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Coding scripts in SSL: some lessons

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19 hours ago, DavidW said:

Upthread: "Precious little" is an expression, roughly synonymous with "almost nothing". Action(Literal) is just a hardcoded action with no trigger conditions and no actions. Mostly it's syntactic sugar (i.e., language that makes code easier for humans to read but doesn't matter to the compiler); there are one or two use cases (if you want to use probabilities in a literal action, notably).

OK, it should be clear now, thanks.

To tell the truth, I think it may be useful for what I need to do (in conjunction with DELETE_SCRIPT_BLOCK 🙂.....)

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That's actually handled by the ssl_to_bcs function in SFO (in stratagems/sfo/general/general.tpa), not by the SSL perl script. If the second angle bracket evaluates to 1, the contents of the first angle bracket are inserted; if not, nothing is inserted.

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So, I have a question about setting variables from outside the SSL script itself, in the command line. If I write


AT_NOW ~/usr/bin/perl	%MOD_FOLDER%/ssl/ssl.pl	%MOD_FOLDER%/components/component_1/TEST.ssl	-l %MOD_FOLDER%/ssl/library.slb	mod_folder=%MOD_FOLDER%&Test=True~	EXACT


the variable "Test" doesn't get set. As a matter of fact, if TEST.ssl contains something like




that block does get compiled (the SSL compiler should ignore it since "Test" is supposed to be set to True....)

What am I missing?

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Next: as you know, you can put multiple triggers when using 'ConditionalTargetBlock()'. My question is: can you OR() two or more triggers? I mean, you can currently write 'A AND B' via "&". Is there an equivalent symbol for 'A OR B'?

Related: I noticed that you cannot write




That'd be handy.......

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On 7/28/2019 at 4:10 PM, DavidW said:

LOOP - basically does multiple copies of a chunk of SSL code, with a different value of a variable each time. Look at SCS, there are quite a few examples.

Is it possible to write the following in a compact way?

BEGIN LOOP(scsloopvar||NearestEnemyOf(Myself);SecondNearestEnemyOf(Myself);ThirdNearestEnemyOf(Myself);FourthNearestEnemyOf(Myself);FifthNearestEnemyOf(Myself);SixthNearestEnemyOf(Myself))

I tried with 

BEGIN LOOP(scsloopvar||EnemiesInOrder)

but it's not working......

Thanks in advance

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On 9/22/2019 at 7:47 PM, DavidW said:

No. There's no variable substitution into loops (basically because loops themselves are executed right at the start).

Well, fortunately there's a workaround 🙂


BEGIN LOOP(scsloopvar||;Second;Third;Fourth;Fifth;Sixth)



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On 9/1/2019 at 3:38 PM, DavidW said:

No. (Basically because the underlying bcs language doesn’t allow higher-level OR(), so it would have required a tedious amount of propositional logic.)

Actually, it does seem to be possible, see below.


Separately: I noticed there are some 'ActionCondition()'s in SCS, but are they functional? I'm asking because I keep getting an error when using them... Moreover, according to the underlying perl code, they seem to be functionally identical to standard 'Action()'s...

if ($scsline=~m/ActionCondition\(/ eq "1") {
	push @action, $scsline;


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A quick note for the 2-3 people who use SSL: unlike TRIGGERs, you cannot combine multiple TARGETs inside a single "TargetBlock()" using the character "|".

You need to use either "*" (only the first argument in "TargetBlock()" will be considered) or "&" (all the arguments in "TargetBlock()" will be considered).

For instance:

TargetBlock(PCMages*PCsInOrderShort)	// "PCsInOrderShort" will be discarded

TargetBlock(PCMages&PCsInOrderShort)	// First "PCMages", then "PCsInOrderShort"


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On 3/17/2020 at 11:14 AM, Luke said:

A quick note for the 2-3 people who use SSL: unlike TRIGGERs, you cannot combine multiple TARGETs inside a single "TargetBlock()" using the character "|".

You need to use either "*" (only the first argument in "TargetBlock()" will be considered) or "&" (all the arguments in "TargetBlock()" will be considered).

For instance:

TargetBlock(PCMages*PCsInOrderShort)	// "PCsInOrderShort" will be discarded

TargetBlock(PCMages&PCsInOrderShort)	// First "PCMages", then "PCsInOrderShort"



Could you please state if the above info is correct? If so, what's the purpose of *?

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'&' is intended notation, and works as you suggest. '*' I don't know about. That character doesn't appear in BAF scripts, normally - it may be that SSL's parser is just ending its script read at it. Or it may be some subtler bit of functionality I've forgotten about.

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