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#298 (0x12A) Spell Effect: Area Switch [298]


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Local copy updated.

With the various exe modifications floating around at the moment, it would be useful if someone could edit this effect to generalise it - read the bcs filename from the resref field.

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I still don't know what else it does

Not much, actually.


It first checks whether the game is already in cutscene or light cutscene mode. If so, the effect does nothing at all.

It then stores the party location and sends a message to the game to start cutscene mode. After that it constructs an StartCutScene action (with "cut250a" as param) and sends it to Player1.


With the various exe modifications floating around at the moment, it would be useful if someone could edit this effect to generalise it - read the bcs filename from the resref field.

Considering the current structure of the effect, this would be limited to cutscenes. (Or you'd have to rewrite the whole effect.)

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