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Jaheira's Quest: Killing Shadow Druids and Reputation


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Usually it's a tag on the character file stating it's an "INNOCENT" which makes sense for commoners or nobles or children. For shadow druids I agree it does not seem to make much sense.

And yes, in BGT at least Laskal is tagged as "INNOCENT" (it's an original game cre). In BG:EE, this is fixed and he is changed to "DRUID".

The mod cre for Andarthe (x#andart.cre) is correctly tagged as "DRUID", though, and shouldn't give a rep loss when killed? Could it be that the second rep loss was due to some other druid, maybe?

And you are playing on BGT, I assume?


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I'm just playing on BG:EE, no SoD, SoA, or ToB.

For Laskal, I Charmed him and then he turned hostile during the fight with Izefia (this may or may not have anything to do with the mod).

For Andarthe, it's definitely him because I went back and refought it, accepting his surrender, and didn't get the rep hit.

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Weird. I just checked Laskal on BG:EE 2.5 and the cre is not tagged as "INNOCENT", and I checked the x#andart.cre in bg1npc for v24 and 23.3. Maybe something else is happening here? 🤔

Which version of BG1NPC are you playing? You can see the number either at the "VERSION" tag in the bg1npc.tp2 inside the mod folder or in your weidu.log.

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In my unmodded BG:EE Laskal is not "innocent".

You could do a changelog on the laskal.cre but that's something I've never done myself.

If you look at the mods' backup folders. Is there a laskal.cre in one of them? Then this mod made changes to the cre.


For the cre for Andarthe you could check the same: if he is tagged as " innocent" in your game then another mod made changes to it. EDIT: it's the "class" field of the cre.

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