decrease of the game difficulty

    Currently it is a massive net decrease in difficulty. Once you get access to the ToF HLAs, and have been able to pick more than a handful of Feats, enemies can hardly match your power levels. However if SCS was to fully integrate ToF HLAs and Feats that would make the game harder, but not harder than non-ToF I think. You just have a lot more to work with and enemies won't ever have enough XP to have a relevant amount of HLAs (though this isn't an issue inherent to either SCS or ToF but rather ToB/SoA enemy levels).

    4 hours ago, DumbTheBad said:

    The SCS documentation says that the new proficiency system, HLAs, and kits for enemy casters are integrated.

    Kits are definitely applied, but HLAs I've yet to see any more aside from Abyssal Fury and IA being used in an actual fight, and would love to see all the new defensive ones pre-casted. Considering that the average enemy survives less than two rounds I might just not be seeing them cast anything, or wizards might not be getting HLAs outside of their own schools which is definitely something that they should not be subject to (it's a good way of limiting party resources but the impact on enemy wizards' spellbooks is bad IMO since they aren't that high level either) outside of school opposition hijinks.

    4 hours ago, DumbTheBad said:

    Are non-caster kits used for enemies, or feats, racial bonuses

    AFAIK subracial bonus are not applied, but I might be wrong. Feats aren't applied (I'm fairly confident on that).

    4 hours ago, DumbTheBad said:

    I'm really interested in trying out the new mod, but find that these big content mods can mess with the difficulty by too heavily favoring player options. That SCS spreads the love to enemies is my favorite thing about it, and so I want to know how much of a double-edged sword this combo is.

    It definitely is worth trying. Mind it's still in beta though, so you might run into some bugs, but it definitely does upset the game's balance. I think if SCS made good use of the ToF resources we'd be getting our asses whooped basically, but I'm not sure how realistic it is to assign them intelligently to enemies, as you can do a lot of min-maxing beyond what you'd normally do on non-ToF SCS runs.

    I also want to point out that it makes for fantastic hands-on practice for no-reloading (I am in ToB on my first (I had another BG1 run before it but it got benched as ToF Barbarians had a couple of bugs) run after *years* of not playing seriously), since while it makes the game easier if you build and play your characters correctly, it actually only makes the game easier IF you do those things correctly, which helps a lot with general no-reloading.

  9. Considering I've been SCS Planetars cast Globe of Blades during other Mages' Timestops, it is definitely the case that scripts are run during Timestop, but effects are never played (though you might have to use a cutscene or creature script instead of an area script, but that shouldn't be too hard to do). My suggestion is to instead use the "Unsummoned" visual effect instead since that will cover charname when the first frame of it plays, and teleport out almost immediately.

    You can order inactive creatures via script to move during a Timestop but I'm not sure if the action actually happens if the creature isn't immune to Timestop, and I'm not sure if you can apply immunity to it while it is active either. But if it's any creature you want active, then it should be fine, I'm fairly certain that works.

  10. My suggestion is to add a trigger to this existing block and copy it into a new one, checking instead that Sarevok indeed isn't dead and changing the dialogue string. I don't think REPLACE_SAY is bad though (it really is the easiest way of achieving it) and don't know enough about dialogue coding to point out why it might cause issues either.

  11. 32 minutes ago, subtledoctor said:

    That presents a bit of a complication, because it is vitally important that they all die.

    I was thinking that they'd sort of escort you to the stronghold of sorts and then send you off into the Maze, but that could work too. I think the dead bodies in the Maze and maybe a few surviving, traumatized and injured soldiers (how we make them suffer, just for the tiniest bit of realism...) that could warn you about 25 years old traps and how their expedition failed could work pretty well, too. While I do prefer the idea of adding more areas, it's really tough, so this might be a better way to do it.

