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ERRORS loading gemrb and PST

Guest Lepy

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I am trying to play planescape on my EEE 701 using ubuntu 10.04 and gemrb. I installed PST using wine, built gemrb 0.6.2 from source, fixed up the cfg file, but hit a wall.


lepy@eee-ubuntu:~$ gemrb
GemRB Core Version v0.6.2 Loading...
[Core]: Initializing the Event Manager...[Core]: Initializing Variables Dictionary...[OK]
[Config]: Trying to open GemRB.cfg [NOT FOUND]
[Config]: Trying to open /home/lepy/.gemrb/gemrb.cfg [OK]
[Core]: Starting Plugin Manager...
[PluginMgr]: Loading Plugins from /usr/local/lib/gemrb/plugins/
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/local/lib/gemrb/plugins/PROImporter.so... PRO File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/local/lib/gemrb/plugins/MVEPlayer.so... MVE Video Player...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/local/lib/gemrb/plugins/STOImporter.so... STO File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/local/lib/gemrb/plugins/ZLibManager.so... ZLib Compression Manager...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/local/lib/gemrb/plugins/ACMReader.so... ACM File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/local/lib/gemrb/plugins/BMPImporter.so... BMP File Reader...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/local/lib/gemrb/plugins/SDLVideo.so... SDL Video Driver...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/local/lib/gemrb/plugins/WEDImporter.so... WED File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/local/lib/gemrb/plugins/BIFImporter.so... BIF File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/local/lib/gemrb/plugins/CHUImporter.so... CHU File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/local/lib/gemrb/plugins/MUSImporter.so... MUS File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/local/lib/gemrb/plugins/TLKImporter.so... TLK File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/local/lib/gemrb/plugins/TISImporter.so... TIS File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/local/lib/gemrb/plugins/PSTOpcodes.so... Effect opcodes for the torment branch of the games...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/local/lib/gemrb/plugins/DirectoryImporter.so... Directory Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/local/lib/gemrb/plugins/CREImporter.so... CRE File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/local/lib/gemrb/plugins/INIImporter.so... INI File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/local/lib/gemrb/plugins/KEYImporter.so... KEY File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/local/lib/gemrb/plugins/WMPImporter.so... WMP File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/local/lib/gemrb/plugins/DLGImporter.so... DLG File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/local/lib/gemrb/plugins/IDSImporter.so... IDS File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/local/lib/gemrb/plugins/ITMImporter.so... ITM File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/local/lib/gemrb/plugins/NullSound.so... Null Sound Driver...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/local/lib/gemrb/plugins/BMPWriter.so... BMP File Writer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/local/lib/gemrb/plugins/IWDOpcodes.so... Effect opcodes for the icewind branch of the games...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/local/lib/gemrb/plugins/AREImporter.so... ARE File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/local/lib/gemrb/plugins/MOSImporter.so... MOS File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/local/lib/gemrb/plugins/GAMImporter.so... GAM File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/local/lib/gemrb/plugins/FXOpcodes.so... Effect opcodes for core games...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/local/lib/gemrb/plugins/SPLImporter.so... SPL File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/local/lib/gemrb/plugins/EFFImporter.so... EFF File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/local/lib/gemrb/plugins/GUIScript.so... GUI Script Engine (Python)...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/local/lib/gemrb/plugins/BAMImporter.so... BAM File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/local/lib/gemrb/plugins/2DAImporter.so... 2DA File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/local/lib/gemrb/plugins/PLTImporter.so... PLT File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/local/lib/gemrb/plugins/PNGImporter.so... PNG File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/local/lib/gemrb/plugins/WAVReader.so... WAV File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/local/lib/gemrb/plugins/BIKPlayer.so... BIK Video Player...[OK]
[Core]: Plugin Loading Complete...[OK]
[Core]: GemRB Core Initialization...
[Core]: Initializing Video Driver...[OK]
[Core]: Initializing Search Path...[OK]
[Core]: Initializing KEY Importer...[KEYImporter]: Opening /media/flash/wine/games/planescape/CHITIN.KEY...[OK]
[KEYImporter]: Checking file type...[OK]
[KEYImporter]: Reading Resources...
[KEYImporter]:  BIF Files Count: 372 (Starting at 24 Bytes)
[KEYImporter]:  RES Count: 12135 (Starting at 8759 Bytes)
[KEYImporter]: Resources Loaded...[OK]
[Core]: Reading Game Options...
[ResourceManager]: Searching for gemrb.ini...[Data]
[Core]: Loading game type-specific GemRB setup...
[Core]: Creating Projectile Server...
[ResourceManager]: Searching for gemprjtl.ids...[ERROR]
[ResourceManager]: Searching for projectl.ids...[ERROR]
[Core]: Checking for Dialogue Manager...[OK]
[ResourceManager]: Searching for gender.2da...[ERROR]
[Core]: Loading Dialog.tlk file...[OK]
[Core]: Loading Palettes...
[ResourceManager]: Searching for MPALETTE... MPALETTE.bmp...[chitin.key]
[ResourceManager]: Searching for PAL32... PAL32.bmp...[chitin.key]
[ResourceManager]: Searching for MPAL256... Tried MPAL256.bmp MPAL256.mos MPAL256.png [ERROR]


