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Fixpack install fails on BG2EE

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Not 100% certain this is the right place for this, but here goes:


I have a fresh install of BG2EE, updated to the latest version (non-Steam). When I attempt to install the BG2 Fixpack v10, I get the following error:


ERROR locating resource for 'REPLACE_TRIGGER_TEXT'
Resource [GORPEL.DLG] not found in KEY file:
ERROR: preprocessing APPEND_EARLY [bg2fixpack/compile/soa-dlg.d]: Failure("resource [GORPEL.DLG] not found for 'REPLACE_TRIGGER_TEXT'")
Stopping installation because of error.

ERROR Installing [bG2 Fixpack - Core Fixes], rolling back to previous state


Why is it checking for, and then predictably failing to find, dialog files for a BG1 NPC in a BG2 installation? I've even tried manually removing references to Gorpel Hind from soa-dlg.d, but that just led to it failing to find a different (also BG1 only) NPC.


Full Debug Log:



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When you are installing mods to the BG2EE, you actually have to know what the mods about, and as it happens, the BG2EE actually contains large portions of this very fixpack in it, to the haste implementation etc, the BG2 Fixpack is not meant to fix a thing in the BG2EE, but in the regular non-BG2 versions. The list of the mods that are compatible with BG2EE....


Ninjas' about. :/

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The BG2 Fixpack isn't needed for BG2:EE, all the fixes already are in the game.


Except they aren't. *some* of the fixes are included, but not all, and of course none of the optional bits are included (though I can probably get those from elsewhere).


Regardless, that doesn't explain why the install is failing where it is (attempting to read files that shouldn't be there in the first place).


Also doesn't explain why the bg2 fixpack installed fine on my bg:ee install, but I digress.


edit: Nevermind, I'm retarded. I only installed tweaks on bg:ee. I guess I'll do the same here. Still, from what I've read, a lot of the fixes weren't included in bg2:ee proper.

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