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Just a few quick questions (bg2 on Android)


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I'm using the play store version of GemRB which I've assumed up until this point that this is the current version, I downloaded last week and I'm running 7.0.2, Is this the current version or is there a more frequently updated android .apk version available at sourceforge?


Reason I'm asking is I'm still running into the well known trap triggered crash. Not a huge issue as long as I've got a thief running. Another minor thing I noticed was that selected toons will not run "past" other party characters if they are blocking their path, I seem to remember this occurs normally as it happens quite often in narrow corridors.


Finally, and probably my most important question is: How or what do I edit to allow for my in game settings to be saved? Currently, I will change my settings within the game under the gameplay section (difficulty, scroll speed, auto-feedbacks, rest until healed, and most importantly auto pause on trap detection) after I make these changes and go back to the game and then go back to check it shows the settings to still be as I set them. But when I rest I notice that I won't rest until healed so this leads me to believe that even though the settings look to be in place they are being controlled by some other file from gemrb or are just not being saved.


Is there something I'm missing in the gemrb.cfg file to resolve this? I thought it may be my cache folder but when I direct the cache folder option in the .cfg file to the game cache folder I get crashes because of the files stored in there. I'm afraid to delete these files as I don't want to break my game after spending so much time to get it running.



Thanks a ton for the help.

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npc bumping and rest until healed is not implemented yet. It's not as simple as just resting more hours, since the original (at least bg2) also cast any healing spells that were left (maybe even anew, if you slept for more than 8h?).

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Yeah rest until healed isnt a big deal really, I mean I can just rest back to back times, and cast heals. How bout instead of doing rest until healed and auto memming spells, go back to the gold back games method of having to mem. spells manually after each time you cast lol jk.


If I reinstall a newer version of gemrb will it affect my game or will I need to reinstall bg2 from computer again? or will it just replace my gemrb.cfg file back to the sample file?


Thanks for the help.

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If you renamed the file, it can't get overwritten. I doubt the install process would be so dumb to wipe out the whole dir, especially since it was made to just drop gemrb in the same location as the game (or the other way around to be more precise).

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Ok so after updating to the most current version I resolved the trap bug.


Only one minor question left. It seems that nothing that I've tried to tweak in my gemRB.cfg file allows my game to store my prefered gameplay settings. Each time I specify my difficulty level and auto-pause alerts they seem to work fine, but each time I run the game they revert back to something predetermined, how or what do I need to edit to allow for my gameplay changes to be saved upon exiting?


I've set both my cache and save game paths properly in the gemRB.cfg file and it hasn't done anything. I've looked for a file called gem-baldur.ini as I had read somewhere that that is the file that runs my settings but I've been unable to locate that file.

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I'm on version 7.0.2. I uninstalled everything today and I grabbed the most current version from sourceforge this morning. I just installed icewind dale + heart of winter/luremaster on my phone and it seems to be the same issue on iwd as well. Gameplay settings/Auto-pause just don't want to be stored for some reason.

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Ok, I was wrong I do have version 0.7.2. But i'm still not able to find or figure out how to store my settings for when I return.


Here is a trimmed version of my gemrb.cfg file if thats any help to you guys. I'm at a loss to figuring this out. My game works fine its just slightly redudant having to change the settings each time.





GameName=Baldur's Gate 2











# Choices: openal (default), sdlaudio (faster, but limited featureset), none

#AudioDriver = openal


# Volume of ambient sounds

#VolumeAmbients = 100


# Volume during movie playback

#VolumeMovie = 100


# Volume of background music

#VolumeMusic = 100


# Volume of sound effects

#VolumeSFX = 100


# Volume of PC or NPC voices

#VolumeVoices = 100









# Enable all gui enhancements ? [boolean]

GUIEnhancements = 1





# Do not play intro videos [boolean], useful for development




# Draw Frames per Second info [boolean]



# Hide unexplored parts of a map



# Enable debug and cheat keystrokes, see docs/en/CheatKeys.txt

# full listing




















# You shouldn't need to change anything below this point.





















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Yeah I agree, although I'm sure that I'm the one at the source of the confusion. I have icewind dale installed and what's weird is in the icewind.ini file I changed the gameplay settings yet it seemed to be overwritten by something else because when I launched the game the icewind.ini file did not alter gameplay. It's weird.. There's got to be some .ini file controlling the settings somewhere, unless they are hardcoded into my gemrb version.

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Ok, I figured it out I believe. Is there a link or guide to all the options that can be used within the baldur.ini file? specifically the [Game Options]. My baldur.ini file had literally nothing within the game options and I've been slowly adding commands such as Pause on Trap=1, weather=0, etc. But i'm having trouble locating the commands to alter the other auto-pause settings as well as some of the feedback settings.


Thanks for all the input guys, you've all be a great help.

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It is populated some more when you run the config.exe utility that comes with the games. If you're changing values that we care about in it (autopause state, pause on trap) and there is no effect, then gemrb did save successfully it's own version somewhere. It tries the game dir, the save dir, /tmp and then gives up iirc.

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I was having the same problem with gameplay settings not being stored. Looks like gemrb creates a file called gem-baldur.ini on launch (or maybe when it shuts down) that has a bunch of settings all set to values of 0. What I did to work around that is deleted everything from the file, copied the contents of the baldur.ini file from my pc into the gem-baldur.ini file and saved it. After closing the file, right-click it's icon and under properties, make it a read-only file. Presto. Gemrb can't overwrite everything back to 0, and settings are there when you go back to the game. The only problem is it also won't save any changes you make after doing that, so you have to go in and manually change settings in the .ini file.

Hope that helps

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