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PC Biography

Guest Germi91

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Guest Germi91

The IWD2 NPC project is awesome, and i've really liked what i've seen so far. I'm always excited to see when one of the NPCs is going to say something to the PC or to another NPC. The romance banter makes even "awesomer", giving IWD2 the added role-playing element that it needs.


There is one thing however I personally don't like which is having a fixed biography (the one that appears in the journal). It's impossible to have your PC be an old man or woman (age 40 or more) with some experience in adventuring who also happens to be the son/daughter of Sir Roderick and is called "pup" by Sir Nord.


Is there any way to disable or take it off?

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Hey, you can change your bio to anything you like, but that doesn't mean the party NPCs are going to pay any attention to it. If you really want to change your character's bio on your character record sheet, open up the mod folder "iwd2npc" and find the sub folder "English". Once you're there, look for the file called P#CHAPTER.tra. Open it with any text editor. Use Notepad if you have to, but DO NOT use MS Word.


Find line @2234,


@2234 = ~As the firstborn child of Sir Roederic the Fierce, you have been raised in a doting household so unusual in the Pirates run border town of Luskan. Perhaps, too doting, because in the past year your spirited nature manifested itself and you engaged into affairs that were brought to your father's attention. Sir Roederic had commanded you to his study. Instead of an upbraiding, all he did was to hand over a purse of gold, a blessing and a letter to his old fighting comrade, Sir Nord, who was about to set out on a journey to the Ten Towns in the Icewind Dale. "The North," your Sire had said, "will sort you out." "Or kill..." your mother finished, weeping. But her tears did not stop your father. You joined Sir Nord and the crew he had already recruited and went on your way before the week was out, much to the dismay of your gentle sisters and envy of your two younger brothers. When Targos appeared in view, Sir Nord demanded everyone he recruited to swear their fealty to you. Only those who did remained in your party. Only time will tell how much their oaths were worth.~


Once you have found it, erase everything between the tildes ~ ~, and type in whatever you want. Make sure that you have one tilde ~ on either side of what you type. Once you're done, save it an reinstall the mod. Voila, yor own custom history.

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You actually don't even have to open the TRA. The biography is editable from the game itself, via default GUI. But, as Berelinde noted, and as FAQ states, the NPCs will not notice this change. Just like BG or NWN2, some of the PC's background is fixed in the IWD2 NPCs to avoid the NPCs to talk about 'me-me-me' all the time and give them something to ancor their perception of the PC, without it becoming an unbearable writting load & a coding nightmare.

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