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Stucked with Jaheira Quest


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Hi cmorgan,


i'm actually stucked during Jaheira Quest. I remember in a past version finally i didn't have such problems but now it seems they have risen again.


As soon as i reach Beador's area, the cre for him and the druids are created but the dialog didn't show up. I did have a look at the scripts and it seems that i should have a BeadorStart global to begin the dialogue. Looking at the script i noticed no references to that gobal ... also the olny variable i saw it is set (after speaking with Seniyad) is X#JaheiraQuest=2


u may find my weidu log here:



Please let me know what can i do to continue the quest.


Many thanks in advance,



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From jaqu.baf (compiles to Jaheira's script):

/* one of the two following happen immediately: */
/* Activate Beador's Talk Start, Jaheira no Faldorn  */

/* Initiate Beador's Talk Start, Jaheira no Faldorn  */

/* Activate Beador's Talk Start, Jaheira AND Faldorn  */

/* Initiate Beador's Talk Start, Jaheira AND Faldorn  */

From x#jaqu.d:

/* BEGIN X#BEADOR Dialogue */

/* Option 1: Jaheira without Faldorn initial talk */
IF WEIGHT #-2 ~%BGT_VAR% Global("X#BeadorStarts","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN BEGIN BeadorStartsJaheira
SAY @29
IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("X#BeadorStarts","GLOBAL",2)~ EXTERN ~%JAHEIRA_JOINED%~ JaBeChain1

/* Option 2: Jaheira with Faldorn initial talk */
IF WEIGHT #-2 ~%BGT_VAR% Global("X#JaheiraQuestFaldorn","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN BEGIN BeadorStartsFaldorn
SAY @29
IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("X#JaheiraQuestFaldorn","GLOBAL",2)~ EXTERN ~%JAHEIRA_JOINED%~ JaBeChain2


So, my question: do you have Faldorn in the party?


All these scripts use a state check for CD_STATE_NOTVALID, so nobody's dead, silenced, stunned, confused, or incapacitated, are they?


I'm going to give you a list of things to check. Please excuse me if you already know how to do all of this.


First, make sure your game is not running.


Go to your game directory, probably BaldursGateTutu, and look for a file called baldur.ini. Open it with any text editor. Notepad will work. Look at the first couple lines. You'll see


[Program Options]


Position the cursor after that and hit the enter key. That should insert a blank line.


Type in


Debug Mode=1


with a single space between the g and the M and no spaces around the =.


It will probably look like


[Program Options]

Debug Mode=1


Install Type=3


Save it.


Now restart your game.


When you get to the area where Beador is, he'll probably be just standing around.


Hit the CTRL key and the space bar simultaneously to bring up the CLUA console. In it, type




It should return a value of 2. If it does not, we need to address that problem separately.


Now, if you do not have Faldorn in the party, open the console again, and type in




That should return a value of 1. If it does not, please open the console again and type in




Beador should start talking right away.


If you have Faldorn in the party, substitute X#JaheiraQuestFaldorn for X#BeadorStarts in the directions above.


Beador should start talking right away.


Now, please save your game as something *other* than your previous saved game, to preserve your old save game. Cmorgan or I might want you to send the saved game along, for troubleshooting purposes.

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Thanks Berelinde ... i know quite well how commands works :-)


As i explained ,the problem is that I NEVER have the chance to have X#BeadorStarts=1 in my game. I looked at any script and i don't see anyone who can set that global to 1. So, at the time i reach Beador, i don't have any X#BeadorStarts still set ...


I don't have Faldorn in my party anyway.


Setting the Global the game proceeds as it should be ... for now :-P



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You do have Jaheira in the party, right? Of course you do, or you wouldn't have titled this *Jaheira* Quest.


The first code block I posted above has the blocks that set the conditions that start the quest, and they go right in Jaheira's script. I've checked the tp2, and it gets added on to bgjheira.bcs, so if the posted code is right, and it seems to be, and the tp2 is right, and it is, something must have happened during installation.


Please forgive me, mm75, I know you aren't ignorant, but other users who might be a little more reticent about posting might be having the same problem, and they might not know how to work the console. Of course, they probably don't have the pre-release v15, though.


You know how to decompile scripts, right? Please decompile BGJHEIRA.bcs and send it to me at berelinde#@#gmail.com, deleting the #'s. That should help me get to the source of this particular problem.


Try setting X#BeadorStarts to 1 and see what happens. If he doesn't initiate dialogue after you've set the value to 1, then you can force-talk him to get the dialogue.

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There's good news, and there's bad news, mm75.


The good news is that the script I posted above is right there in the bgjheira.baf you sent me. I can see it plain as day, looking exactly like I quoted above.


The bad news is that the script I posted above is right there in the bgjheira.baf you sent me, and it still doesn't work in your game!


Would you mind please sending me a copy of your savegame to the same email address? I'll see what I can do with it. Just compress the entire folder to either ZIP or RAR format, and I'll see what's going on.


In the meantime, I'll look for console commands that will allow you to complete the quest.


Thanks for reporting your difficulty.

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I'm not sure I follow you, Icen. The IESDP is unlikely to contain the variables that mm75 needs to check and possibly set in order to speak to Beador a second time.


But thanks for the reminder. The IESDP does contain a very useful list of console functions.

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Update my thread at SHS about the problem. It seems something did change Jaheira's script assignment and she was using a wrong override bcs script. The correct one to use is BGJaheira.bcs


My first gut feeling is something related to the Improved Beastmaster Mod i have assigned to her, but i have to dig some more about it...



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Sorry for waking this topic again, but I have the same problem and I am not sure if I understood melkor_morgoths solution correct.


Everything went rather smoothly until I arrive at the third area in the cloakwood, where I meet Beador. He is spawned with a bunch of shadow druids and says we should go back to get the girl. Jaheira then says something about helping Beador, and the Dialog ends. The Shadow Druids do not turn hostile and even if i kill them Beador has nothing to say to me and the whole quest is stopped.


I don't have Faldorn in the party, but a bunch of mots installed which might be conflicten with the npc project. Does anyone have an idea how to solve this issue or at least end the quest?

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