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Talents of Faerûn Beta 15

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About This File

Talents of Faerûn (ToF) is a collection of about 85 mini-mods for the Enhanced Edition versions of Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate II, and Icewind Dale, partially inspired by existing mods and tabletop Dungeons and Dragons resources. It contains many optional tweaks to various parts of gameplay, focussing on expanding and rebalancing player character abilities. Features include 150-odd new high-level abilities, a new 'feat' system where lower-level characters gain abilities every few levels, revisions to existing kits, new classes, new kits for multi-class characters, new types of magical specialization, a dozen or so new spells, many spell tweaks, 20-odd new gods for clerics to worship, a subrace system, a revised system of cleric/druid spells, and tweaks to the rules for ability scores and proficiencies.

What's New in Version Beta 6   See changelog


  • Rewritten the 'Improved NPC customization and management' component from the ground up; hopefully it's now a lot more robust, but we'll see! (It also now allows rangers to choose their favored enemy.)
  • Automatically assigned appropriate proficiencies to NPCs, if the revised proficiencies component is installed and NPC customization and management isn't.
  • Fixed some bugs caused by interactions between various components that affect proficiencies.
  • Fixed some more cosmetic issues where odd symbols were sometimes displayed next to class names.
  • Blocked compatibility problems in IWD installs where the broken file '#bonecir.spl' has already been removed by another mod.
  • Mantle spell tweak correctly lets ordinary Mantle protect against +3 weapons.
  • Fixed some glitches with the monster summoning spell tweak.
  • You can now dual-class into specialist mage kits.
  • If you remove alignment restrictions, the select-favored-enemy screen no longer refers to rangers as 'protectors of good'.
  • Svirfneblin should now get their magic resistance at higher levels.
  • Noted that the subrace component is incompatible with starting a new game in Heart of Winter(!) and disabled that option if it is installed. (There is a possible, albeit awkward, workaround to this. I'm assuming few people use this option but if I'm wrong, let me know.)
  • New component: rangers get revised favored-enemy categories, and can reselect their favored enemy every third level. (Yes, I should be fixing bugs before adding new components, but this one was a fairly straightforward spinoff from the new 'NPC customization and management.'
  • Suppressed the (cosmetic, but annoying) display on levelling to 1st level that tells you you have 18 million trillion proficiencies.

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