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[PST] Where are STRREFs stored? (or [BG2] DisplayStringHead() )


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I used the tSeries AI scripts that cirerrek made, but after a while I really wanted to edit them, so I started rewriting them to be more in line with the scripts I'd written for the BG/IWD games.


Anyway cirerrek was nice enough to include FloatMessage(Object,STRREF) at the end of script blocks so that floating text would let the player know when the PC used items or cast spells.


However these are mostly custom strings and I have no idea where they are stored. They are universal so every PC can use the same strings when they use the same spell. Either that or he just duplicated them for all the characters.


The FloatMessage() function works like DisplayStringHead(Object,STRREF) as in BG2 so I'm hoping someone can shed light on this for me.


Thanks in advance.

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