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State of compatibility with BG1UB?


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Good morning,


I'm about to begin a new install of a BGT run; examining the (not always reliable) BWP Install Guide seems to indicate that UB's 'Angelo notices Sharteel' component will cause conflicts with BG1NPC's "Quests and Interjections" component. On the other hand, the Readme for BG1NPC specifically says there was work done to ensure the two mods played well together.


Are there known issues between the two components currently?


[edit] According to this: http://forums.gibberlings3.net/index.php?showtopic=18979


the two are fully compatible apparently? Another case of BWP giving out wrong information?

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I am pretty sure on BGT that if you install BG1NPC first, and the BG1UB, any conflicts will be automatically skipped in favor of the BG1NPC versions. I always install the other way around, with BG1NPC second, and have not had any troubles either, but I am on Tutu.


Ascension64's repairs to BG1UB and the Coran's Wyverns fix duplicated into BG1NPC were the last time anyone rigorously tested the BG1NPC/BG1UB interactions. I don't have any reports that might seem to be linked to the interaction between the two mods.


(To be fair to the BWP, I think the documentation in the readme on this is fuzzy. And in the best of al possible worlds, a wonderful person would strenuously test this in both install orders).

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