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gemrb and Windows RT


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Hello All,


This is going to sound incredibly uninformed.....

I'm having trouble getting the gemrb program to even run on my surface rt tablet.

I brought the whole folder over via usb, I've placed the games files (BG1) in the proper location under gemrb/games.


Whenever I try to initialize the gemrb program (gemrb.exe) I get a wondows error complaining about not being able to verify the digital signature from Microsoft.


I have attempted to disable the digital signature verification using the advance start-up options (going through the bit tracker protection code), however each time the tablet restarts I never get access to the needed customization options.


Has anyone else had an issue initializing the software? I can't even get past first base on this.

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gemrb will work wherever one manages to compile it (x86 and beyond, arm, ppc, maybe risc). Whether you'll have silly permission problems later is not related — that's a platform problem. Winrt works on 7 deviced according to wikipedia, so the reason we're not making builds for it should be clear.

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the process is the same as for x86 and others, but you know, make sure you're on an arm version/hardware at all.

You don't have to be on an ARM platform to compile for the ARM platform. You just have to have a cross compiling environment.

I'm not familiar with setting such a setting up.

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Actually the Surface Pros have intel i5 chips. I'm beggining to wish I just ponied up the money for one, that way I could just run the .exe for any program I wanted.

I'm thinking this is beyond my skill level. I don't have a cross comiling program, and if I did I doubt I would know how to use it.

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