    1 hour ago, subtledoctor said:

    This is actually really easy. I haven’t yet looked at how EndlessBG1 handles it, but my IWD Integration mod does it to conditionally skip levels of Dragon’s Eye. Just add an area travel trigger on top of the existing one, and flip them on/off via global variables. So with EndlessBG1, the Undercity exit simply takes you back into the Thieves’ Guild. The trek back through the empty maze happens off-screen, as it were. 

    Yeah, I know, I just wanted to make it so there's something more interesting to it than just skipping it, which I don't have anything against even, it's just the ever-burning desire of adding mooore and more content. Which obviously, of course, in practice I don't do (yet).

    1 hour ago, subtledoctor said:

    Might have to check the script actions used - I have at least one instance of ActionOverride().

    AFAIK ActionOverride() is action number 1 (it starts from zero which I think is NoAction()), so it should be in every game. Though moving items between containers/changing area scripts and a few other actions aren't even on ToBEx.

    43 minutes ago, jastey said:

    Regarding thinking about going BGT compatible with this mod idea: be aware that there is a problem with backward compatibility from the EEs to oBG2 engine, and also, you do not want to ship all SoD resources in your mod because of Copyright reasons.

    Yeah, if that was to be done in any way it'd have to be in the BGT WeiDU style of having SoD installed somewhere somewhat sane being a requirement and just unpacking and converting what you need from SoD at install time. Would most likely need to have the DLC merger installed and whatnot but I have no clue about that stuff. I hope if it's just one area its fair game though, extracting from SoD vs. BG1 doesn't sound nowhere as streamlined when it comes to the tileset conversions, and it'd be a bit too much for one or two areas (personally I would be OK with it, but I'm not sure if the majority of players would want to deal with it).

    1 hour ago, subtledoctor said:

    First I want to get this working and tested on EET and SoD; then I can look into installing a ‘lite’ version on BGT.

    Sure, BGT has its own subset of issues either way and developing a first version for multiple platforms is awful for progress.

  12. 4 hours ago, subtledoctor said:

    This is a chance to move the entrance to the maze from the Thieves' Guild to somewhere else. I always thought it was a bit weird that one of the Duke was like "I know exactly where the Thieves' Guild is, I can send a contingent of guards there any time I want, for some unstated reason however I have never done that." We could move the entrance to the maze to somewhere in the sewers, or the basement of some tavern, or... whatever. Maybe even somewhere on/near the exterior of the city - maybe it is a smugglers' entrance through the walls. There is a northern city gate that goes nowhere, up in the northwest by the Temple of Helm; we could stick a secret door there, perhaps.

    Sounds like a good idea to me, I've had an idea very similar to this, but had no clue where I would put the entrance where it concerns existing areas, and don't currently have the skills to produce new areas. My plan was to:

    • Move the Maze entrance somewhere else, preferably forcing the player to look for it and allow for the Eltan et al quests to be completed.
    • Remove the need to trace back trough the Maze in BGT by adding a small passage-way dungeon that becomes accessible after Sarevok dies (feels really anti-climatic to me, just to walk back through the Maze again).
    • Add an area south of the Cloudpeaks so that you can travel back and forth to Amn through it (or a couple of areas, forcing you to actually cross them, and have going there trigger the Mae'Var ambush that's currently just a cutscene after you talk to Belt).

    While it's practically what EBG1 does, my idea was to bring similar behavior to BGT, and add a couple of areas and touches to the BG1 finale while at it. While your mod is aimed at the EEs and integrating SoD I think plenty of what can be done in BG1 is fully applicable to both games. Then the Undercity exit would be a short dungeon with some low level undead so it isn't just a walkaway out, and you'd exit outside of the City walls, which I was also planning on making an area for.

    As for where to place the Maze entrance, the best idea I came up with was to make an entirely new guarded compound composed of secret tunnels, which you would have to access through the Iron Throne after killing Cythandria (a door in the basement would get added, and something to hint at it being there), and then that would eventually lead you to the Maze itself, or you can enter said tunnels through the basement of a random house with very powerful guards.

    And just to keep a part of the vanilla feeling, the Thieves would get their own set of hidden tunnels, that aren't so secret and connect to the Sewers and a few other areas (I didn't think this one through).

