About This File
Gavin is an NPC mod for Tutu, BG:EE, and the BG portion of BGT and EET. He is a Morninglord of Lathander and can be found outside the Song of the Morning Temple, near Beregost.
What's New in Version v14 See changelog
- Made Gavin - Ajantis banter about Lanie a standalone banter in case Jaheira is not in party.
- Bassilus quest: If Gavin received messenger but didn't talk to Kelddath before killing Bassilus, Kelddath will give a closing line if returning to the temple
- all journal entries will be erased upon bgt transition to BGII.
- Mod won't install on Steam/GOG SoD if modmerge didn't run (Linux / OS X).
- removed script name patching of %tutu_var%SLEEPFH.CRE and %tutu_var%SLEEPMH.CRE and changed script patching to "Class" (as Override" is already SHOUT.bcs).
- g3_bgee_cpmvars.tpa corrected (Post dialogue for Dynaheir, Jaheira - not important for this mod).
- Update to Weidu v244