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Posts posted by cmorgan

  1. dammit. I bet we will need to update mods with a "catch all" option for race, and perhaps even custom class (though I think Kits are extensible but classes might not be -variants probably fit the *_ALL checks)


    ~!Race(Player1,HUMAN) !Race(Player1,ELF) !Race(Player1,HALF_ELF) !Race(Player1,HALFLING) !Race(Player1,DWARF) !Race(Player1,GNOME) !Race(Player1,HALFORC)~

  2. Heh. That is my "Bury Gorion" addition. I apparently am an archaeic old englishman. Which actually fits my dad, so...


    OK to fix it to Americun Standard. Actually, to US Standard English, as "standard American" would probably be "Them there waggin wheelz." :D

  3. Heh - I was looking at code, not at text! Sorry, hook71 - I'll pop those on the GitHub repo tonight. The duplicated folders you reported were removed in the realingment and renaming for AUTO_TRA, so that one is fixed :)


    With the .tra files in place, proofreading in general should be easier to do.


    EDIT: up on GitHub, except for the odd DV thing with { SOLA|Solafein|Solaufein }


    Typos fixed and integrated into v16 TEST branch commit/hook71's Typo Hunt and Destroy

  4. This is cool -


    I would guess the 8 is just about the max most folks would actually mod in dialog for. From a dialogue and party story control standpoint, 6 is a lot but manageable, 8 is tougher, and anything over that games build into squads for management reasons. 8 is about the maximum you can have in a large conversation on screen in a movie or in a story, and even then it tends to break into smaller "groups" or factions.


    I know combat folks like more and more, but


    pc "Heya. Got something to say?"

    npc1 "nope"

    npc2 "nope"

    npc3 "nope"

    npc4 "nope"

    npc5 "nope"

    npc6 "nope"

    npc7 "nope"


    is tough enough - building interplay between that many voices is... Daunting.

    As a referent, only a very few mods build any content at all that goes past pc + 2; most deal only with 1+1 dialogues. The ones that do often pass the same kind of line between "probably not in the same install of 6 and in party at the same time". As one of the few modders that actually attempt all-available-unique-lines-for every-npc-at-the-same-time, I can say that it would be cool to see that content; I can also say that writing it is bloody hard.

  5. BG2:EE Thoughts and Notes from browsing:



    recheck project on JOURNAL and add additional entries.

    ADD_JOURNAL EXISTING TITLE (#74337) @xx USING ~xxxxxxxx/tra/%s/xxxx.tra~


    (does nothing on BG2 but works on BG2:EE - no need to condition it)


    Recheck this (used) against music in BG2:EE and PlaySong(0) etc.

    COPY_EXISTING ~songlist.2da~ ~override~
    SET_2DA_ENTRY 2 1 2 ~Blank~
    SET_2DA_ENTRY 2 2 2 ~Blank.mus~


    and find out why the PlaySong(0) is not cutting out area musical ambients on BG2:EE


    Pro5 -
    - EE games expect item description images to be BMP files with alpha transparency channel, old BAMs are not displayed.
    Solution: convert existing description BAMs to new BMP format (this thread describes how to save as bmp with alpha in Photoshop). Include 2 versions (bam and bmp) for each item, copy one of them depending on detected platform.

    Pretty sure I don't need this, because I copy existing itms and patch them, but double-check that I don't create via "copy created item into place" anywhere at all. THIS is one reason I love Avenger_RR's work - the ultimate mod in my mind would create all things (from areas to items to spells to... EVERYTHING) from the existing install on the fly via WeiDU. Voila - no more this-and-that on different this-and-thats.

    New BG2:EE materials do not need to be comiled separately, so I can add the New Folks to everything I have in project reasonably easily if I have the New Folk's dialog files up on one side to check style against"



    Thimblerig's "actually read the owner's manual for WeiDU" recheck http://gibberlings3.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=25609&p=228558


    Jastey's "Play Fast And Dirty FTW!" http://gibberlings3.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=26293


    OR an older construct for CHAIN - == IF_FILE_EXISTS ~MYDLGFILE~


    ToB content modifications/talks to extend: Jastey's "Complicated Stuff Becomes Easy When She Does All The Research"




    VOICED LINES (non-fatal flaw).

