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Sendai's disguised drow


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The disguised drow outside Sendai's enclave go hostile when you fight the ambush consisting of 2 drow, 2 elder umber hulks and 1 hive mother.


I'm on v7, but I see no mention of this in the change log.


I'm no expert, but it seems like a possible explanation would be that the hive mother, the disguised drow and the woodcutter all have the grpsht01 script (the others in that area have the gensht01 script).


This, of course, leads to the woodcutter going hostile before you confront him about all the oddities in the area and causes all the animals to turn into drow (so after the ambush, you fight the three outside the hidden door, and then you work your way down to the cabin).


Additionally, the deer-drow mages prebuff with Stoneskin etc while they are still deers (one of them are visible from where you first arrive to the area).

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Additionally, I notice that some of the drow on the exterior map (area 6100) get drow equipment, which is destroyed if it's in the possession of the PC when he/she enters that area, or (presumably) another area that does a drow item check.

By the looks of it, this may be intentional, but I thought I'd complain about it even so (since it goes against the principle of fair play, even though the items themselves aren't particularly useful).


(Also, when you have drow items in containers, it appears as if some of them are removed one at a time when a drow item check are done. E.g. if you have 2 drow katanas in BoH A and 2 in BoH B, only one from BoH A is removed, leaving you with 1 remaining and BoH A and both remaining in BoH B.


I tested this with drow katanas and drow bolts of sleep. Drow bolts of stunning would seem to all get removed (at least I didn't have any left when I entered-exited the interior of the enclave, whereas I still had bolts of sleep).

Although, I don't see how this is possible. I'll check the drow items I find inside the enclave as well (though, doubtless, this is something you already know about and can't do much to fix, or something along those lines.))

Yes, this would appear to happen with all drow items and I probably never had any bolts of stunning, which likely means this is a known, "unfixable" issue that I should have kept quiet about.

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Additionally, the deer-drow mages prebuff with Stoneskin etc while they are still deers (one of them are visible from where you first arrive to the area).


I don't see this behaviour as a bug. Rather, I would like to think the spells they use to buff ought to be silent/graphicless spells, so as the player does not see a whole bunch of fireworks going off when they enter an area or some .cres are created offscreen.


I think I saw a macro somewhere in one of the .tphs that makes spells silent, but I don't know exactly what it's used for.



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