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Various questions


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Ok, here goes.


If I use AddKit() to change a kit, or ChangeClass() is there a way of 'remembering' the previous kit I changed from?


To clarify, I am wanting to temporarily rebuild a character entirely, with a streamlined way of returning to the original class. I don't think you can change a kit with an item, at which point I would ask if using While Equipped and simply removing the item would be effective.




You could probably set up a bunch of Kit() and Class() checks in the script to determine what the current kit/class is and store that information in variables before changing them, then take different actions later depending on what values the variables have.


Yes, it is a big fault of IE scripting that it cannot convert stats to variables.

You will need a huge block of script to do the conversion.

The best is to code this block in a separate script, set the script when needed, and discard it when done.


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