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How to Change Kit Name?


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Hello, I'm sure this simple question must have been asked at some point, but after 10 pages of irrelevant search results I figured I'd just ask here. I just need to know which file(s) to edit to change any references (character screen/creation/dialogue/etc.) from Cavalier to Knight.

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you'd have to point the reference to a different/new string. it's not a simple thing like text editing a 2da. throw this into a mod's tp2 and install it:


STRING_SET 25182 ~knight~
STRING_SET 25154 ~Knight~


the description text for the kit will still show cavalier, but you can easily figure out how to change that, too, and probably doesn't matter.

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Thanks for the fast reply, I wasn't expecting to have to use weidu, but it certainly made it much easier and faster (I just installed the terrible samurai kit to speed the process along). I don't really care about the description like you said, but I'll probably look up the reference numbers eventually, since it's so easy to modify.

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Thanks for the fast reply, I wasn't expecting to have to use weidu, but it certainly made it much easier and faster (I just installed the terrible samurai kit to speed the process along). I don't really care about the description like you said, but I'll probably look up the reference numbers eventually, since it's so easy to modify.
Well, you don't have to, you can use the NearInfinity (use the latest that is v1.33 b20, not the ancient v1.32...), where you can make a string search and just replace every reference to the kit name with your own... and the only other reference there is in the unmodified game are the "Fallen Cavalier" in upper an lower cases: Strings; 374 & 367

And the Kit description, string; 25206

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Ah, that's very helpful I was wondering where the 2da files were stored and now I'm able to view and extract anything I need with this handy tool. Thanks very much, in addition to changing the rest of the Cavalier references I decided to change the Paladin spell table a bit (for spells a bit earlier and spells up to level 5) as well as making LoH a bit stronger. I didn't really realize that I'd have to work with WeiDU and NearInfinity for a simple change like this, but I'm glad that you turned me onto them because they're extremely useful. Thanks guys.

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