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IWDEE: Scripting objects


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86 PartySlot1

This object refers to the party member who is currently designated as the party leader i.e. the one whose portrait is in the topmost slot on the right sidebar. This is mostly relevant for IWDEE since Player1 is not necessarily the party leader there.

Sample use:


will start the dialogue with the party leader.


92 Familiar

This object refers to the familiar summoned by a party member. This is mostly relevant for IWDEE since any party member can summon a familiar there.

Sample use:


will return true if the familiar is within the visual range of the creature running the script.


93 FamiliarSummoner

This object refers to the party member who has summoned a familiar. This is mostly relevant for IWDEE since any party member can summon a familiar there.

Sample use:


will return true if the party member who has summoned the familiar is lawful aligned.

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