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Need some predictions...


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imo difficulty was never a problem in BG. just play on normal or easy and if you are bored fighting use ctrl+Y. absolutely no problem in my opinion. in the end its only you and your game, just do whatever you want to do.



but that reminds me the good ol' times when I sacrificed entire weekend (friday evenig, saturday and half the sunday lol) trying to win eclipse party from Sola mod on core difficulty. I just couldn't beat them! wahtever I was doing or trying so hard but in the end it doesn't even matter....... until I realised that the first round is crucial (the fight is actually decided in the first and second round) which means that I must disable the fighters outright, then send Sola to kill true sight on the cleric (with the cleric all right) and thats it - PROFIT!!! I was able to win because I used one totally overlooked and almost forgotten low level spell - teleport field which nobody ever bothered to put in the spellbook, eh? and HAHAHA the spell is actually buggy, in the original game description says the spell does allow a save but in fact no! there's no save mister Potter kensai sir no more dances for you....well, my char was a halfling multi fighter/thief named Zgredek LOL


and then using the same tactic I managed to win this abomination of a fight on insane. and realised that the difficulty dosen't really matter. ;P

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