All errored files, except projetl.ids, are located in /usr/local/share/gemrb/override/pst, and setting the override path to /usr/local/share/gemrb/ or /usr/local/share/gemrb/override/pst/ in the cfg does not fix things. Any suggestions?

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Provide your config.


Here is my launchpad: https://launchpad.net/~san-plusnet/+archive/gemrb/+packages

I made it yesterday and i will test it in a moment.

Previous relases worked just fine.


san@eeepc:~/.gemrb$ cat *cfg
#												   #
#  This is the GemRB Configuration file.			#
#  Here are defined some default parameters for	 #
#  basic configuration and paths definition.		#
#												   #
#  Parameters are defined as a Name=Value pair	  #
#  The Value can be of three types:				 #
#	  - String									 #
#	  - Integer									#
#	  - Boolean									#
#												   #
#  The String value is represented as follows	   #
#  i.e. H:\GemRB\plugins							#
#  Integers are defined as follows				  #
#  i.e. 12723									   #
#  Booleans are represented as 1 or 0 in this file  #
#												   #
#  Lines starting with # are ignored				#
#												   #

#												   #
#  Game Type [String] Use one of the following	  #
#  values:										  #
#												   #
#  bg1	   Baldur's Gate						  #
#  bg2	   Baldur's Gate 2 : SoA or ToB		   #
#  tob	   Baldur's Gate 2 : ToB (obsolete)	   #
#  iwd	   IceWind Dale						   #
#  how	   IceWind Dale : HoW or ToTL			 #
#  iwd2	  IceWind Dale 2						 #
#  pst	   Planescape Torment					 #
#  (More will come)								 #
#												   #


#  Game Name [String] Title for GemRB window, use   #
#  anything you wish, e.g. Baldur's Gate 3: RotFL   #

GameName=Baldur's Gate 1

#  Video Parameters								 #

#Screen width

#Screen height

#Bits per pixel [Integer:16,32]

#Fullscreen [Boolean]

# Delay before tooltips appear [milliseconds]


# Volume of ambient sounds
VolumeAmbients = 100

# Volume during movie playback
VolumeMovie = 100

# Volume of background music
VolumeMusic = 100

# Volume of sound effects
VolumeSFX = 100

# Volume of PC or NPC voices
VolumeVoices = 100






GamePath=/media/SDHC/Baldur's Gate/
CD1=/media/SDHC/Baldur's Gate/
CD2=/media/SDHC/Baldur's Gate/
CD3=/media/SDHC/Baldur's Gate/
CD4=/media/SDHC/Baldur's Gate/
CD5=/media/SDHC/Baldur's Gate/
CD6=/media/SDHC/Baldur's Gate/


SavePath=/media/SDHC/Baldur's Gate/

GUIEnhancements = 1

Cheats = 1

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Not setting the override path results in the same errors, and combinations of /usr/local/share/gemrb - override - pst with and without trailing /'s gives the same errors. All of the errored files are in the override path, but gemrb stilll won't find them.


I have not tried the launchpad yet as my 701 is already short of space from compiling gemrb. I may clear it out and give it a try later though.


Here is my gemrb.cfg: http://pastebin.com/VJGEEw4X


Thanks for the help!