    - there are no current recorded voiceovers for lines; the component options are there to hold the WeiDU Component Number order, but no voicings are present


    BG2:EE/EET - FRIENDSHIP: (non-fatal flaw).

    - Revisit interjection points in both SoA and ToB.

    - Few BG2:EE introduced interjections are are covered.

    - No newly introduced areas have commentary. PID will not react to new areas.


    ARAN_AWARE (non-fatal flaw).

    - Component is coded and uses Aran's .tra, but most of the content ends up fitting regular Crossmod content.

    Pro = easy addition, unloads some .tra work, will probably become a regularly installed mod on EE and BiG World, etc.

    Con = A_A is already traified, Crossmod is not. Folks might not want to grab Crossmod when doing targeted installs. Component dissolved and all content except detecting kits moved to Crossmod Banter Pack.


    (non-fatal flaw). We have issues with Aran in the The Broken Sword right after picking him up. Force talking him, (before leaving The Broken Sword), and choosing the bath option - no variables set. Tried this with him and the PC doing everything and just taking a 'friendly' bath with not even a kiss being exchanged. Either way, no variables set and the PC flirting with Aran afterwards, (after bath but before leaving The Broken Sword), the flirts do not register - no variables set. The right variables do set if the PC doesn't take a bath with him though. Not able to replicate on Beta_Luridel


    (non-fatal flaw) But definitely unwanted behavior.

    When Kalah is done speaking, the conversation between Aerie and Quayle didn't fire. I've seen this happen in the past with the Kivan mod, too. When that occurred, I proved Kivan was the cause by liberating Quayle without the elven archer in the party, which resulted in Aerie happily acknowledging the safety of her Uncle Qualyle as per normal. (Side Note: I love what Aran has to say about Kalah. Very well put.)

    cm - I_C_T has passback, and files look fine - need to try to drill down what is happening here.

    Unable to replicate - procedures and tests logged here:http://gibberlings3.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=27403&p=236635



    IF ~ !Dead("Quaylem")

    We can say "Doesn't look like us or a mod interaction on our end." we have some specific answers as to whom else thought this was a good place to interject. The only things left are glitches in evaluating SDNS(Player1) or Wait(3) or smallwait; all those things are engine things and script things that we can't control, as it is not our dialog that is processing that, it is Aerie's/Quayle's/Kalah's. And we can go back to modding.


    To be safe, because these things do pop up, I am marking this "Unable To Replicate) and we'll see what comes up. in the meantime, i will pop over and make sure Kivan has his code done up right. Wouldn't want the lad to accidentally leave anything dangling in the wind, y'know.



    - Investigate idea of the "single playthrough encounter", where a different encounter might be available based on .bcs evaluation of party composition, class, etc. So a bard PC might get something related to FR lore about bards, a cleric might get an 'opposte alignment' encounter... remembering the biggs comments on this, because creating one-off encounters like this may be prohibitively costly in terms of development and testing time versus the amout of time players get to see the content.


    - Finish Teldra's first and second quest materials and retest vs. current mini-quests.


    - Look at how gender checks and wild surges interact, and determine feasibility of adding comedic/pathos with friend or romantic partner suddenly switching teams.


    - Journal entries for big decisionmaking points in the friendship/stuff talkked about/stories told. Add BG2EE materials for these. Ties in with the scribe vibe.


    Aran's sisters talk in ToB has an interjection from HD that was a bit out of the set character, IMO. Him trying to hook up with Aran's sister doesn't really fit if HD's romance installed, active and set @2. HD will end the romance with the PC later in ToB, if she continues other committed romances in addition to his. But, it is possible to have more than one @2 for a time with HD, Aran, (and/or Kivan), in the party.

    - Aran is quiet about the PC fighting Amalas? Aran's meat shield talk came up as the fight with Amalas was starting. (PC was in the pit and she had just began to attack when the talk appeared.)

