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Anyone is interested in voice-work trade-ins?


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As a person who has to cast many, many roles, some of them small, and having tough time finding the voice actors, but having to find those voices somehow for the project to be complete, I am wondering if others in a similar situation are interested in 'trading' voice-work, ie go on the principle of "I'll voice 10 lines for you, and you will voice 10 lines for me"?


If anyone is interested, my voice is a high-pitch female with a bit of a fake accent, that I can vary a little or cover up by a stronger accent, and I can record relatively clear sound with Audacity.


I am looking for an exchange of 5 to 20 lines, male or female voices.

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I'd definitely be willing to try - exchange or not. See my new mod idea near the top of the forum.


In any case - I'm a Dutchman, with a sort of baritone voice, I guess, though I can try to manage different pitches and accents. I'd be willing to give anything a shot, in any case.


I also record on Audacity, but I'll have to see about noice cancellation and such.





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Hi folks. I managed to get this round of voice-work done, so while I am happily integrating it and coding my way into the early grave to the next batch of lines to be voiced (at which time I am bound to surface again with the roles), feel free to call upon me for voice-work if you need my type of voice.

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