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Not setting the override path results in the same errors, and combinations of /usr/local/share/gemrb - override - pst with and without trailing /'s gives the same errors. All of the errored files are in the override path, but gemrb stilll won't find them.


I have not tried the launchpad yet as my 701 is already short of space from compiling gemrb. I may clear it out and give it a try later though.


Here is my gemrb.cfg: http://pastebin.com/VJGEEw4X


Thanks for the help!

Maybe something is wrong with the access flags in that directory? If the path is correct, and the files are there, that's the only explanation i can think of.


I don't have any GameOverridePath set, because i have all gemrb files in the same root, but it should end with 'override' (or 'override/')

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I just tried san's ppa build. Did a 'make uninstall' on my compiled version, installed san's, and changed the cfg to point to the new dirs for plugins, scripts, etc. The exact same errors occur. Now, I'm pretty much stumped on what to try next.

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Guest Guest_fuzzie_*
I just tried san's ppa build. Did a 'make uninstall' on my compiled version, installed san's, and changed the cfg to point to the new dirs for plugins, scripts, etc. The exact same errors occur. Now, I'm pretty much stumped on what to try next.


The "Loading game type-specific GemRB setup... /media/flash/wine/games/planescape/data/gemrb.ini[OK]" bit seems to indicate that your game install has got gemrb bits in it, which might be your problem?


(You really shouldn't need to specify plugin/scripts/override directories if you did a 'make install', putting them in the config just makes mistakes more likely.)

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If I install from the compiled version and remove the /media/flash/wine/games/planescape/data/gemrb.ini, gemrb stops loading:


[Core]: Plugin Loading Complete...[OK]
[Core]: GemRB Core Initialization...
[Core]: Initializing Video Driver...[OK]
[Core]: Initializing Search Path...[OK]
[Core]: Initializing KEY Importer...[KEYImporter]: Opening /media/flash/wine/games/planescape/CHITIN.KEY...[OK]
[KEYImporter]: Checking file type...[OK]
[KEYImporter]: Reading Resources...
[KEYImporter]:  BIF Files Count: 372 (Starting at 24 Bytes)
[KEYImporter]:  RES Count: 12135 (Starting at 8759 Bytes)
[KEYImporter]: Resources Loaded...[OK]
[Core]: Reading Game Options...
[ResourceManager]: Searching for gemrb.ini...[ERROR]
Cannot Load INI
Termination in Progress...
Press enter to continue...


I originally placed it there because:

lepy@eee-ubuntu:/media/flash/gemrb-0.6.2/build$ strace gemrb 2>&1 | grep gemrb.ini
access("/media/flash/wine/games/planescape/cache/gemrb.ini", R_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
access("/usr/local/bin/gemrb/override/pst/gemrb.ini", R_OK) = -1 ENOTDIR (Not a directory)
access("/usr/local/bin/gemrb/override/shared/gemrb.ini", R_OK) = -1 ENOTDIR (Not a directory)
access("/media/flash/wine/games/planescape/override/gemrb.ini", R_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
access("/media/flash/wine/games/planescape/sounds/gemrb.ini", R_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
access("/media/flash/wine/games/planescape/scripts/gemrb.ini", R_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
access("/media/flash/wine/games/planescape/portraits/gemrb.ini", R_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
access("/media/flash/wine/games/planescape/data/gemrb.ini", R_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
access("/media/flash/wine/games/planescape/cd1/data/gemrb.ini", R_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
access("/media/flash/wine/games/planescape/cd2/data/gemrb.ini", R_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
access("/media/flash/wine/games/planescape/CD3/data/gemrb.ini", R_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
access("/media/flash/wine/games/planescape/CD4/data/gemrb.ini", R_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
access("/media/flash/wine/games/planescape/CD5/data/gemrb.ini", R_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
access("/media/flash/wine/games/planescape/CD6/data/gemrb.ini", R_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)


Would this point out pst being installed incorrectly? Thanks for all the help. Hopefully this info is helpful.

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What files are in /usr/local/bin/gemrb/override/pst/ :beer:


That is supposed to be the pst override dir you missed earlier, and it should contain a gemrb.ini


I wonder why it writes: ENOTDIR (Not a directory)

GemRB would never try to open that file as a directory :)


Something is really weird with your compile or the system.

