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My NPC spawns twice


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Well, the reason to use E_B is that you are unlikely to break anything downstream of you worth breaking (because you have avoided damaging anyone else's OnCreation() unless they really don't know what they are doing - E_T the OnCreation() block as a separate item, then E_B everything else), so I am in agreement that the only reason to use E_T is when specifically needed. But when PocketPlane comes back, check that link I posted above - they run down the 'ethos" of choice as well as the utility ???


Closed or open, anything which returns True and is upstream of OnCreation() breaks OnCreation() spawns. So even setting a global messes it up. That is why KD was screaming at the world in the SHS post - his BP had OnCeation)s that were being royally messed with by other mods doing odd stuff. Xan (Kulyok) has examples of things added using E_T that still work out fine, because they cannot evaluate True before the area has been visited, so the first script run catches the OnCreation()s below them. But that is a rare occurrence indeed!

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