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Multi Mod Installation

Guest maggot

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Hello everyone.

I'm a newbie with a small question about mods.

Earlier I had some fun with BG TuTu + some mods and it was a interesting diversity. After some time I've checked the modding scene and discovered that it's community is getting bigger and stronger. So I've decided to go back to good 'ol BG.

I have a list of mods for starters and my question is: Will they all fit? Will they all work together?

I'm not asking how to install etc. This I'll find myself. I just need simple answers from wise people like yourselves. Answers like "Add this" "Throw out that and this" "Change this for that" or "Shot your knee and leave me alone".

The mods:

- BG Trilogy v1.06

- Check the Bodies v1.9

- Shadows over Soubar v1.12

- BGT Worldmap v7.0a

- The Secret of Bone Hill v2.31

- Rogue Rebalancing v3.92

- BG2 Tweaks v6

- Divine Remix v5

- Amber v2.5

- One Pixel Productions v2 + 1pp flamingswords

- Herbs & Potions Add-in

- The Grey Clan Episode I: In Candlelight

- Alora v1.02

- BG1 Unfinished Business v6

- BG2 Fixpack v6

- Weimer Tactics Mod v24

- Tower of Deception v3.1

- Baldur's Gate Mini Quests and Encounters Modification v3


I know it's not much (some people installing 50+ mods :laugh: ) but I don't have too much free time.

Any help will be appreciated. maggot

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Do they, yes. And you should read the pdf file PetrusOctavianus pointed to you, as it has the installation order for you. Now, read it well and you know then that you can skip the unwanted mods over and use BWP tools, without any change...

PS, there is also a German version of the file.

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