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Coran and the Girdle of Gender


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Had an interesting bug/feature, not sure if it's documented, but I didn't see anything to that effect. So, here's the deal:


1) Male PC beginning the game.

2) Picked up various NPCS (Jahiera, Khalid, Imoen, Coran, and Xan, in that order)

3) Picked up cursed Girdle of Gender


After *hours* of playing the game as a male, and debating between slapping the Girdle on Jaheira for shits and giggles, or putting it on myself on the thought that it's more likely to have specific dialog for the PC than for an NPC, I decided to try it on myself. So...


4) Put on cursed Girdle of Gender and promptly became female.

5) Coran and Xan instantly begin flirting/fighting over me.

6) Run to nearest temple and get uncursed, remove Girdle, and change back to male.




7) Coran and Xan continue to fight over my affections.


This was mostly ignorable until Coran tried to cuddle and kiss me next to the campfire, at which point I was like "oh snap, how do I fix this." Coran has neglected to see that my manhood has returned. (Or maybe my personality is just so charming that he doesn't care.)


Just so the mod developers know :rolleyes:


(And if you know which variable I can change to stop it, that'd also be welcome!)

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When you add the Girdle of TransGenderIdentificationAndInstantSexChange, all rights reserved, you set the romance match checks that identify you as a romanceable female. Currently, BG2 Ajantis and BG2 Amber are two of the very few mods that take this into consideration. I think at this point BG1NPC Ajantis and Gavin also have the code to stop this behavior throughout.

Frankly, early on, not many folks though folks would be doing this :rolleyes: There also was the idea for some modders that it might allow players to have a gay character - it enables (as you found out) the romances, and then when you take it off it does not check again for the match or the presence of the girdle. So you get to have the romance if you are a dude who wants the dudes to pay attention. Not that it makes as much sense as it could, because they were written as female-specific, but it fell under the idea of "if a player is going to mess around, why not let them?".


As for fixing it in your own game, you can try this, but I am not sure it will completely work, as not all talks are completely conditioned to check for the romance match:


edit: darn it, I don't have my modding disk-on-key here. You are looking for something like


x#xanromancematch or x#xanmatch (now = 1 in your game)


P#CoranRomanceMatch (now = 1 in your game)


You can try setting them to 0 or to 2 - when they are at 1, you are fair game, I am afraid.


Alternately, you can set


x#xaromanceactive = 0 or 3


and with coran, there is a bunch of stuff working - I am not sure how best to shut it all down. I think if you set


p#coranromancepath = 0 and also set p#coranromanceinactive = 1, it might do the trick.



I can't promise there won't be an occasional oddity where you get a line about the romance being over, but that fits in with what happened in the game. I guess you were so wicked hawt as a chick that they can't get the idea out of their heads completely :mwaha:


(Crumbling Down is pretty darned interesting, by the way).

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Thanks for the compliment on Crumbling Down! Hope you continue to enjoy it :rolleyes:


I think I've decided for now to just leave things as it is. Other than occasionally giving me the creeps (I'm really not used to men hitting on me, RL or game), it's pretty entertaining, and as long as it won't muck up my chances with Jaheira in BG2, I don't see the harm it will do.


Out of curiosity, will the girdle's changing me from male to female have *unset* my compatibility for female romances? I'm about to pick up Dyna and I've heard she's got a good romance, so I'd like to try it out. And if it did unset my compatibility, I take it I can just find something along the lines of "P#DynaheirMatch" and set it to 1 to make things go again?

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I can't remember :rolleyes:


I think that is correct - as far as my memory serves me, the only in-project NPC that triggers most blocks with specific mach, gender, and a check for that girdle is Ajantis. With the ladies, I think once the match is set, it is set... so I think you will be able to continue romancing them.



I am pretty sure it is x#dynahmatch.


Hopefully someone with code in front of them will get to it before me, but if not, I will be back at my home computer/access to the project files on Thursday night, and will be able to post. PM or bump this thread if you don't see someone replying before Thursday evening, please!

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