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NPC's SAY lines in .tp2 when no audio file exists. Omit?


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My modNPC's soundset has no audio files for MORALE, HAPPY, and a few other audio SAY lines. I've commented them out in the .tp2, as I wasn't sure if it's OK to remove those lines, or if some dummy sort of thing is needed. What is customary here?




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Because the NPC will sound one of his selection lines instead.


By [bLANK] I mean your own prefixed empty wav file you provide with the mod; sorry, should have clarified.


That's a problem. I have a prefixed empty .mus file, but the soundset doesn't include an empty .wav. I suppose I'll have to make one?






I copied one from the Angelo mod to Meleryn's audio folder (plays no sound, but it's over 400 Kb, for some reason), and named it EP#Blank.wav. That should do it, right?


- E


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