    -The party had rested for 16 hours in the CC after slaver quest. Forcetalked Aran and one of the inn specific talks appeared. It ended with a forced rest and the party resting again for 8 more hours. Just seemed like an odd time for a forced rest. Maybe reserve forced rest talks for when the player initiates resting.

    -During the Bard quest several party members were killed - multiple times - including Aran. Did you make a comment for him when raised from the dead?

    The healing flirt initiated by Aran when PC's HP gets low...What if Aran has been dual classed to a Cleric? Does he then heal the PC?

    And a question/request: Would it be too much trouble and/or would you be willing to add a PC menu option for the Player to heal Aran when his HP also gets low?

    Don't know if you want to mess with adding any more of these or not, but just in case you do...I think the following amulets/necklaces are missing from the jewelry flirt:


    AMUL13 - Bloodstone Amulet

    AMUL14 - Amulet of Protection +1

    AMUL15 - Shield Amulet

    AMUL17 - Greenstone Amulet

    AMUL19 - Amulet of 5% Magic Resistance

    AMUL20 - Kaligun's Amulet of Magic Resistance

    AMUL21 - Amulet of Power

    AMUL23 - Periapt of Life Protection

    AMUL24 - Necklace of Form Stability

    AMUL25 - Amulet of Spell Warding

    AMUL26 - Amulet of Cheetah Speed (Throne of Bhaal)

    AMUL27 - Amulet of Seldarine (Throne of Bhaal)

    AMUL28 - Amulet of the Master Harper (Throne of Bhaal)


    And Tsujatha also gives the PC a necklace called Fireheart (firehear.itm)

    Just a few thoughts and points to consider based on what has appeared in my games and some of these tie into Miss Behave's comments:


    Leave less to the players imagination, sorta. There are many points where Aran goes from A to D, E, or F. Just put the B and C in to give an indication of what is supposed to be happening. It doesn't have to spelled out in detail in every exchange between Aran and the PC, but a small hint of which direction our imagination is supposed to be going in would be helpful.


    What about the clumsy PC, (very low dex, accident prone). There may be some hero types that are not "graceful under fire". Think Gavin, but with a shapely figure...(His talk in the Bridge Dist made this thought come to mind.)


    My fav, the prankster, trickster and/or thief PC. There's only one PC option in the flirts for a thief and one Aran response that's appeared in my games. Would like to see more teasing/playful PC options & Aran responses, (also Aran initiated), in game at various stages of the romance. Nothing mean, unless the PC is evil, just light-hearted playfulness. Even a hero half-goddess needs a distraction from time to time.


    From friendship to very early romance, there seems to be less content for Aran. Maybe a few more options that are subtle, (no/minimal touching and/or no assertive actions, by PC or Aran.) Give more opportunities to drag out the relationship building portion of the romance, before contact occurs. Altho randonmess could make Aran more replayable, in some games there has been little relationship building because many/most first stage options were, I am guessing, skipped too soon. This leaves little in the way of options for those who are concentrated on relationship building and less on bedding him. Can't make him wait if the option to do so doesn't appear in game.


    As Miss Behave said, more content please. We need more of Aran, not less. So please don't remove what you've already created for him. Just "flesh him out" a bit more. Every romance goes thru a building stage, even if the PC beds Aran right after meeting him. Well, unless she takes him along soley for the sex, that is...Which some will do. Relationship will be a mute point with them.


    And lastly, having a silent Aran around for one or more chapters. It's a pretty drastic change in game...Loads of attention towards the PC, then nothing until ToB starts.

    What about the clumsy PC, (very low dex, accident prone). There may be some hero types that are not "graceful under fire". Think Gavin, but with a shapely figure...(His talk in the Bridge Dist made this thought come to mind.)


    My fav, the prankster, trickster and/or thief PC. There's only one PC option in the flirts for a thief and one Aran response that's appeared in my games. Would like to see more teasing/playful PC options & Aran responses, (also Aran initiated), in game at various stages of the romance. Nothing mean, unless the PC is evil, just light-hearted playfulness. Even a hero half-goddess needs a distraction from time to time.

