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Lich carries some kind of hidden spell protection spell


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Alright, tried a few other things in my ongoing quest to debug this:


1. Maybe its a hidden spell? How else can I get rid of all his protection spells without Ctrl+R? Ctrl+T like ten times (advance time by 10 hours), which expires all his spells. Breach still does not work.

2. Maybe Ctrl+R somehow dispels natural immunities granted by his LICH.ITM? So I Ctrl+R and then try Skull Trap and Melf's. Spell ineffective on both. Breach works after Ctrl+R.

3. How did the Glabrezu dispel him? Console 8 million XP for my sorc and level him up to 31, cast Remove Magic. Very strange result:

Shade Lich- Dispel Effects
Shade Lich- Spell Ineffective

4. Maybe he's immune to all Abjuration that isn't anti-magic, including Breach? Tried casting Imprisonment and Protection from the Elements on him. Both work.

5. Looked at LICH.ITM, it looks like the way SCS has made liches immune to all level 5 except Breach is by giving individual immunities to every other Level 5 spell. Well, Breach is not among the immunities.


I'm super freaking stumped man. He has some kind of protection from Breach that does not expire after ten hours, or numerous Spellstrikes, yet is removed with Ctrl+R, whereas his natural immunity to level <5 spells is not.

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Do you have a save file (.SAV) with the lich in question, made after encountering the bug? I should have some time the next week, so I might as well check it up. I assume your current WeiDU.log is under your signature, yes?


PS And does the bug persist after reloading that save?

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