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npc leaving bugs, xan and edwin


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ran into what seems to be two bugs, im not too bothered about the xan one but ill mention it anyway (yes im using v14, no i cant upgrade, apparently, im not loosing an 80 hour save game over this, but please help me out regardless) also using easytutu new version beta.


first up is xan, after doing his quest i sent him back to escort those slaves to the fai, i go to where he normally is and i get the "ahh your here at last!" type dialog, or whatever it says, and he automatically rejoins.. now when i boot him out instead of the normal kickout options i get the same line above repeated and automatically rejoins, every single time. i had to send him to up the 3rd floor and leave him up there while i make a run for it :| again im not too bothered about this myself since i wont use him again, just thought ied point it out while i remembered..


next up is edwin, now this i am bothered about because i want him back in my group..


i kicked him out when i picked up dyna from the gnolls, i got the usual dialog option and he went off to the naskell pub as the evil-doers tend to do, must be a spiecal on.. anyway skip many many many in game moons i decide i want to grab him back into my group for some minsc/dyna convos and see what those red wizards say in that area up north.. but hes not in the pub, i checked NI out, and the save after kicking him out all the way back then and it doesn't seem like he gets sent there.. so i used NI to re-add him back in by editing the save gam file and putting in the proper xy yada yada and he's back in the pub, but now whenever i try to talk to him, i get the response: "You would cast me out as though I were a servant? (They will all pay for their insolence!)" and he leaves. tried everything i can think off, lowering rep and even charming him but nothing, same thing every time..


now here is where i think the problem starts.. i made edwin wear the belt of gender bending, as you do, way back before rescuing dyna and got the dialogue response for it, lol, and left him wearing it the whole time to see if there was any more dialogue for it, i then laughed as i booted him out for dyna while he was still wearing the belt, and i notice between save gam files that his cre file changes name from *edwin to *edwin2 or something along those lines.. so i am thinking that's what's wrong with it, but yeah i got him back in the pub in his female form like stated above but he always gives me the same response and then pisses off.


is there anyway i can get edwina to stop running out and rejoin my group?

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Try Ctr-Q to force join him/her... and cross your fingers alot.



In both cases, when your rep is pretty high they will not rejoin.


And it sounds like there was alot of stuff going on in your game... I amnot sure how much more we can help on tis one. Neither NPC ha any troubles in v12, v14, or v15 about not showing up in the Inn. You could check to see what components of SCS you have installed, but it sounds more like Edwin doesn't get moved if he isn't edwin (that would be the .cre change you noted) and I think it would be a tough sell for him to be very interested in joining you if you turned him into a woman then kicked him out :suspect:

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Try Ctr-Q to force join him/her... and cross your fingers alot.



In both cases, when your rep is pretty high they will not rejoin.


And it sounds like there was alot of stuff going on in your game... I amnot sure how much more we can help on tis one. Neither NPC ha any troubles in v12, v14, or v15 about not showing up in the Inn. You could check to see what components of SCS you have installed, but it sounds more like Edwin doesn't get moved if he isn't edwin (that would be the .cre change you noted) and I think it would be a tough sell for him to be very interested in joining you if you turned him into a woman then kicked him out :suspect:


ill try the ctrl-q tonight but yeah i think im gonna end up roleplaying it that he just pissed off to amn to get un-cursed, thought it was kinda funny anyway and wanted to "prelude" edwina in bg2 when i get there :blush: thanks for the help though!

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