    From friendship to very early romance, there seems to be less content for Aran. Maybe a few more options that are subtle, (no/minimal touching and/or no assertive actions, by PC or Aran.) Give more opportunities to drag out the relationship building portion of the romance, before contact occurs. Altho randonmess could make Aran more replayable, in some games there has been little relationship building because many/most first stage options were, I am guessing, skipped too soon. This leaves little in the way of options for those who are concentrated on relationship building and less on bedding him. Can't make him wait if the option to do so doesn't appear in game.


    As Miss Behave said, more content please. We need more of Aran, not less. So please don't remove what you've already created for him. Just "flesh him out" a bit more. Every romance goes thru a building stage, even if the PC beds Aran right after meeting him. Well, unless she takes him along soley for the sex, that is...Which some will do. Relationship will be a mute point with them.




    Misc Observations

    • Aran mentioned Sheri, the bardess from Romantic Encounters, in an earlier conversation but doesn't react when the PC asks Sheri for a song. This seemed rather odd.

    cm - Test and integrate fix for this

    Repaired 7/2/2015

    Given how Aran reacts to Aerie's transformation, one would think that he'd have something to say about the other illusions in the circus tent. Especially the Pleasure Slave. Heh.




    SoA and ToB FRIENDSHIP: Look for ways of having Aran realistically engage in a discussion that avoids all the materials other mods have covered well, and in detail , avoiding the following:

    - How did you get here?

    - What are your feelings about being (potentially) a god?

    - What was candlekeep like when you were a kid?

    - Why are you doing this?

    - Is Aerie sleeping with you now, or just leading you on?

    - So, that Noober guy... does he have a sister, becuse she might be just my cup of tea...

    - Gorion - daddy figure or kind uncle?

    - Hey, those Shadow Thief outfits for the ladies... wow. Cool tattoos, and lots of skin. I wonder how they stay warm in winter...

    ...looking for fun, interesting, "friends chatting" stuff, open to any PC.


    SoA and ToB Talks Updates

    - Adding more options or pathways for dialog to reflect race, class, kit, gender, alignment, and in-game actions.




    Look for any remaining reply states that force players into 1, 2, or 3 choices and expand them into the Aran-Usual 5 to 7.

    Hint: If there are less than 4, the option missing is probably "shy or reticent". I seem to have assumed most female PCs will not really be that shy. Or reticent.


    Sample schematics for inspiration:


    1 interested

    2 not interested

    3 vamping, or teasing

    4 aggressive

    5 cruel/shutdown

    (may need one additional, of STFU)


    1 interested/aggressive

    2 teasing/seductive with or without any intention of following through

    3 tender/shy

    4 not interested

    5 cruel


    Berelinde's "Benett Rubric"

    PC reply 1 (Lydia/Kitty): narcissistic, attempt to turn the conversation toward the PC

    PC reply 2 (Jane): all compassion

    PC reply 3 (Elisabeth): practical, full of advice

    PC reply 4 (Mary): inappropriate, sometimes wildly so

    PC reply 5: exit the dialogue

  7. OK,




    Latest beta with all BiG World or other mega-batch installer support,

    recognises EET,

    a custom .log file set that updates so that even if you install and then change components (thus wiping out the .DEBUG file information from the initial install),

    All content up to 6/30/2015 (that's also 30.6.2015) put into place.


    For those that don't "get git", the following sequence should help you out -


    1. Click on the link.

    2. look for the part that says "Downloads"

    3. click on one of the "Source Code" lines, either .zip or tar.gz

    4. extract that file to your desktop or some drive somewhere

    5. Go into the folder you just extracted ("Aran-Whitehand-Beta_Luridel")

    6. Copy the folder "aranw" and the file "setup-aranw.exe" into your mod installation directory (leave the .gitattributes and the undefined file "README" alone


    and you are ready to go.


    If you are on Linux or Mac, you don't want that "setup-aranw.exe", you want to use the latest WeiDU for your system. WARNING: untested on Linux or Mac.


