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[BG:EE] Ranged Weapon Fighting Style


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Crazy and absurd idea incoming. Sorry for spamming, but when you see the possibility, you should use it.


As I doubt it that 2-Handed Weapons Fighting Style and 1-handed Weapon Fighting Style actually applies to Ranged weapons, what about adding Ranged Weapons Fighting Style that would grant our beloved archers some kind of benefits. Then, we could actually grant Rangers specialization in this fighting style and say "Yes, now BG Rangers are encouraged to either going full Drizzt or archer" as currently, there is literally nothing in the game that would encourage you to play as ranged Ranger (which is absurd!).

Fighters being able to grab some additional bonuses for ranged combat... could be nice as well.


There are two issues tho. Technical part and bonuses granted.

While I believe adding another proficiency into BG:EE wouldn't be that hard (I've seen some polish hackery on that long time ago already - there are unused slots available, and with 2da tables actually working it could be possible) but I still don't know how one could force this style to work only with ranged weapons.


And what that kind of style could give you. That's a good place to have Armor Class when using Ranged weapons!

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I am working on in my mod which actually ads the following proficiencies:




Light Armor

Medium Armor

Heavy Armor

Ranged Fighting Style


The problem I see is that I have to cannibalize current proficiencies instead of adding new ones. It appears that the GUI just picks up certain proficiencies and a certain number at that (if you go over, it doesn't display). I'd love to hear if anyone has had any luck in modifying that.

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