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The ini file is in the override dir:


lepy@eee-ubuntu:~$ ls /usr/local/share/gemrb/override/pst/
abcomm.2da	bios.2da	  firebtbl.pro  item_use.2da  slots.ids	 sparklpu.pro  spklarma.pro
acidblgr.pro  boltex.pro	firestor.pro  itemuse.2da   slottype.2da  sparklre.pro  spklaror.pro
acidblmu.pro  bolt.pro	  fistweap.2da  kitlist.2da   sparbknp.pro  sparklst.pro  spklarpu.pro
acidblob.pro  bulletex.pro  fonts.2da	 lightb.pro	sparbkpa.pro  sparmanp.pro  spklarre.pro
acidbloc.pro  bullet.pro	formatio.2da  lightsto.pro  sparblnp.pro  sparmapa.pro  spklarst.pro
aligns.2da	chromorb.pro  gametime.2da  magicmis.pro  sparblpa.pro  sparornp.pro  spscorch.pro
amiss2.pro	classes.2da   gaze.pro	  modal.2da	 sparchnp.pro  sparorpa.pro  spscoric.pro
amiss.pro	 cloudkil.pro  gemprjtl.ids  mpal256.bmp   sparchpa.pro  sparpunp.pro  start.2da
anims.2da	 cloud.pro	 gemrb.ini	 MPAL256.bmp   spargonp.pro  sparpupa.pro  states.2da
arrowex.pro   clskills.2da  genders.2da   MPALETTE.bmp  spargopa.pro  sparrenp.pro  stone.pro
arrowflb.pro  colrspry.pro  grease.pro	music.2da	 spargrnp.pro  sparrepa.pro  strings.2da
arrowflg.pro  daggerex.pro  guiid.chu	 nbolt.pro	 spargrpa.pro  sparstnp.pro  trapglyp.pro
arrowfli.pro  dagger.pro	guils.chu	 overlay.2da   sparicnp.pro  sparstpa.pro  trapskul.pro
arrowflm.pro  damage.2da	guiw08.chu	pathfind.2da  sparicpa.pro  spearex.pro   weapprof.2da
arrowhvy.pro  dartex.pro	hlymite.pro   pdolls.2da	sparklbk.pro  spear.pro	 web.pro
arrow.pro	 dart.pro	  hold.pro	  races.2da	 sparklbl.pro  spfirebl.pro  wmmos2b.mos
avatars.2da   defsound.2da  icestorm.pro  randitem.2da  sparklch.pro  spklarbk.pro
avprefix.2da  effects.ids   imiss2.pro	rdead.pro	 sparklgo.pro  spklarbl.pro
avslots.2da   efftext.2da   imiss.pro	 rndtreas.2da  sparklgr.pro  spklarch.pro
axeex.pro	 factions.2da  inarea.pro	savegame.2da  sparklic.pro  spklargo.pro
axe.pro	   fireball.pro  itemsnd.2da   script.2da	sparklma.pro  spklargr.pro
baldur.bcs	firebolt.pro  itemtype.2da  sleep.pro	 sparklor.pro  spklaric.pro


However, removing the self-placed data/gemrb.ini just results in an early error of:


[Core]: Initializing Video Driver...[OK]
[Core]: Initializing Search Path...[OK]
[Core]: Initializing KEY Importer...[KEYImporter]: Opening /media/flash/wine/games/planescape/CHITIN.KEY...[OK]
[KEYImporter]: Checking file type...[OK]
[KEYImporter]: Reading Resources...
[KEYImporter]:  BIF Files Count: 372 (Starting at 24 Bytes)
[KEYImporter]:  RES Count: 12135 (Starting at 8759 Bytes)
[KEYImporter]: Resources Loaded...[OK]
[Core]: Reading Game Options...
[ResourceManager]: Searching for gemrb.ini...[ERROR]
Cannot Load INI
Termination in Progress...
Press enter to continue...


I really have no idea as compiling and installing gives no errors. Is PST fully playable under GemRB and Linux. If not, I might as well give up even though I'd really like to use this seemingly awesome program. At this rate, doing a format and installing windows seems like the easier option :beer: , but the promise of this project will keep me going.

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