    Secondary warning -


    Female PCs can get themselves into some (a good deal of) adult content similar to Romantic Encounters, Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters, and several of the more explicit NPCs. Luckily, there are tons of ways of diverting him from "going there", but consider everyone warned :)

  8. I have a working beta up on github, and have successful installations and tests on SoA and ToB installs, so he is pretty much ready to go from that standpoint. On the BGII:EE side, I have successful installs, but no real full playthrough tests.


    For a version 1, i am ok with missing some of the content I wanted in; he s already pretty extensive. Plus, there is always version 2. But his voiceovers and real soundset need addressing (a problem with the quasi "celtic-gaelic-welsh-english" mishmash; I thought I'd hire a voice actor but have yet to gather together the funds) [probably not happening before v1 goes live] and before he rolls out the door initially I need to lock down a talk in ToB to set the player choices for epilogues, write a few more possible branches for those, and then test them at least a little on BGII and BGII:EE.


    I am hoping v1 ships before the end of November. I just know that by typing that out, the chances just went down 40% :D

  9. Blades, report this to he author, please - the I_C_T he uses here has no passback, so the dialog action that Gaal takes gaets passed to Xan instead. The author needs to either change INTERJECT_COPY_TRANS to I_C_T2 on those lines, or, preferably, just in case some other mod wants to take part in the same sequence, a passback like this:


    == 7XXANJ IF ~!StateCheck("7XXAN",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)InParty("7XXAN")~ THEN ~We're all doomed! Run while you still can!~ [xan1]
    == GAAL IF ~!StateCheck("7XXAN",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)InParty("7XXAN")~ THEN ~Doomed is right! Attack them!~


    For fixing your game, I am not sure - you could manually edit the .dlg files and start from before the encounter, I think.

  10. You have a .tra file that contains the line already, and there is USING, so you could create a small bgt-only snippet and do something like this


    in .tp2


    ACTION IF ~game is bgt~ THEN BEGIN

    OUTER_SPRINT ~bgt_dialog~ ~


    IF ~Global("D0TaintedOreQuest","GLOBAL",1)

    PartyHasItem("POTN48")~ THEN REPLY @28 GOTO Examine //"Examine" is a custom dialogue state in the .d

    IF ~Global("D0TaintedOreQuest","GLOBAL",2)

    PartyHasItem("POTN48")~ THEN REPLY @29 GOTO Examine




    OUTER_SPRINT ~bgt_dialog~ ~~




    USING ~the original tra file~


    and put a line in the relevant d %bgt_dialog%


    I don't know if that would work, haven't tested doing large multiline OUTER_SPRINT...


    wait a minute -


    Thinking about it, I would skip all that. I would run a small .d that only gets used when game_is BGT and map the .tra to the small file using USING

  11. Useful Variables to Troubleshoot
    Not all of them, just a select few that are good places to start if something goes hinkey.

    General Interaction Variables To Watch
    Way too many and too specialized, but here are some that are possible hiccups (show up in more than a few places).

    "c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL" tracks Friend Talks outside of UnderDark

    "c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL" tracks Friend Talks inside Underdark

    "c-aranfriendtob","GLOBAL" tracks Friend Talks in ToB

    These two are set up for the many small "scenery" one-liners or short dialogs.
    !GlobalTimerNotExpired("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL") // Timer (game-time) has never been set or has expired
    Global("c-silencearan","GLOBAL",0) // a PID - set "silencer" for folks who hate unsolicited comments

    "c-arandrunk","GLOBAL" // in a vanilla inn or The Broken Sword, intoxication greater than 50. 3 talks. Blocking timers so that they can't go off too soon, so spread them out.

    Mature Content Variables
    "c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS" cycles from 0 through 7, advancing through 8 static sex scenes. It seems pretty hard to break. Heh. I had to tempt fate, didn't I. A small subset of replies where the PC gives up control and basically says "do what you want with me however you want to" cycles through these - there is no interactivity, only text painting.

    "c-arankisses","LOCALS" is designed to get a semi-random sequence to work out so that each time PC initiates a PID romantic encounter the approach is slightly different and the potential outcomes are more randomized. This one is the most likely to break down due to multiple IncrementGlobal() calls - chances are, I have pathways with multiple incrementation.

