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Dialog Freeze


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Why would people have the game freeze after a mod NPC joins? I can't see any problem, but I'm thinking its the journal stuff since everything else looks fine. This is for BG2EE.


The joining part in the dialog file.


 IF ~~ THEN DO ~AddJournalEntry(@5000,QUEST)SetGlobal("TsujathaJoined","LOCALS",1)JoinParty()~


In the TP2 file.


// Add journal entries (BGII:EE)
ADD_JOURNAL @5000 @5001 @5002 @5003 @5004 @5005 @5006 @5007 @5008 @5009 USING ~Tsujatha/%LANGUAGE%/JOURNAL.tra~


In the journal.tra of this specific reference.


@5000 = ~Recover the Riosé Sar for Tsujatha.

Tsujatha Melalor has joined my party. He is in search of a family heirloom, which I have agreed to help him find. Our first lead is to speak to Flan Brel in the Bridge district.~

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