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Changing NPC class


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Okay, so I guess level 1 NPCs for EE will never come.

Gotta do it myself then.


I can extract the file through NearInfinity and mod it, I suppose? Changing stuff like class, proficiencies, attributes.


The question is, which one? Let's take Imoen for example. I want to make her a bard. So I open up Nearinfinity aaaand... there's four Imoen CRE files that look identical.


Whcih one to mod?


Would putting the modded file in override folder be enough to make it work?



Yes I'm aware you can just shadowkeep it, but to me it just ruins the immersion.

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Some of the .cre files are for joinable NPCs (a different file goes into the game depending on your XP when you meet the NPC). Some of the .cre files are for interactions when the NPC is non-joinable, like when you briefly chat with Imoen before leaving Candlekeep.


You do *not* want to mess with the latter files!


Really, the best way to do this is with ShadowKeeper. Alternatively, you could automate it in a Weidu mod, it just wouldn't be as flexible as L1NPCs. I'm working on such a mod right now, as a matter of fact:



Imoen the bard? I like the idea. (Though, it would force you to really lean on Montaron in the early game.) Feel free to suggest that and anything else over in that thread, I'll add it to the mod!

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Meaning, @czacki, that you want to edit the .cre files in that list, and you don't want to touch the files not in that list.


Also, if you want to edit Imoen, make sure you do so before you leave Candlekeep. I think once you enter the map where she spawns, she would now be in your save file and you would need to edit the .cre file there instead.

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Thanks for the tips.


I'm asking cause I really like custom parties, but playing custom-made chars via multiplayer isn't as fun as playing with NPCs, as they have banters, voice acting and quests. I used to mod them to fit my needs, but with Miloch not updating the level 1 npc mod, I can't do that in EE the usual way.


Some of the most funny playthroughs I did included PC, Imoen, Monty, Xar, Xan and Tiax, all as Jesters. Unleash the x6 jester song!

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