    The idea of putting it on the Northern gate is pretty good though, I've only recently found out that zone is walkable even rofl. And you wouldn't have to walk too far from the Palace itself (my quest would send the player on a Marco Polo styled journey through the whole city basically, which is pretty similar to your idea about going in with the FF into Korlasz' dungeon. Storming the new underground complex with the help of the Flaming Fist, for which the area would have to be on the larger side then, and there aren't that many above-ground huge spaces in the city, though coming up with new below-ground ones is fairly trivial to justify—it must've taken them a LOT of digging to find the Undercity itself, at least that's how I think of this, so it'd make sense that in uncovering it they left a lot of tunnels/big empty spaces dug out. Also explains why they are on the Mining business).

    The issue? So far that's like five or six areas, and I have graphics for none. I plan on learning out Blender for real on my next break from uni but atm I'm absolutely swamped in homework (so progress on the tools for this + other projects is really slow and all non-pure-code mods are just on halt for a couple of months). Making areas out of existing graphics in Photoshop takes too much time sadly, but given the variety of areas to work with and that the aim is integrating the new areas into BG1's finale, it could work. And if you take them from SoD or just add new entrances it'd require no such work.

  13. I always thought of Balors' attacks as having a chance to decapitate due to their claws, however I might just not know how it's supposed to be.

    The Cornugons with clubs look very cool btw, I wish you luck on your overlay editing endeavour, I'm not sure if there's really anything you can do but brute force it through sheer time spent tinkering with it. I always wonder what Erephine did to realign some of the old BG1 shield animations or how the new ones were created but I honestly have no idea.

  14. On 7/23/2017 at 5:22 PM, CamDawg said:

    Make Grease non-hostile - All area affect disabler-type spells don't aggro and can be safely used with neutral npcs. (Entangle, Web, Stinking Cloud, Sleep Cloud). Only Grease is an exception, limiting it's use. The effect is weak enough so I don't think another disadvantage should be added on this spell.

    Could most likely add other spells so that they're also patched in this way (though I can't think of any others that need this treatment), but I think the majority already act this way rather than making creatures hostile. Also, strangely enough this behaviour on Grease is only like this on my modded (though this is how the spell is in vanilla) BG2EE install, but non-hostile on every other similarly modded game. Either way I don't think this is relevant enough to warrant a component of its own and the code is simple enough that it really shows how trivial this is, but it already exists, here it is.

    BEGIN "Remove hostile effect from Grease"
    REQUIRE_PREDICATE FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME spwi101.spl "Your game does not contain the Grease spell"
    COPY_EXISTING spwi101.spl override
        WRITE_BYTE 0x19 (THIS BXOR BIT2)
        PATCH_IF enhanced_edition BEGIN
          WRITE_BYTE 0x19 (THIS BOR BIT1)
  15. Yeah I don't think its feasible at all then, unless you unlock several of them all at once.

    On the topic of issues with the mod: the Cleric HLA Divine Shell doesn't give the 80% slashing resistance it should (it does confer the proper resistances to everything else though, including the other physical damage types). This is on beta 7, but I don't think it had been reported before.

    Edit: the Paladin Holy Aura HLA has the wrong projectile set: it uses 1pp_sleep_cloud - 280 instead of something sane and reasonable like In Area Party Only - 158. Affected file is tg#hol1.spl.

  16. 54 minutes ago, RoyalProtector said:

    I think it might be technically challenging or impossible, not sure, since it would need to be aware of which feats you have, but throwing it out there anyway.

    It's definitely technically possible, you'd just have to define tables that include any non-ordered combination of the poison skills and hope opcode 214 works when applied via opcode 326. So if there's 4 different types of Poison and one is the base type, you'd need 4! / 3 tables (so just 8 in this case). Then you check against a certain spell state and operate bitwise on it (so unlocking the different Poison types is just adding a certain value to it), and since you only care about 8 states so it's quite doable. 5! / 4 is 30 in any case so at that point just forget about it, though I don't know how many types of Poison there are.