    "c-aranintimate","GLOBAL" is the incrementing tracking var set by activity ( updates "c-aransex" ). This means whenever a meaningful(/less) physical action occurs through dialog, it should list it out. This is set up so that if a player starts down a path but finds it is too heavy, the SetGlobal() will relect the final action. It also means that in randomized sequences, the activity is registered without resetting "reality" - otherwise, one talk could be wild sex, the next just kissing, and the game would think that PC and Aran just kissed. It should only be found in DO ~action~

    "c-aransex","GLOBAL" is the regulating var to tell talks what physical status the relationship has taken. It matches the values 0-4 found in c-aranintimate:
    c-aransex = 0 : no intimacy
    c-aransex = 1 : kissing
    c-aransex = 2 : touching + kissing
    c-aransex = 3 : heavy innuendo touching ("petting")
    c-aransex = 4 : full physical intimacy
    It should never be found in DO ~action~, only in triggers, and is set via .bcs incrementation based on c-aranintimate. Like in real life, you can't take back an action, so short of console use or the specific troubleshooting "what do you think about our relationship" dialogs you can't take back that action... it does not de-increment.

    Flirting Variables to Watch
    "c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL" should be toggled to halt unwanted flirts or re-enable them if the player changes their mind.

    "c-aranfight","GLOBAL" is toggled by Aran on sequences where he takes offense at something (chance is usually 20% if the encounter is messing with him badly).

    "c-aranearlyflirt","LOCALS" Flirt SubMenu: Lightweight, Early Flirts for Impatient Players found in PID. Using this 12 times moves you immediately forward, jump-starting regular lightweight flirts, where instead of being friendly he is a little more hands-on. Basically, if a female is showing herself very interested, what red-blooded dude would wait patiently to develop things more?

    If PC waits rather than throws herself in his direction, then after 3 Friend Talks,
    "c-aranpcflirtstart","GLOBAL" sets up flirting, as long as PC has not shut down any romance (and isn't showing either Gender=Male or Gender=Female while wearing belt05).

    After 24 flirts on this level by either PC- or NPC-initiation, this cycles to 2 and opens up the heavy flirts.

    GlobalGT("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",40) If you pass the 40 flirt mark total, whether early, lightweight, or heavy, Aran will come calling and automatically advance to "c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2. Whether or not you sleep with him, delay him, etc., you have shown serious interest. Luckily, he isn't afraid of a little running around behind other folk's back, at least at first...

    Romance variables To Watch

    "c-aranrom","GLOBAL",1 = PC is female and has not told him via PID that she doesn't want romance or flirting. PID-initiated flirting with him should turn this back on.
    "c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2 = PC is female and has indicated interest, currently set by one of these:

    • PID (after some conditions are met) - Simply tell him you are interested in having a relationship that is more than friendly.
    • Lots of flirting with him via PID or NPC-initiated. Controllable by not flirting with him and telling him you don't want to have him come up to you and flirt.
    • A rejoining option that indicates you want to be more than friends.
    • Several branches in SoA LT 7, SoA LT8
    • NPC Management: relationship check chains in most dialog files, there for testing - perhaps to be left in place.
    • ToB Summons from Fate Spirit, and all joining-rejoining dialogs in ToB (hard to tell ToB interactions with other NPCs as less attention is paid there for most NPCs).

    "c-aranrom","GLOBAL",3 = PC is not in a relationship with Aran. This is set by PID, and a very very few places in dialog.

    "c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL" tracks LoveTalk progress in SoA

    "c-arantobrom","GLOBAL" tracks LoveTalk progress in ToB (when there are some; right now, there are none.

  12. http://forums.gibberlings3.net/index.php?showtopic=21873


    This is an archive of Community Prefix reservations for the i.e. modding community. The official list is maintained at BWL by Baronius.




    The source topic and discussion here at G3 can be found here .


