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Various questions on bg2, ToBEx and mechanics


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In no particular order, numbered only for easier reference:
1. Does any mod use LoseGame() from ToBEx? It's part of the component that makes Player1 death non-fatal to the plot.
2. What's a good test case for regeneration not stacking correctly in the original?

3. When starting tob, you get extra gear as per 25stweap.2da. But if you come to tob through soa, you instead get the Seldarine necklace and a different bag of holding (bag19). You're supposed to get a different one depending on your XP, as there are 5 extras (bag19a-bag19e) — does anyone know if this is true and what the thresholds are?
4. Charm and domination don't only disable your characters, but make them attack. Are they assigned a special script for the duration of the effect or is it deeply hardcoded? (look, a use for that dumpscripts ee console command!)
5. Ranged weapons/projectiles with the Use Strenght bit set — does this only affect their damage or also to hit chance?


1) I think so, yes. Try here.

2) Any regeneration items with different timings (Gaxx + Axe of Unyielding is the easiest due to high regen rates) - only highest regen will work if both are equiped

3) -

4) I'd guess hardcoded in opcodes

5) damage only


Thanks. We have no problems with stacked regeneration, so that one's done by default.


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