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BGT-WeiDU v1.07 and GEMRB?

Guest mrfab909

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Guest mrfab909



I'm new to GemRB, and haven't played BG for quite a while. I want to use GemRB 'cause with Vista the performance of BG2 (or 1) is so horribly BAD I can't stand it. Yet with GemRB it plays fine.


Now onto the BGT-WeiDU v1.07 If I play it in BG2 not using GemRB I start correctly at Candlekeep Inn. If I use GemRB I start SOMEWHERE with no GUI and no way to bring it up, I can't move or talk to anyone.


I really love this game, and want to play a swashbukler all the way through.


Any ideas or solutions?

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If GemRB starts the game without GUI it is the result of a guiscript bug (the guiscript part of GemRB cannot load).


To find the cause you have to check the console and report what's the problem.


Without a bugreport, i can only guess what's wrong.

If you use BGT then you need to use the 'bg2' gametype (i just assume you forgot to alter your config).


Since we still continuously refine the code, it could be that you have got a wrong version. We still don't have a 'stable release'. So, you better off with getting the code from SVN and compile it (which is another can of worms).

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Guest mrfab909

I did change the config to bg2.


how do I go about getting a log of the console?


Or are there clear instruction for compiling that don't assume I know anything?

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The game isn't yet in the state you will enjoy it. At this moment, it is still under development and most likely you would be disappointed anyway.


If you don't see the console, i cannot help. It should be on your desktop. If you see it, you can select the interesting area (Something about runtime error), then press enter (i think this is how you copy text from a Windows console). Then you can use ctrl-v to paste this text to anywhere.


Compiling would be too a bit too complicated, i guess. Here are the instructions anyway:


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During character generation I could choose 6 instead of 4 weapon proficiency points as berserker and I started as 7th instead of 1st level charcacter south of Candlekeep main gates instead of in front of Winthrop's Inn, but with GUI.



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It is using bg2 engine, I run it using my bg2 gemrb config unchanged.


And bgt patches bgmain.exe:


// XP Patcher

PRINT @100016

COPY ~BGMain.exe~ ~BGMain.exe~
 SET i = 1
SET i += 4
READ_LONG (0x6b0000 + "%i%" - 1) long_value //start at offset 0x6b0000
READ_LONG (0x6b0000 + "%i%" - 5) long_before_value
READ_LONG (0x6b0000 + "%i%" + 3) long_after_value
PATCH_IF ("%long_before_value%" = 0)
	 AND ("%long_after_value%" = 161000)
   /*AND ("%long_value%" = 89000)*/
THEN BEGIN //look only for a long value bounded by a previous value of 0, and a next value of 161000
  WRITE_LONG (0x6b0000 + "%i%" - 1) 1 //setting to zero causes thieving skills to isolate from proficiencies and screws up skill types
PATCH_IF ("%i%" = 0x10001) BEGIN //span a region of 0x10000 bytes
  SET i = 0


This would explain xp level problems(EDIT: I changed override/bg2/clskills.2da and changed all 89000 to 1, it fixed char generation but broke starting scripts, introduction textscreen didn't fire and fog of war stood on map), but how would it be with starting coordinates on map? They seem to be the same as in SoA:



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Yes it updates startpos.2da,


The file from bgt's backup directory:


2DA V1.0
				1	   2	   3	   4	   5	   6
START_XPOS		  3741	3585	3532	3374	3824	3889
START_YPOS		  2801	2917	2956	3068	2447	2479
START_XPOS_TUTORIAL 607	 607	 607	 607	 607	 607
START_YPOS_TUTORIAL 660	 607	 607	 607	 607	 607
START_XPOS_MP	   1300	1300	1300	1300	1300	1300
START_YPOS_MP	   1840	1840	1840	1840	1840	1840


And the new one in override:


2DA V1.0
				1	   2	   3	   4	   5	   6
START_XPOS_TUTORIAL 3741	3585	3532	3374	3824	3889
START_YPOS_TUTORIAL 2801	2917	2956	3068	2447	2479
START_XPOS		  1110	1059	1156	1013	1238	1277
START_YPOS		  600	 667	 677	 742	 585	 490
START_XPOS_MP	   1300	1300	1300	1300	1300	1300
START_YPOS_MP	   1840	1840	1840	1840	1840	1840



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Heh, it is really annoying. I have no idea why they had to permutate the lines in startpos.2da.

Fixing this isn't a high priority.


The starting XP is even less of a problem, patching the clskills.2da file is always an option.

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Well, original engine allowed permutating the lines :(


Setting starting xp for all classes in clskills.2da from 89000 to 1 actually broke some things in bgt under gemrb:

-the introduction Candlekeep text screen didn't appear (with 89000 it appears but without... text, and with wrong buttons under it)

-the fog of war didn't disappear (with 89000 it disappeared after text screen)

-empty dialog box (there should 'welcome text') on start



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Well, original engine allowed permutating the lines :D


You are welcome to use the original engine :(


Fixing compatibility with mods doing silly things is not a high priority while we are still fixing compatibility with the original games - you can file bugs at https://sourceforge.net/projects/gemrb if you can work out what the bug is (such as in the case of the startpos.2da problem) and someone will fix them eventually, at least.


Presumably your other problems are scripts not working, and we canot really fix that without knowing what the actual problems are, since none of us have BGT.

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Setting starting xp for all classes in clskills.2da from 89000 to 1 actually broke some things in bgt under gemrb:

-the introduction Candlekeep text screen didn't appear (with 89000 it appears but without... text, and with wrong buttons under it)

-the fog of war didn't disappear (with 89000 it disappeared after text screen)

-empty dialog box (there should 'welcome text') on start




fyi, with current code in svn trunk:

- works now (but still without any text)

- works too, -1 xp was applied too

- and this works to in fact!


I filled a bug entry on tracker about that startpos.2da issue.

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