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Advice on kicking Khalid/Minsc out of the party.


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I have another mod that lets me kick a character whom I normally cannot separate from his/her partner. ex. xzar/montaron, Khalid/Jaheira.


I was wondering how many of Jeheira and Dynaheir's dialogue options I'm going to miss if I kick Khalid and Minsc out of the party.


For example, when my char's identity is revealed at the end of BG1, since Jeheira and Khalid have known it all along, they would definitely have something to say. Would Jaheira say nothing at that point if I don't have Khalid in the party, or would I still get a partial dialogue with Jaheira?




And one more question: After beating a game I like to load dlg files with Infexp and read all the dialogue options that I missed. Would anyone please kindly tell me which dlg or tlk files I should look at specifically for NPC Project's party banters(between a NPC and PC banters too if available)? I looked at the list for modders but it only had dialog file names associated with events/locations/ or non-playable NPCs. I don't want to poke in every single file because that will contain bunch of spoilers that I want to avoid.

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You will not lack content, exactly: rather, it will be replaced. That is, if you leave Khalid in a room and take Edwin instead, you'll get Jaheira-Edwin content instead of Jaheira-Khalid. Granted, Jaheira-Khalid and Minsc-Dynaheir pairs have more content, but that much is obvious. In any case, if you're playing the full game, with all quests and expansions, and have the banter accelerator installed, you will run out of banters before the end of the game. So, in the end, it's all about which party combination you want to have.


In your specific case, Jaheira's Bhaal banter will stay, it's just Khalid's interjections will not show. I don't think they knew about PC's heritage, though.

You will not be able to "read" BG1 NPC content, since it's been .traified - dialogue files and .translation lines are in separate files; you can use --untraify command(read weidu readme at weidu.org), or open two files at once(phase1/dlg and tra/english), but it can probe to be too much hassle.

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Thanks, Kulyok! Looks like I have to miss the fun of reading the dialogues until I get used to using weidu.


it's a shame for I greatly enjoyed reading materials from NPC project of IWD and IWD2. at least I no longer feel uncomfortable not having Khalid in my party :p

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Or try DLTCEP ( http://forums.gibberlings3.net/index.php?app=downloads&showcat=8 ) . You can follow dialog within that program. There is also http://infexp.sourceforge.net/ (old but still works). In those programs, you have a dialog "tree" that you can follow. It can be confusing at first, as you will have to look at what conditions the dialog and when you follow the link to the next one choose the pathway forward, but DLTCEP is the best way of reading the game dialog and choices. The best way, though, is that --untriafy command, as then you can read the resulting files with any text editor, and start down the road to modding yourself!

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