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This action sets the BeenInParty flag in the CRE file of the active creature. This action also triggers appropriate dialog and script file changes (as referenced in PDIALOG.2da).


ok, I see it - but we universally seem to use things like


/* Standard "you tick me off too much to stick around" state */
IF ~HappinessLT(Myself,-290) ~ THEN BEGIN a20
 SAY ~[ARAN] No contracts wi' you. I have had my fill o' killin' babies an' destroyin' worlds.~ [c-aws083]
 IF ~~ THEN JOURNAL ~Whitehand Withdraws

 Aran Whitehand deserted the party today. I always suspected that he did not have the strength to follow me. If our paths cross again, it is likely that he will become very sorry that he ever showed his face to me.~ + a1648

IF ~~ a1648
 SAY ~[ARAN] Sune's Sweet Buttocks, but you are a pain in my arse.~ [C-ARAN01]
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~ActionOverride("c-aran",SetLeavePartyDialogFile()) ActionOverride("c-aran",ChangeAIScript("",DEFAULT)) ActionOverride("c-aran",LeaveParty()) EscapeAreaDestroy(4)~ EXIT


Is there any reason we have all been using the "long form", and not just doing


/* Standard "you tick me off too much to stick around" state */
IF ~HappinessLT(Myself,-290) ~ THEN BEGIN a20
 SAY ~[ARAN] No contracts wi' you. I have had my fill o' killin' babies an' destroyin' worlds.~ [c-aws083]
 IF ~~ THEN JOURNAL ~Whitehand Withdraws

 Aran Whitehand deserted the party today. I always suspected that he did not have the strength to follow me. If our paths cross again, it is likely that he will become very sorry that he ever showed his face to me.~ + a1648

IF ~~ a1648
 SAY ~[ARAN] Sune's Sweet Buttocks, but you are a pain in my arse.~ [C-ARAN01]
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetBeenInPartyFlags() LeaveParty() EscapeAreaDestroy(4)~ EXIT



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You may want to check that the action works that way (I'm not aware that it does any of that stuff except set a single bit).


BeenInParty is a flag that keeps the engine from swapping between CREs (when somebody normally joins the party, the appropriate NPCLevel entry is chosen and the flag set to never do this again). Aerie is the only one who explicitly does it (and is probably the reason it even exists) because all her base CREs were ogres, so she would have turned back into an ogre if you were a different level when you got her to join the party.

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I'm pretty sure it won't (if it does do anything with PDialog, it may only do it in the case the flag has never been set before, which won't be true for a party member, past or current). But I've been wrong a lot lately, so...

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