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Widescreen Mod V 1 Causes Errors Installing Level 1NPCs Etc.


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I received the following error when attempting to install Level 1 NPCs Mod:


copying setup-widescreen.exe->[setup-level1npcs.exe]:false

I received similar errors when attempting to install the G3 tweak pack.


I then uninstalled the widescreen mod. This resulted in numerous not installed due to errors with the G3 fixpack. Essentially it removed the entire fixpack


I have had to do several complete reloads lately when attempting to play BGT 1.05b with fixpack, tweakpack, and widescreen installed. It appears that widescreen is the problem.

It isn't. Disable UAC.



It happens on XP 64bit also sometimes (not all the time) so I am sure its not a UAC thing since xp dont have that. Just copy another of the setup-whatever.exe to setup-level1npcs.exe (or setup-widescreen.exe whichever one is already installed) run it again and then it will install.

It isn't. Disable UAC.



I'm not running Window Vista so that doesn't seem to be the problem. On the other hand I just tried installing Level 1 NPC on BG Tutu with widescreen installed without problems. I'm about to give up on BGT 1.05b. I'm thinking it is causing my problems. I've done several complete game reinstalls using it and I'm about to give up on it.


Thanks For Your Reply

Guest Arakon

[C:\Program Files\Black Isle Studios\Icewind Dale\setup-widescreen.exe] WeiDU ve

rsion 20400

[C:\Program Files\Black Isle Studios\Icewind Dale\setup-widescreen.exe] Using sc

ripting style "IWD1"

Using Language [English]


Would you like to display the readme? [Y]es [N]o



Install Component [Widescreen Mod]?

nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? i


Installing [Widescreen Mod]

Creating 1 directory

ERROR: BIFF [c:\Program Files\Black Isle Studios\Icewind Dale\CD3\/DATA/EMOV2.BI

F]: unable to extract file 0


Enter your X coordinate. It should be a number, >= 800.





Enter your Y coordinate. It should be a number, >= 600.



Do you want fullscreen? (doesn't work for non-standard resolutions)


1 = yes


0 = no



1680 x 1050, fullscreen.


Are you sure? Y/N


Copying and patching 1 file ...

Copying and patching 1 file ...


EXE patching failed.

Stopping installation because of error.

ERROR: [idmain.exe] -> [idmain.exe] Patching Failed (COPY) (Failure("EXE patchin

g failed."))

Stopping installation because of error.

Stopping installation because of error.


ERROR Installing [Widescreen Mod], rolling back to previous state

Will uninstall 1 files for [WIDESCREEN/WIDESCREEN.TP2] component 0.

ERROR: BIFF [c:\Program Files\Black Isle Studios\Icewind Dale\CD3\/DATA/EMOV2.BI

F]: unable to extract file 0

Uninstalled 1 files for [WIDESCREEN/WIDESCREEN.TP2] component 0.

ERROR: Failure("EXE patching failed.")

PLEASE post the contents of the file SETUP-WIDESCREEN.DEBUG to this forum: http:


Using Language [English]


This is my problem i have 1.40 PL ver. of IWD HoW (2 cd IWD and one cd How) Plisss help me!


It might be nice to create a new topic instead of using another one without any similarity. :fish:


To answer your question, you need to install Trials of the Luremaster (which corresponds to version 1.42), as written in the Compatibility section of the ReadMe.



[Off topic]




Actually I never left really. I was just watching silently from the back of the room :O

Glad to see you back too. Are you going to restart your projects from the past or to start something new ?

Actually I never left really. I was just watching silently from the back of the room :)

Glad to see you back too. Are you going to restart your projects from the past or to start something new ?


I am still working on that same mod as I did 6 years ago, except it changed and evolved (see my signature).




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