  17. 10 hours ago, AL|EN said:

    Correct me if I'm wrong, you specifically have 'an installation routine as of:

    You can greatly reduce your input to achieve this by doing something like

    weinstall mymod --no-exit-pause --force-install-list X Y Z

    and also possible to call the game from the same command as well (or just press F5 on NI and then waste time navigating to what file you want to look at). So it hardly takes much effort at all once you have the right setup. I normally print the relevant parts of the files I'm modifying from WeiDU itself into the console and just look at that. For more complex stuff like effect ordering and such nonsense you're pretty much forced to look at it from NI and test it in-game (particularly for effect reapplication order and some other utter nonsense), but it's not worth doing after every little change. Once you're used to how this works it's not troublesome at all, and takes considerably less than for clang to compile my shit.

    3 hours ago, AL|EN said:

    It's about the fact that you can't use it elsewhere for any other purposes than modding IE games.

    You can, it's a full blown programming language, and I've done binary patching with it for stuff that was completely unrelated to IE modding more than once. The real issue is, it has too many features you don't need for anything else but IE modding, and dealing with things that are convenient for modding but incovenient for regular programming make it hard to justify using it. It indeed is a niche language and finding uses for it is hard, but it can do a multitude of things that are harder to perform in other languages (byte-editing regexp-matched strings comes to mind, though a good number of non-compiled languages are quite good at this as well, however off the top of my head I wouldn't know how to do it in them while I could put the WeiDU code for that down in less than ten seconds with REPLACE_EVALUATE. I would argue that it's also due to me not using those languages as much, so this isn't as important as I make it sound).

    2 hours ago, RoyalProtector said:

    Heavens and hells, I'll take C and C++, at least there is more high level stuff there.

    That's just because someone went a wrote libraries for those languages. Imagine trying to use C without stdlib. I've done that plenty back when I was learning how to code in C (and WeiDU!) about a decade ago, and I can say, it's pretty a painful experience. WeiDU without using any libraries aside from what is shipped with it is comparable to C++ without any of its standard libraries aside from the C ones. Sadly the case for WeiDU is that you either put on the wizard hat and code out the library yourself or put on some apprentice robes and try to figure out how other people's code works, as there is no real standard library for it out there. The difference between how modders handle code ownership and how that works with GPL'd code in other programming languages also has a pretty big impact, though given that all the people that have written stuff worth using will let you use it if you just ask nicely it isn't much of a problem as long as you're willing to ask them (and learn how to use their code).

  18. 2 hours ago, Guest Battlemage said:

    Is there any version of the .exe that works on a 32-bit system? I couldn't get it to work on my computer. 

    You'll have to download the WeiDU binary from https://github.com/WeiDUorg/weidu/releases/latest and rename weidu.exe into setup-modname.exe, for 32-bit systems you'll need the Windows x86 one, might also want to use the legacy one (that one works everywhere and there's virtually no difference at all).

  19. 1 hour ago, suy said:

    But I'm having even less fun trying to do reasonable things in weidu, and not being able to.

    In part the lack of dedicated tutorials to niche aspects of it and documentation aimed at doing complex things, while also explaining them in a detailed manner, is a bit of an issue, I've already thought of pairing it with rather unknown things the game engine has to offer and comitting myself to writing explanations of sorts about it.

    Your arguments are reasonable, and consider that I don't oppose to anybody writing IE libraries to deal with the game's files, if anything I'm more interested in what could one day be done with something like that, the issue is very much writing something like that myself, as WeiDU works well for what my needs are (not without making me lose some hair every now and then, but it's been a kinder experience after moving away from ADD_KIT).

    And as far as running utility tools during installation goes, it can go very far, a very powerful aspect is being able to call it with the file data itself during the patch operation, and then deleting the whole buffer and writing the whole new file. This lets you basically do it natively in WeiDU except you modify the file with an external tool.