    If you are looking to register your prefix, post, email, or otherwise contact Baronius at forums.blackwyrmlair.net/index.php?showtopic=113 to register, so that mods don't accidentally mess with each other.


    This list is for archival purposes only.




    ..and the master table is back up. An archive copy as been pinned at the top of this forum, but please note - the best and most efficient way of making sure mods don't mess with other mods and with vanilla game resources is to register a prefix at BWL. Having more than one 'official' registration site defeats the purpose of making sure unique prefixes are used/available. This thread is *not* the place to register prefixes - requests to do so will be cheerfully ignored smile.gif


    Unless BWL goes offline permanently (as defined by a period spanning months, not weeks) or registration as a visitor begins to require a fee, then the answer you will get at PPG, at SHS, and at G3 (and I am pretty sure at CoM) will be "we have one list, one maintainer". Evidence of the strong need for this can be found in the fact that the community hosting it does not always play nicely with others, yet we are all saying "this is Baronius' territory - he volunteered and took over the list".


    Please register your prefixes at BWL. It will help other modders avoid messing with your stuff accidentally.

  13. Hey - CamDawg in BG1NPC has been doing this, just FYI:

      /* Area Type Flagging */
     /* ToSC only: Tutu and BGT */
     ACTION_IF (FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~FW1500.are~) OR (FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~ARW500.are~) THEN BEGIN //  if TotSC is installed
    COPY_EXISTING ~%IsleofBalduranN%.are~ ~override~
    			  ~%IsleofBalduranS%.are~ ~override~
    			  ~%DurlagsTower%.are~ ~override~
    			  ~%Farmlands%.are~ ~override~
      READ_BYTE  "0x48" "flags"
      WRITE_BYTE "0x48" ("%flags%" BOR "0b00010001")
     /* FOREST and OUTDOOR: Tutu and BGT */
     COPY_EXISTING ~%FishingVillage%.are~ ~override~
    			~%Peldvale%.are~ ~override~
    			~%LionsWay%.are~ ~override~
    			~%CoastWay%.are~ ~override~
    			~%Larswood%.are~ ~override~
    			~%ShipwrecksCoast%.are~ ~override~
    			~%HighHedge%.are~ ~override~
    			~%MutaminsGarden%.are~ ~override~
    			~%Lighthouse%.are~ ~override~
    			~%RedCanyons%.are~ ~override~
    			~%SouthBeregostRoad%.are~ ~override~
    			~%Ulcaster%.are~ ~override~
    			~%ArchaeologicalSite%.are~ ~override~
    			~%FishermansLake%.are~ ~override~
    			~%NorthNashkelRoad%.are~ ~override~
    			~%LonelyPeaks%.are~ ~override~
    			~%FirewineBridge%.are~ ~override~
    			~%BearRiver%.are~ ~override~
    			~%ValleyoftheTombs%.are~ ~override~
    			~%DryadFalls%.are~ ~override~
    			~%FireLeafForest%.are~ ~override~
    			~%GibberlingMountains%.are~ ~override~
    READ_BYTE  "0x48" "flags"
    WRITE_BYTE "0x48" ("%flags%" BOR "0b00010001")
     /* OUTDOOR ONLY: Tutu and BGT */
     COPY_EXISTING ~%GnollStronghold%.are~ ~override~
    			~%NashkelMines%.are~ ~override~
    			~%FriendlyArmInn%.are~ ~override~
    			~%Temple%.are~ ~override~
    			~%NashkelCarnival%.are~ ~override~
    READ_BYTE  "0x48" "flags"
    WRITE_BYTE "0x48" ("%flags%" BOR "0b00000001")
     /* CITY and OUTDOOR */
     COPY_EXISTING ~%WyrmsCrossing%.are~ ~override~
    			~%Candlekeep_Ch6%.are~ ~override~
    			~%Gullykin%.are~ ~override~
    READ_BYTE  "0x48" "flags"
    WRITE_BYTE "0x48" ("%flags%" BOR "0b00001001")


    This is just regular flagging of converted resources, but for future folks researching this it shows how to add the standard CITY, FOREST, OUTDOOR, and some combos.

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