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Difference between banter and joined dialogue files


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Hi guys,


Could someone explain the difference between the banter and dialogue files? like bviconi.d and viconij.d.


I know we call the StartDialogueNoSet (or its variants) to trigger viocnij, and interact() for bviconi.d


What i am unsure is what type of dialogue goes into which one? i can see lovetalks seem to be stored in the banter files for instance, but alot of mods

put it in the joined dialogue files.

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Artificial separation of plot-relevant conversations from random banters. If the latter are stored in another file, the important dialog triggers become slightly easier to manage.


If you're confident you can keep a track of all the dialogue, you can safely put everything into one file - banters, pre-joined, in-party and post-joined lines. I particularly advise to merge the pre-joined and post-joined dialogue if an NPC in question can be involved in plot that doesn't strictly require them to be in party at all time, i.e. if they remain involved even after you kick them out.

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Hi! Welcome to G3. Lots of mods are old. :) Banters should go to the B-file(banter file), because the engine takes random banters out of there. It's best to place everything else to the J-Joined file, and use StartDialogueNoSet. Don't look at what Xan mod does, look at what Branwen mod does.

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