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Understanding scripts priority


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Hello, I installed BWP BGT with a lot of mods, and both BP&SCS AI, some creatures behave strangely, so I'm trying to understand which scripts have the priority.


In NI editor I see for each creature different script-types: override, general, race, class, default. Which is the one that is really used for the creature's AI? I'd like to put some order among the scripts in my game, at least. Thanks

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Scripts run in the order they're listed. So in theory, they're all used, but in practice, a higher-level script (such as general) could block a lower-level script (such as class) if it contains a block that prevents subsequent blocks from executing (if it's hostile, an Attack block will tend to do this, so should usually be last). And it is for this reason primarily that two different AI-overhauling mods (such as SCS and BP) can't coexist well, because one will tend to block the other.

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