  20. Does that language already exist though? You rely on a pre-defined library of the IE formats which is something that's not fun at all to write. Meanwhile, editing spells with WeiDU doesn't require me to write any code except what actually impacts the spells themselves. That's why I called a new language more convoluted, the amount of work it requires to match current WeiDU capabilities, rather than it not being easier to use  (as it WILL be easier to use by means of further abstraction). I might sound too critical of the idea but I would have no reason not to use such a tool either, and if I thought it necessary I'd work on something like it, but dealing with WeiDU directly is just more efficient.

    As far as the more complex IE binary formats go, external tools would be much more useful than WeiDU, which is why I don't see it a worthwhile effort to make modification of spells and other simple formats easier when WED files or other aspects of area creation are still as much of a nightmare to deal with.

  21. 11 minutes ago, suy said:

    I don't get the impression that the weidu ecosystem is so well established.

    It definitely does not cover every case, but you can easily write code to cover the odd cases (particularly on something as trivial as patching effects on a spell that's as neat and well formed as this one). Because there's C libraries with bugs it doesn't mean every C library out there is bugged, and the same applies to limited functionality on WeiDU functions, since the language does lack a null value and suffers from that.

    COPY_EXISTING spcl822.spl override
      PHP_EACH ab_array AS int => ab_off BEGIN
        GET_OFFSET_ARRAY2 fx_array ab_off SPL_V10_HEAD_EFFECTS
        PHP_EACH fx_array AS int => fx_off BEGIN
          PATCH_IF (LONG_AT fx_off) == 0 BEGIN
            READ_LONG (fx_off + 0x8) param1
            WRITE_LONG (fx_off + 0x8) (param1 - value)

    Doesn't take long at all to write, doing this from another language will always be more convoluted than learning how to do it in it. You could even check the levels on each header and apply the modification to the effect non-linearly.

  22. I don't think it's hard to code in WeiDU, even if it has its oddities and all, the language is pretty powerful too and there's a lot of existing code that can be read in order to learn. Also any language that would allow for modification of the game's files would evolve into a similar level of complexity, or else it would fail to replicate existing capabilities which would be unacceptable. Very few things warrant for external, non-WeiDU programs to be used (tileset conversions, audio decoding, creation of huge scripts), and even less mods require the biggest benefit of external programs which is how much faster they do things.

    WeiDU is also specifically designed to deal with binary files which many other systems do not do as well, WeiDU handles binary files better than every single other language I've ever attempted to put up to the task. The actual headache that it is to deal with such things from C and such, WeiDU is the pinnacle of imperative programming aimed at binary formats: it does exactly what you want it to do, exactly at the offset you want it to. No need to deal with buffers, endianess, seeking on a file, mismatched integer types, etc. Sure you can write a library in C, but that doesn't detach you from the compatibility problems inherent to it, nor different platforms make WRITE_BYTE behave any different.

    As for modifying binary files using text commands rather than editing the binary data as such, there's DavidW's SFO 2e which while it's rather hard to guess how to do some things with, offers insanely valuable functionality on most of the game's file formats and lets you perform very complex changes with relative ease.

    5 hours ago, suy said:

    The first phase is to create a tool that can be invoked manually, ahead of mod install time, to create or alter game files. The files can be added to the mod, as "static" files, like if you created them in NearInfinity, but instead of pushing buttons, typing code. This exists in a few forms. I think iesh can do this, and dark0dave's library as well. There are few libraries/tools published online that have done similar things in other languages.

    You can also just do this on WeiDU and create code that won't be present in the final version of your mod. I despise interacting with binary files and have been doing this for my mods for quite some time. Being able to use WeiDU's existing codebase and functions is a huge advantage as compared to having to reinvent the wheel to modify an item or two (or the existing alternative of clicking buttons around for several hours). Having code to create the binary files and then some other code to handle install-time tasks seems like the best idea to me, I should probably make it package the entire mod on its own as well, so it just creates new releases without me ever having to touch the release version files.

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